Theatre Department Facilities and Support Spaces

Dressing Rooms

Located in the basement and connected to the costume shop are the men’s and women’s dressing rooms. Each dressing room is equipped with lockers, garment racks, mirrors, restrooms, and showers. Across the hall is a large make-up room with 22 lit mirror stations and a hair-washing sink.

In the makeup room and the basement hallway are TV monitors connected to cameras in each theater. A stairwell at the end of the hall provides quick access to the theaters. A freight elevator between the basement and scene shop allows for easy transport of show costumes from the loading dock to dressing rooms. There are no private, star dressing rooms available in the facility.

Theatre Support Spaces

Green Room

The main green room is located between the Hamblin Theater and the scene shop and is easily accessible from either theater. The green room is equipped with couches, a microwave, mini refrigerator and a TV monitor. An additional TV monitor and couches are available in the hallway just outside the green room, at the top of the stairs from the dressing rooms.

Green Room

Front of House

Box office and concession booths are located in the theater lobby. Tickets for season shows are only sold at the box office booth starting 1 hour before a scheduled performance. The area of the lobby outside the box office is commonly known as “the bridge” and is a popular place for students to hang out between classes.

Box Office

Scene Shop

The scene shop is equipped with a variety of movable work benches, saws, a tool storage cage, and paint area. Lumber racks adjacent to the loading dock allow for easy unloading of construction materials. The loading dock area can accommodate a 26' box truck or, if necessary, a full-length tractor trailer. A freight elevator connected to the shop allows for easy transport of materials to and from the basement costume shop and storage areas.

The scene shop is directly connected to both theaters allowing construction of scenery to begin in the shop and be easily continued in either theater. During shows, large sound-resistant blast doors may be closed between the shop and the theaters.

Theatre Department scene shop
Theatre Department scene shop
Theatre Department scene shop

Costume Shop

The costume shop, located in the basement beneath the scene shop, is equipped with an office, laundry room, numerous sewing stations, cork top cutting tables, an ironing area, stainless steel dye vat, and a fitting area. The costume shop is conveniently connected to both the men’s and women’s dressing rooms and is located across the hall from the make-up room and costuming storage areas.

Cutting, dye and sewing facilities in the SUNY Oneonta Costume Shop