Theatre Department Facilities

Fly Rail in the Goodrich Theatre at SUNY Oneonta
Goodrich Theatre Fly Rail

The Theatre Department facilities include the Goodrich Theater, Hamblin Theater, and various support spaces, studios, classrooms, and faculty offices. The theaters are available for use by campus and community groups when the department's production schedule allows. For current information about the status and availability of the theaters contact the Theatre Department's technical office.

Goodrich Theater

The Goodrich Theater is a proscenium-style theater equipped with a manual counterweight rigging system, hydraulic orchestra pit lift, and removable stage traps. Elevated areas in the Goodrich Theater are equipped with fall arrest systems to protect facility users; training on these systems is provided by the Theatre Department's technical staff.

  • Seats: 487
  • Seating Layout: Continental
  • Proscenium opening: 20'x47'
  • Plaster line to US wall: 37'
  • Plaster line to apron edge (on CL): 12'-4"
  • Counterweight line sets: 34
  • Maximum batten height: 57'-6"
  • Stage traps: 9
  • Lighting circuits: 192 Dimming, 12 Relay
Goodrich Theater Proscenium
Looking through the proscenium opening of Goodrich Theater
Goodrich Theater Seating
Continental seating in the Goodrich Theater accommodates an audience of 487

Hamblin Theater

The Hamblin Theater is a flexible black box space with a dead-hung pipe grid and a modular, removable balcony. The staging and seating in this theater are changed on an annual basis to provide students opportunities to work in a variety of non-traditional configurations. There being no above-grid catwalks, access to the grid is achieved using ladders and an electric scissor lift. Training on use of the scissor lift is provided by the Theatre Department's technical staff.

  • Seats: Approximately 100 (Varies with configuration)
  • Room dimensions: 44'x53'
  • Stage floor to pipe grid: 17'
  • Lighting circuits: 102
Hamblin Theater
Hamblin Theater in a "V" seating configuration, one of many possible configurations