Billing & Payments

Billing & Payments

Spring 2025 Billing

Spring 2025 semester bills are available online. The Spring bill is due on Tuesday, January 21.

Many answers to billing questions may be found on the commonly asked questions page.

Oneonta Installment Payment Plan

SUNY Oneonta offers an in-house payment plan for students and families who prefer not to pay in full on the semester due date. Note: This pertains to the calculated Amount Due on the initial semester bill, the out-of-pocket cost. Payment for deferred financial aid and other credits is not required by the initial due date.

We strongly encourage families to take advantage of the low-cost payment plan, which offers three installments per semester for a one-time fee of $22.50. This will allow you to make payments, by check or credit card (with no service fee) and will better align your payment amounts with real-time account balance information.

Spring 2025 Plan due dates are January 21, February 21, and March 21.

There is no prior enrollment required; you may simply choose this option when clearing your bill.

Online Web Payments

Online payments are accepted for current semester bills and housing and tuition deposits for newly accepted and returning students. Go to myOneonta

Returning and newly accepted students can make a payment on your current semester bill by looking in the left-hand column and clicking "Student Bill".

For newly accepted student payments on housing and tuition deposits click on Admissions, after entering your ID# and PIN choose Admissions Deposit Form.

  • Your student username and password are required.
  • Discover, VISA, Mastercard and American Express accepted.
  • View our Privacy Policy.
  • If a financial hold has been place on your account, it will be removed within 24 hours of payment in full.
  • **If you have received a private scholarship and it does not appear on your bill as a deferrable item, please mail your bill, scholarship check and letter to the Student Accounts Office for processing instead of processing your bill on the web.**

International Payments

The Office of Student Accounts has partnered with flywire to provide an easy way to make international payments. flywire guarantees the lowest exchange rate and students can keep track of their payments as they are delivered to SUNY Oneonta. Click below to make your payment.