Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics Honors, Awards & Activities

Spring 2018

SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference

The fourth annual SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) was hosted by SUNY Oneonta on April 20, 2018, and by Monroe Community College on April 21. A number of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics students presented on their research this year.

  • Melissa Marry spoke on H-Perpendicularity in Hyperbolic Geometry, working with Laura Munteanu, Mathematics
  • Brendan Bonura and Juan Sanchez spoke on Playing Tic Tac Toe with Nao, the Humanoid Robot, working with Sen Zhang, Computer Science.
  • Kelly Comack, Thomas Giavatto, Hannah Hicks, and Intak Oh spoke on Collegiate Preparedness and its Relationship to Academic Success, working with Jen-Ting Wang, Statistics
  • Nathan Rutherford spoke on Understanding Quarks through the Representation Theory of Special Unitary Groups, working with Jonathan Brown

Spring 2016

Student Research and Creative Activity Day, 2016

During spring 2016, the following students presented at Student Research and Creative Activity Day.

  • Bridget Boland, Mark Crosby: Communication Therapies with the NAO Robot
  • Tyler Fedoris: Computer-Generated Explorations of Orbits under Polynomials of the Units of the Ring of Integers Modulo n
  • Alyssa Moran: Mathematical Discovery in Elementary School Classrooms
  • Daniel Prince: 3D Educational Video Games in non-Euclidean Spaces
  • Lauren Miranda: Napoleon-Like Theorems
  • Mark Sweatlock, Rachel Caterisano: Mathematical Cryptography
  • Zachary Ward: Inversions, Art, and Their Applications

Student Presentations at MAA Seaway Meeting

Two students, Zachary Ward and Tyler Fedoris, gave research talks at the Spring 2016 MAA Seaway Section meeting in Geneseo, NY. Zachary discussed Inversions and Their Applications and Tyler discussed Computer-Generated Explorations of Orbits Under Polynomials of the Units of the ring (Z/nZ, +n, ·n)

Spring 2015

Dr. Knudsen Pens Article on Teaching Ancient Astronomy

The article Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice: Astronomical Instruments, by Dr. Toke Knudsen, appeared in Convergence, an MAA publication. The article discusses Dr. Knudsen's experiences designing and teaching his Ancient Astronomy course here at SUNY Oneonta, along with the discussion of using 3D printing technology to reproduce historical astronomical tools.

MAA Seaway Section Spring Meeting

During spring 2015, two students of Dr. Laura Munteanu gave presentations at the biannual Mathematics Association of America Seaway Section Meeting, at Colgate University. Danielle Armaniaco presented "The Linearity Number" and Lauren Miranda present "Napoleon-Like Theorems".

Student Research and Creative Activity Day

During spring 2015, we had a number of students from Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics take part in Student Research and Creative Activity Day.

  • Danielle Armaniaco: The Linearity Number
  • Mark Crosby: Fundamental Concepts of MakerGear M2 3D Printer
  • Melissa Haig, Taylor Zelka, Tegan Fox: Mathematics in the Student Newspaper
  • Melissa Haig, Rosemary Harris, Rebecca LeFebvre, Matthew Vedete, Taylor Zelka: Campus Safety
  • Lauren Miranda: Napoleon-Like Theorems
  • Anthony Nichols, Marvin Rodriguez, Kevin Sutton: Word Frequencies in Theatrical Works
  • Stephanie Spellman, Kaitlyn Castle, Justine Marinello: Exploring the Notebooks of Edith Sturgess, Laurette Lyon, and the History of the Oneonta Normal School
  • Jacquelyn Victoria: The Use of K-Level Clustering Algorithms in Fingerprint Verifications

Fall 2014

Toke Knudsen wins Siegfried Award

Congratulations to Dr. Toke Knudsen, who won the Richard Siegfried Junior Faculty Prize for Academic excellence. Knudsen delivered the 20th annual Richard Siegfried lecture "Competing Cosmologies in India" Thursday, Dec 4 in the Craven Lounge of the Morris Conference Center. Dr. Knudsen is the second member of the department to win the prestigious prize. Dr. Don Allison won the prize in 2000.

MCS Student Panel at SUNY Oneonta Open House

During the Fall 2014 Open House, a number of students from Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics took part in a panel discussion describing their experiences for prospective freshmen.

Student Research Grants

Two groups of mathematics and computer science students were awarded Student Research Grants this semester, working with faculty sponsor Dr. Toke Knudsen, on the following projects:

Mathematics at the Oneonta Normal School 1893-1945: Articles from The Oneontan and The Pen Dragon
Tegan Fox, Melissa Haig, and Taylor Zelka
The three students spent two semesters going over student newspapers from 1893 to 1945 to locate articles on or relating to mathematics. They wrote an article on the material.

Word Frequencies in Theatrical Plays
Anthony Nichols, Marvin Rodriguez, and Kevin Sutton
For this Digital Humanities project, the three students (one Mathematics and Theatre dual major and two Computer Science majors) developed a computer program to analyze word frequencies in plays.

MAA Seaway Meeting

At the Fall 2014 MAA Seaway Meeting, held at Alfred University, Sara Scleissmann, gave a presentation This presentation came as a result of a year-long independent study that Sara took under the guidance of Dr. Laura Munteanu.

Spring 2014

A number of students working with faculty from Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics presented posters on their work at the Spring 2014 Student Research and Creative Activity Day. The list includes:

  • Debora Assis: American Mathematics Textbooks
  • Raymond Boss: Benoit B. Mandelbrot and Fractal Geometry, also The Effects of Diagram Use in Probability Instruction and Problem Solving
  • Kaitlyn Castle: A Coordinate Geometry Approach to Concurrency and the Nine Point Circle
  • Shing Chung Z. Chiu: Raspberry Pi Quadrotor
  • Kaitlin Grodotzke: Emmy Noether
  • Robert Hillman: Hidden in Plain Sight: Using Digital Steganography to Obscure Data without Encryption
  • Amanda Kent: History of Mathematical Games and Puzzles
  • Melissa Minerva: Origami in Math
  • Amanda Orsino and Melissa Minerva: Collections of American Mathematics Textbooks
  • Max Reinhold: Cryptographic Libraries
  • Marvin Rodriguez and Anthony Nichols: Assembling and Using a Parallel Computing Cluster System
  • Carol Scheuerer: Plato and his Academy
  • Sara Schleissmann: Compositions of Linear Transformations and Their Fixed Points
  • Jennifer Sosiewicz, John Zdimal, and James White: Sustainability, Surveys, and Statistics: Recycling at SUNY Oneonta

Fall 2013

At the Fall 2013 MAA Seaway Meeting, held at SUNY Potsdam, Kaitlyn Castle gave a research presentation entitled "Proving Concurrency Results by Means of Coordinate and/or Vector Geometry". This presentation described the work she completed during an Independent Study project under the guidance of Dr. Laura Munteanu.