Africana and Latinx Studies Resources


Teacher Tools: Lessons, Activities & Information for Teaching Black History
(Special thanks to Beth Parsons' 3rd-grade class at Monument Charter School for bringing this resource to our attention!)

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

Black Arts Research Center

This web site was rated among the top humanities websites by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Founded in 1989, the Black Arts Research Center is an archival resource center dedicated to the documentation, preservation and dissemination of the African cultural legacy. Resources include some 2300 recordings, cassettes and videotapes, 1300 books and journals, 500 clippings files and a bibliographic database with more than 50,000 entries--one of the richest resources on the Black presence in the performing arts.

Center for African and African American Research

Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture

Electronic Journals and Newspapers on Africa:
Gateway to African American History
Encyclopedia Britannica Guide to Black History
The Signifyin' Monkey


African Bibliographies

African Union

African Union Civil Society Division

Africultures web site

Africultures is a paperback journal and can be collected to form a reference library.

Journey with CARE to Mali

CARE has worked in Mali since 1975 providing drought and famine relief during the 1980s as well as food-for-work, health education, sustainable agriculture family planning, and child health programming.

African News Online

Welcome to Africa News on the World Wide Web — Here you will find news from more than 60 different sources, including 40 top African news organizations. The site is managed by Africa News Service, a non-profit agency which has been a leading source of professional reporting on Africa in the United States for 25 years.

Central African News

Economic Community of West African States (Library of Congress@Nairobi)

Southern African Development Community

Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden

Northwestern Library

Toyin Falola
This website is about the universe of Africa and Toyin Falola's place in it: the projection of a continent; the celebration of a community of ideas; service to people; and the various definitions of our shared future.

Columbia University - Area Studies AFRICAN STUDIES

The Paperboy

There Are 3821 Newspapers From 133 Countries to Choose From Today!
Local and Foreign Newspapers.

Here at we have a simple philosophy that gives us a complex mission. Our prime directive is to bring together authoritative information about the whole world of Africa and her Diaspora in as entertaining a way as we can. And so you'll find here new material every day: news and comment from Africa, the Americas and around the world about the lives, experiences and needs of black people.


Association for Joteria Arts, Activism and Scholarship

Chicana and Chicano Studies Department UCSB

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute

CUNY Dominican Studies Institute

National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies

National Council for La Raza

National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators

Latin American and Caribbean

AfroCuba Web

"Many people don't know that an estimated 70% of Cubans have African ancestors..."
Today the island contains priceless survivals of African cultures - Yoruba, Congo, Old Dahomey, and the Efik/Efo from the Cross River Delta (Nigeria), giving birth to Abakwa and Brikamo. In addition, Cuba hosts a number of communities from the diaspora, especially the Caribbean -- Jamaica, the Bahamas, and other English speaking islands as well as Haiti.

Caribbean Studies Association

Latin American Studies Association

Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund

The Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., a national civil rights organization founded in 1972, exists to ensure that every Puerto Rican and other Latinois guaranteed the opportunity to succeed. Through advocacy, litigation and education services PRLDEF strives to secure and protect the political, economic, social and legal rights of our community.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico

Other Resources

United Nations

Alphabetical Index A listing in alphabetical order of all United Nations Organizations (UNOs) with their abbreviations and city locations of headquarters sites.

Official Classification An explanation of the various categories of United Nations Organizations (UNOs) -- i.e., programmes, specialized agencies, autonomous organizations and inter-agency bodies -- together with a listing of which UNOs comprise each category.

Frequently Requested Information A listing of which United Nations Organizations (UNOs) have online information for frequently requested items -- conference schedules, library and documentation services, press releases, role of the organization, publications sales catalogues, vacancy notices for international staff.

Library of Congress