Scholarly Activities

2024-2025 Scholarly Activities Dates and Deadlines

Date/Time/LOCATION Description note(s)

Nov. 13, 2024 (Wed), noon-5 p.m. &

Nov. 14, 2024 (Thurs), 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Morris Conference Center

Life of the Mind Showcase Annual celebration of faculty and staff research and scholarly/creative activity, teaching, service and varied integrated contributions made by our faculty to the intellectual life of the campus community and beyond
April 16, 2025 (Wed), 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Hunt Union Ballroom
Student Research & Creative Activity Day The annual SRCA Showcase of student research and creative work provides the opportunity for students to take part in supportive, academic conference-style presentation sessions and for the campus and community to learn about our students’ research projects and scholarly/creative work.

Faculty Development & Scholarly Activities Funding Opportunities

View listing of support programs

Open Access & Scholarly Communication Resources

How to access and share research
Scholarly Communication Services @ SUNY Oneonta

Community of Scholars

The Community of Scholars (COS) honors faculty research and other scholarly/creative work, recognizing publications (books, book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles and creative/other published works), professional contributions to the arts, and external grant awards.

News & Events: SUNY Oneonta Celebrates Its Community of Teacher Scholars

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program competition for 2023-24 has passed. The deadline to apply was September 15, 2022.

Visit the Catalog of Awards for details of over 400 awards offered across 130 countries. Please note that U.S. citizenship is required.

Join a webinar to learn more about Fulbright opportunities around the world. All webinars are recorded and archived on the Fulbright website. To view upcoming and archived webinars, visit Webinar Schedule.

Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Diversity and Inclusion Leave Program

A Grant Program of the NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees (JLMC). View information on JLMC grant programs.

The application deadline (for Spring 2025 leave) is October 15, 2024.


The Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program enhances employment opportunities for Academics and Professionals who are preparing for permanent or continuing appointment with preference given to minorities, women, and employees with disabilities or with military status. The Affirmative Action/Diversity Committee seeks to promote a broad diversity of award recipients.

Funding Breakdown

A Drescher award AND campus funds support such costs as:

  • Salary for the applicant during the leave + full cost of fringe benefits (campus = 100%)
  • Salary for a replacement (campus = 20% salary + full cost of fringe benefits / Drescher = 80% salary) during the proposed leave
  • Other expenses for projects or activities related to scholarship and mastery of specialization (campus = 20% / Drescher = 80%)


  • Full-time, term employees who are in a position eligible for continuing appointment (academic employees) or permanent appointment (professional employees) and have at least a one-term renewal, or prior service credit.
  • A campus endorsement for a full-time leave.
  • A campus financial contribution of a minimum of 20% of the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave and a minimum of 20% of the total project or activity expenses.
  • An acknowledgement from the applicant of an obligation to return to the campus for a minimum of one year at the conclusion of the leave unless this obligation is waived by the campus president or designee.
  • A project or activity proposed for a leave must:
    • Assist in meeting one or more criteria established in Article XII, Evaluation and Promotion of Academic and Professional Employees, of the Policies of the SUNY Board of Trustees.
    • Require full-time leave from professional obligations for at least one semester and a maximum of one year, including but not limited to a summer.
    • Be completed prior to being reviewed for permanent or continuing appointment.
    • Include a detailed timeline with dates for completing various phases of the project or activity.

Types of Projects

Consideration will be given to areas of Scholarship and Mastery of Specialization including, but not limited to, the following projects or activities:

  • Pure, applied and historical research.
  • Preparation of manuscripts or other materials for publication.
  • Invention or innovation in professional, scientific or technical areas.
  • Grant proposal development.
  • Course work not covered by Article 46 Program for Tuition Assistance, of the NYS/UUP Agreement, or a SUNY tuition waiver.

Application Deadline

For a Spring 2025 Semester leave – October 15, 2024

The above deadline was when the final application, including confirmation of campus financial contribution and signed endorsements from campus officials (UUP/administration), must've be sent to the Joint Labor-Management Committee.

Applicants should start planning well in advance of application deadlines – NOW! Because a campus commitment and signed endorsements from various campus officials are required, all applications must be coordinated through the Grants Development Office (GDO). GDO staff will help facilitate confirmation of the required support and endorsements; and assist with other components of the application. Consultation MUST take place with campus and UUP representatives at least several weeks in advance of submission to ensure campus and local UUP support. Email Audrey Porsche (x2890) for an appointment.

Application Details

Grant Opportunities link: Choose Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Diversity and Inclusion Leave Program.

Guidelines: Download and read thoroughly and carefully!

Application: Download and save to your files before filling it out. (Be sure to save the fillable version.)

Part A: Applicant Information

Fill out the required information about yourself including a short (750 character max) description of why you qualify for the program.

Part B: Proposal Information

  • Enter the dates of your proposed project and the title. Attach a description of your project/activity.
  • Appointment Dates: Academics use the Continuing Appointment field and Professionals use the Permanent Appointment field. The “Date of submission of tenure review file” is either the date an Academic’s file for Continuing Appointment will be submitted to the departmental committee or the date a Professional’s supervisor will make a recommendation on Permanent Appointment. (If you do not know the date of submission, you can obtain that information from your department chair, dean or Provost Office.)

Part C: Budget Summary

  • Enter the semester start and end dates for the proposed project or activity. If you are applying for a multi-semester project or activity, you must submit a separate Budget Summary for each semester.
  • Expenditures:
    • Travel and Related Expenses: A separate entry must be made for each trip.
    • Tuition (at SUNY rate): Expenses must be at or below the SUNY rate for the type of course [undergraduate or graduate courses will be reimbursed at the applicable SUNY rates].
    • Registration Fees: Specify the conference, seminar, or workshop.
    • Replacement Salary: This is the cost to have someone replace you (without fringe).
    • Other Expenses: In the justification of other sources and expenses box, describe and specify any other expected expenses for which funding is requested.

Part D: Required Attachments (be sure to put a check mark in each box on the application form)

  • A description of the proposed/activity’s job relatedness and how it may assist in achieving continuing or permanent appointment.
  • A detailed timeline proposed under Eligibility.
  • Copies of all appointment letters (initial, renewal, and current). If unavailable, a letter from the administration certifying the titles and effective dates of all letters listed above will be accepted.
  • A signed certification from the campus president or designee attesting that the employee qualifies for preference to be given to employees who demonstrate they are underrepresented in their department, unit, program, or school on the basis of their protected class status including but not limited to age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, military or veteran status, disability, gender expression, and gender identity.
  • A letter of endorsement for full-time leave from the campus president or designee.
  • A letter of endorsement from the department or program dean, chair, director or supervisor.
  • A letter of endorsement from the UUP chapter president.
  • A letter from the campus president or designee indicating the campus's financial contribution of a minimum of 40% of the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave and a minimum of 40% of the total project or activity expenses.
  • A financial statement from the campus fiscal officer indicating the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave.
  • An acknowledgement from the applicant of an obligation to return to the campus for a minimum of one year at the conclusion of the leave.
  • Curriculum vitae (no more than three pages).

Application Process

  • Contact the Faculty Center several weeks in advance of the deadline (Audrey Porsche x2890). SPO staff will assist with budget development, application form and attachment preparation, and securing campus commitments and endorsements.
  • Print the PDF application form, sign, and obtain the other required signatures: campus president (Dr. Alberto Cardelle) or designee, and the UUP chapter president (Dr. Robert Compton); GDO staff will help facilitate this requirement.
  • Compile all required documents and send the completed application (including all required attachments) to the JLMC staff (

Review / Award / Evaluation

  • The decision to fund an application is at the discretion of the NYS/UUP JLMC (Affirmative Action/Diversity Committee).
  • If funded, a program evaluation must be submitted within 30 days of completing the project or activity. Failure to submit a timely Program Evaluation may result in your being ineligible for future funding from NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committee programs.

Questions? Contact the Faculty Center: Audrey Porsche (x2890)

2022 Spencer Foundation Field Initiated Research Grant Programs application deadlines announced.

The goal of Spencer Foundation research grants is “to support rigorous, intellectually ambition and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.”

Vision Grants : Funds the collaborative planning of innovative, methodologically diverse, interdisciplinary research on education that contributes to transforming education systems for equity. Vision Grants are research planning grants to bring together a team, for 6 to 12 months, to collaboratively develop ambitious, large-scale research projects focused on transforming educational systems toward greater equity. $75,000 award.

Intent to Apply deadline: August 15, 2023 (12:00 noon CDT)

Full Proposal deadline: September 14, 2023 (12:00 noon CDT)

Small Research Grants Program: The Small Research Grants Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years.

Application open: June 1, 2023; Full proposal deadline August 9, 2023

If you are interested in learning more about or applying for these grant programs, contact Audrey Porsche in the Faculty Center for more information.

The IUSE: EDU is a core NSF STEM education program that seeks to promote novel, creative, and transformative approaches to generating and using new knowledge about STEM teaching and learning to improve STEM education for undergraduate students. IUSE:EDU supports projects that seek to bring recent advances in STEM knowledge into undergraduate education, that adapt, improve, and incorporate evidence-based practices into STEM teaching and learning, and that lay the groundwork for institutional improvement in STEM education. The program also encourages replication of research studies at different types of institutions and with different student bodies to produce deeper knowledge about the effectiveness and transferability of findings.

IUSE: EDU also seeks to support projects that have high potential for broader societal impacts, including improved diversity of students and instructors participating in STEM education, professional development for instructors to ensure adoption of new and effective pedagogical techniques that meet student needs, and projects that promote institutional partnerships for collaborative research and development. IUSE: EHR especially welcomes proposals that will pair well with the efforts of NSF INCLUDES to develop STEM talent from all sectors and groups in our society.

The IUSE: EDU program has two tracks: (1) Engaged Student Learning and (2) Institutional and Community Transformation. Several levels of scope, scale, and funding are available within each track, as summarized in Table 1.

Table 1: Overview of Engaged Student Learning and Institutional and Community Transformation tracks, levels, and deadlines




Engaged Student Learning

Level 1: up to $400,000 for up to three years

January 18, 2023

3rd Wednesday in January thereafter

Level 2: $400,001 - $750,000 for up to three years

July 19, 2023

3rd Wednesday in July thereafter

Level 3: $750,001 - $2 million for up to five years

July 19, 2023

3rd Wednesday in July thereafter

Institutional and Community Transformation

Capacity-Building: $200K (single institution) or $400K (multiple institutions) for up to two years

January 18, 2023

3rd Wednesday in January thereafter

Level 1: up to $400,000 for up to three years

January 18, 2023

3rd Wednesday in January thereafter

Level 2: $400,001 - $2 million for up to five years

July 19, 2023

3rd Wednesday in July thereafter

Round Nine (2020) Request for Proposals “Scaling Innovation at SUNY ”

IITG funds encourage SUNY faculty and staff to extend beyond departmental and campus boundaries to pilot, share and “scale up” innovations that transform and impact teaching and learning practices. This RFP seeks project ideas that will build upon previous IITG project outcomes and have the potential to leverage technology to improve student learning, success and program completion throughout SUNY. Proposals were due February 23, 2020 at 11:59 pm.

Types of Applications and Funding Levels

Applicants are strongly encouraged to select the funding tier that best suits the project. Please do not submit duplicate or similar projects at multiple funding tiers:

§ Tier 1 – Up to $10,000 for small, proof-of-concept projects. Campus or external in-kind budget resources are encouraged, but not required.

§ Tier 2 – Up to $20,000 to develop and/or pilot proof-of-concept projects. 25% of the requested project funds must be matched by the campus or an external partner through in-kind resources. Interdepartmental or cross-campus collaborations are strongly encouraged, but not required.

§ Tier 3 -- Up to $60,000 to develop and/or pilot proof-of-concept projects. 50% of the requested project funds must be matched by the campus or a partner through in-kind resources. Proposals that do not include a cross-campus/multi-campus collaboration at this level are rarely funded.

Eligible Expense Guidelines

Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend an IITG webinar, review FAQ Budget Questions, and Application and Program Support resources. Applications that do not follow the guidelines are marked down during the evaluation phases.

IITG is funded by University Wide (taxpayer) funds. This initiative is NOT connected to the Research Foundation, and must follow all campus based guidelines for state fund expenditures, including fiscal year (June 30, 2021) deadlines. Unexpended funds will not be available after the deadline!

IITG does not directly support technology infrastructure. Proposals that appear to seek expenditures on technology for the sake of bolstering campus infrastructure will not be eligible for funds (e.g., furniture or technology to support a classroom, or a cart of mobile devices). However, if the technology is critical to pedagogical solutions and learning outcomes under exploration (e.g., piloting a newly developed discipline-based application technology), that cost is eligible.

If a campus invests in a new technology (e.g., use in classroom or classrooms, or licensing that covers users beyond a pilot investigation), that investment can count as campus matching funds in the project budget.

Time and campus resources (faculty, staff, and student) in support of a project (to the exclusion of normal activities) are eligible as part of the campus match, including summer release time. Extra service funds are eligible, but a strong case for such should be described in the budget narrative. [1]

IITG funds used to support participant incentives, refreshments for meetings and seminars are eligible under strict state guidelines. Campus policies must be followed. It is recommended that applicants investigate campus policies prior to budgeting these types of activities.

IITG does not fund projects that are primarily focused on normal departmental curricular/disciplinary course (re)design. IITG may be used to support curricular/disciplinary projects with “technology in service of pedagogy” as a primary objective (e.g., development or pilot of a technology application that improves a curricular or disciplinary process).

Proposal Evaluation

Note: All SUNY Faculty and Staff are invited to serve as IITG reviewers. Information about how to apply as a reviewer is posted on the IITG website.

Each proposal will be evaluated in three stages:

  1. Projects are blind peer-reviewed from a rubric mirroring the RFP. Reviewers have access to the complete proposal as submitted, but all reviewer identity and scores are blind. Peer review scores and comments are ranked and compiled.
  2. The compiled files are forwarded to the Innovative Instruction Research Council (IIRC) and SUNY Provost staff for funding recommendations aligned to SUNY priorities as described in this RFP.
  3. The SUNY Provost makes final funding decisions within available resources.

The IIRC uses the following rubric to evaluate peer ranked proposals for evidence of:

§ Innovation defined in one of four ways;

  • Basic innovation - smaller, low-stakes projects that seek to test ideas in single courses or programs. (Most likely IITG Tier One)
  • Sustaining innovation - well-defined but somewhat new educational approaches that may merit widespread adoption. (Typically Tier Two or Three)
  • Breakthrough innovation - projects that seek new solutions to well understood and pervasive educational challenges. (Typically Tier Two and Three)
  • Disruptive innovation - projects that seek to employ creative solutions to the most intractable and hard to address educational challenges. (All Tiers depending on scale)

§ Alignment with one or more SUNY strategic objectives;

  • Improve student learning, student success, & program completion
  • Build competencies and support post traditional and adult learners – particularly those seeking to reinvent their academic or career trajectory
  • Support modular courses or pathways that are highly transferable and “stackable” into micro-credentials, certificates or degrees
  • Address needs identified by recent FACT2 task groups on educational transformation, online pedagogy, adaptive learning, open pedagogy, micro-credentialing, mixed realities, students with special needs, learning environments, and virtual and alternative labs;
  • Address one or more of the four themes in Chancellor Kristina Johnson’s 2018 State of the University (SOU) address: Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Individualized Education; Sustainability; and Partnerships. (Please note this RFP pre-dates the Chancellor’s 2020 SOU which may further articulate and guide SUNY strategic objectives.)

§ Overall quality;

  • Clear project description and vision
  • Feasibility (project timeline and budget)
  • Assessment Plan (how the project goals and outcomes will be assessed, measured and reported)
  • Collaboration (if relevant to the project)

§ Clear justification for the proposed funding tier (NOTE: IF seeking a renewal, the narrative must describe progress to date, how funds will extend the progress, and how the project will be sustained absent IITG funds in the future);

§ Strong potential to scale from a small scale IITG effort into a larger campus or sector opportunity through external funding;

§ How well the proposed innovation, practice or method can be shared, adopted and replicated either within a particular discipline, or across disciplines; or within an existing or newly proposed community of practice;

§ Campus support and appropriate levels of in-kind support to ensure successful project completion.

Project Requirements and Limitations

All campus-based SUNY faculty, staff and administrators (including community colleges) are encouraged to respond to this RFP within the following guidelines:

§ IITG seed grants are limited to two rounds of funding per project. As with all previous grant rounds, projects receiving IITG funds must select a Creative Commons license when submitting final outcomes. This program may not be suitable for projects with commercial licensing value. It is acceptable to collaborate with a commercial partner so long as the final project outcomes have a Creative Commons license. Specific issues can be addressed on a case by case basis.

§ Findings are required to be shared at the annual SUNY CIT conference in a format of choice, the IITG website, and any relevant discipline-based communities of practice.

§ Projects that may impact campus IT infrastructure (e.g., cloud based operations, network security, etc.) should be reviewed by appropriate technical support staff. If relevant, a letter of support from a campus technology leader is encouraged.

§ All local campus policies and procedures must be followed for appropriate use of State funds.

§ If necessary, research related projects intended for later publication should consult with campus based IRB resources as soon as practical.

§ Any campus submitting a proposal(s) must have a minimum of one campus FACT2 representative actively participating in FACT2 webinars, and communicating and distributing SUNY information and activities throughout their home campus.

Program Resources and Information

The Innovative Instruction Research Council (IIRC) urges applicants to review Exemplars of Past Projects that illustrate either direct transformational impact or have strong potential for large scale collaborations.

Application information is available and regularly updated. Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend an orientation webinar (Friday, January 17th) followed by a Q&A session (Thursday, February 6th). Registration for both webinars is available.

Awards will be announced prior to the 2020 SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT) at SUNY Oswego to enable principal investigators time for project planning prior to the start of the summer months. Any project expenditures incurred prior to funds distribution must be supported by the campus (but can be made whole through a later journal transfer once University wide funds are in place).

Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to the IITG Project Team at:

[1] Please refer to IITG FAQ for details, but in general, budgeting the true cost value of campus services, such as video production, student labor, and a portion of faculty/staff time dedicated exclusively to the project, is acceptable. All project applications MUST use the IITG budget template provided.


Audrey Porsche
Associate Director for Scholarly Activities, Faculty Center
128C Hunt Union (Experiential Learning Center)

External Grants Submission / Administration & Research Compliance Support

Barbara Hein
Sr. Grant Writer
29 Bacon Hall, Office of Research, Grants, and Contracts

Pamela Dubitsky
Director, Research, Grants and Contracts
21 Bacon Hall, Office of Research, Grants, and Contracts

Grant Seeking Information

External Grant Development Pre-Screening Process – View the information/procedures on the approval process to proceed with development of external grants. The appropriate advance approval to proceed with an external grant application is necessary to ensure the endorsement of the university and confirmation of any required cost share or other commitment of campus resources. This process will prevent time and effort dedicated to developing grant applications that cannot be submitted by the institution on behalf of the applicant(s), or that may not be accepted if a grant is awarded without prior appropriate pre-screening.

External Grant Pre-Screening Intake Form