Financial Aid Refunds

Students who qualify for a financial aid refund and have fully registered, cleared their semester bill, and completed all financial aid requirements will receive refunds as SUNY Oneonta receives aid payments on their behalf. Refunds generally begin on or before the first day of the semester.

SUNY Oneonta delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. This partnership allows students to choose from two refund selection preferences but does not impact eligibility for financial aid, the timing of financial aid disbursements to SUNY Oneonta, or the amount of the refund.

Parent Plus refund checks are mailed to the permanent address of the parent and are not managed through BankMobile Disbursements.

Individual financial aid items are paid to SUNY Oneonta at different times. Therefore, the total refund may not be paid in one transaction; more than one refund may be issued based on the payment date of each aid item.

To provide SUNY Oneonta with a local address, visit Oneonta Web Services and select personal information. To update your permanent address, contact the Registrar’s Office.

View our third-party servicer contract for refund management.