Gender Out of Bounds

Cross-Disciplinary Conversations About the Unexpected, Surprising Ways That Gender Matters in Our Diverse Fields

"Gender out of Bounds” features informal faculty seminars, formal campus presentations, and special guest lectures by visiting speakers. The series highlights the unexpected, even surprising ways in which we approach questions of gender and sexuality from diverse fields of study. In sharing how different disciplines approach gender as a core category of analysis, we make visible how gender matters: in our pedagogy, in our research, in our public discourse. At the same time, the "Gender out of Bounds" series emphasizes the centrality of interdisciplinary thinking to the field of Women's and Gender Studies, a field which forges connections across the humanities, sciences, and social sciences.

Past Programs

Spring 2023 Flash Feminism

Wednesday, March 1
Dr. Michael Branch (Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology at Hartwick College)
Topic: "Chainsaws, Cannibals, & Cousins? Oh my! Gender and Identity in Rural Horror Video Games"

Spring 2022 Gender Out of Bounds Series

Thursday, February 24
Dr. Shahin Kachwala (Assistant Professor of Women's & Gender Studies)
Topic: "Between Deities and Suicide Bombers: Women, Violence, and the Making of the Indian Nation"

Wednesday, March 23
Dr. Chloe Diamond-Lenow (Assistant Professor of Women's & Gender Studies)
Topic: "Race, Gender, and Species in the 'War on Terror'"

Fall 2021 Gender Out of Bounds & Flash Feminism Series

Wednesday, September 22
Dr. Charlene Christie (Professor of Psychology)
Topic: "What is hidden can still hurt: Concealable stigma, psychological well-being, and social support among LGB college students"

Wednesday, November 17
Dr. Alanna Rudzik (Assistant Professor of Anthropology)
Topic: "Sleep in the Mother-Infant Dyad"

Spring 2021 Flash Feminism Series

Wednesday, March 31
Dr. Susan Goodier (Assistant Professor of History)
Topic: "Where are the Women of Color? Researching Suffrage Activism"

Wednesday, March 3
Dr. Laura Felschow (Assistant Professor of Media Studies)
Topic: "Does Representation Matter?"

Fall 2020 Flash Feminism Series

Tuesday, October 27th
Dr. Maria Chaves Daza (Assistant Professor of Africana and Latinx Studies)
Topic: "Hip Hop & Feminism"

Fall 2019 Series

Thursday, September 26th
5:30 - 6:30 pm
CME, Lee Hall
Rebecca Harrington (SUNY Health Educator & Local Musician)
Topic: "Goddess of Song: Women in 20th Century Popular Music"

Thursday, November 7th
5:30 - 6:30 pm
CME, Lee Hall
Dr. Shahin Kachwala (Visiting Assistant Professor, Women's and Gender Studies)
Topic: "Unseemly Legacies: Gender, Political Violence, and the Arts of Governance in India"

Spring 2019 Series

Thursday, February 7th, 2019
5:30 - 6:30 pm
CME, Lee Hall
Dr. Shahin Kachwala (Visiting Assistant Professor, Women's & Gender Studies)
Topic: "Remembering Revolutionary Pasts: Militant Women, Indian History, and Hindi Cinema"

Fall 2018 Series

Thursday, September 20th, 2018
5 pm – 6 pm
CME, Lee Hall
Dr. Harmony Siganporia (Assistant Professor MICA-India)
Topic: "I am the Widow': of 'empathetic' male reformers and the beginnings of the 'women's question' in India"

Thursday, October 18th, 2018
5 pm – 6 pm
CME, Lee Hall
Dr. Charlene Christie (Professor, Psychology & Department Chair of Women's and Gender Studies)
Topic: "Sexism and Singlism: The double-edged sword of gender and relationship-status"

Thursday, November 29th, 2018
5 pm – 6 pm
CME, Lee Hall
Dr. Melinda Brennan (Assistant Professor of Women's & Gender Studies)
Topic: "In a Cruel Voice: Willful Misattribution and the Mechanics of Hate"

Spring 2018 Series

Thursday, February 15th, 2018
5 pm – 6 pm
CME, Lee Hall
Dr. Laurel Elder (Professor of Political Science & Coordinator of Women's and Gender Studies, Hartwick College)
Topic: "Presidential Candidate Spouses: Public Opinion from Hillary to Bill"

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018
4:30pm – 6pm
CME, Lee Hall
Dr. Tracy Betsinger (Associate Professor, Anthropology)
Topic: "Corn Mother, Caries, and Sex: Patterns of Health and Diet in Prehistoric Tennessee"

Fall 2017 Series

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017
4:30pm – 6pm
CME Great Room, Lee Hall
Dr. Pearlie Rose S. Baluyut (Art History)
Topic: "Juan Luna's Parisian Life: French Modernity and the Formation of the Filipino Nation-State in 19th-Century Paris"

Wednesday, November 8th
5pm - 6:30pm.
Lee Hall (multipurpose room)
Dr. Rahul Rastogi (Assistant Professor, Communications/WGS)
Topic: "Womanhood and Open Defecation in Rural India"

Thursday, November 30th, 2017
4pm - 5:30pm
Milne Conference Room 318
Dr. Alanna Rudzik (Assistant Professor Anthropology)
Topic: "Marginalized Mothering: identity and visions of the future among low-income adolescent mothers from São Paulo, Brazil"

Spring 2017 Series

Thursday, April 20th, 2017
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Union Square, Hunt Union
Dr. Marita Gilbert (Director, Gender and Sexuality Resource Center)
Topic: "Visible Seams: Black Women at the Juncture of Service and Spectacle"

Tuesday., March 14th, 2017
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Craven Lounge, Morris Hall
Dr. Melinda Brennan (Assistant Professor of Women's & Gender Studies)
Topic: "Unnecessarily Naturalized: Documentation, Borders, and Feminist Resistance"

Fall 2016 Series

Friday, September 30th, 2016
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Milne Library - Room 318
Dr. Kristen Blinne (Assistant Professor, Communication and Media Department)
Topic: "Pubic Relations: Untangling Partner Preferences & Pubic Hair Politics"

Tuesday., November 1st, 2016
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Milne Library, Room 318
Dr. Melinda Brennan (Assistant Professor of Women's & Gender Studies)
Topic: "Radicalized Masculinity in Flight: Syrians, Mexicans, and White Supremacy"