Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Clubs & Activities

Zeta Rho Chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE)

Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE) is a national honor society established to recognize students that hold scholarship and professionalism in the Earth Sciences. The Zeta Rho Chapter of SGE at SUNY Oneonta is one of 13 chapters within New York. Our chapter helps out with departmental events, like Majors’ Night and the end of the year picnic. We also hold a Seminar Night once per semester, when students present their own research or talk about the latest hurricane. Being a part of SGE is a great opportunity to bring students together from all majors in the department to learn about their field of study.

National Organization Page

Meteorology Club

The mission of the Meteorology Club is to bring together members of the student community who are interested in atmospheric science, or who are enrolled in the major. The club sponsors multiple field trips each year, including our annual attendance at the Northeastern Storm Conference in Saratoga Springs, NY. We also represent the local student chapter of the American Meteorological Society. We serve as an interest group for weather, a tutorial group for our rigorous math and science requirements, and a source of information for meteorology student opportunities.

Geology Club

The purpose of the geology club is to offer all interested students the opportunity to become better informed in Geology and the Earth Sciences through activities such as, geologic field trips of both long and short duration, guest speakers, discussion periods, accumulating club collections, informal presentations by student members and faculty, and other activities.

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