Human Ecology Scholarships

Sextilla Dunker and Francis K. Todd Scholarships

These scholarships are given to the department in memory of Sextilla Dunker and Francis K. Todd, who did outstanding work for the New York State Federation of Home Bureaus. These scholarships are awarded to two upperclassmen majoring in one of the Human Ecology programs at SUNY Oneonta. These students must show exceptional promise as leaders in the profession. Recipients must be residents of one of the counties in the Bureau. While the department collects application information, the final selection is made by a selection committee appointed by the Bureau. The amount the scholarships may vary, but range from $400 - $600 annually.

Oneida County Scholarship

This scholarship is available to a resident of Oneida County who is majoring in one of the programs in Human Ecology at S.U.N.Y. Oneonta. Preferences are given to upper-classmen with outstanding academic records, who participate in department activities and organizations and show leadership potential. The amount of the scholarship varies, but this year is $300.

The Human Ecology Scholarship

This scholarship was endowed with gifts from retired and current faculty members and memorials. It is awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior with a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 majoring in one of the Human Ecology programs. The student must take an active role in department activities and student organizations and display leadership potential. The student must attend Oneonta during the awarded scholarship year. The scholarship is approximately $1,000 per year.

The Tobey Scholarship

Any Human Ecology major may apply. Students must show financial need, extracurricular activities and leadership experience. A GPA and academic performance will be taken into consideration. This scholarship is approximately $1,000 per year.

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