World Language Clubs and Honor Society

The World Languages and Literatures Department offers the following lively clubs:

Asian Languages: Asian Language Learning (ALL)

The purpose of this club is to teach the Oneonta community and students different Asian languages, add linguistic diversity to the SUNY Oneonta campus, and to offer help for Asian language classes.

French Club: Trait d'Union

The main goal of Trait d'Union is to get together and appreciate all aspects of French culture and language. It is not necessary that members speak French or even know more than 5 words of French; it is necessary that members be open-minded, accepting, and respectful of others and their ideas in a neutral, friendly, academic setting. Through various activities and discussions we will discover everything the world of French has to offer!

Spanish Club: ADIÓS

This club encourages bilingualism and cultural sensibility on campus by offering a platform outside of the classroom for students to practice their Spanish language skills.

Spanish Club: Hola - Hispanic Organization for Learning Advancement

The purpose of this organization is to sponsor Hispanic heritage and to foster the learning and awareness of the Hispanic culture.
Advisor: Dr. Maria Montoya

Students participate in club activities, events and trips organized every year.

International Foreign Language Honor Society
Phi Sigma Iota

(Member of the National Association of College Honor Students)
The Oneonta chapter of Phi Sigma Iota was established in 1982 to recognize outstanding ability and achievements of students of foreign languages, literatures and cultures (including Classics, Linguistics, Philology, Comparative Literature, and Bilingual Education). It is the highest academic honor in the field of foreign languages. PSI has initiated over 50,000 members worldwide since its foundation in 1917, and it created and supports numerous Scholarship Programs.

Phi Sigma Iota has chapters in 300 colleges and universities in the USA, Mexico, France, and the Virgin Islands.

For more information about this organization’s activities at SUNY Oneonta, please contact the faculty advisor: Elizabeth Small (607-436-3409, Schumacher 300).

Professors Maria Cristina Montoya and Alejandra Escudero with parents at the honor society Banquet
Professors Maria Cristina Montoya and Alejandra Escudero with parents at the honor society Banquet