World Language Resources

The library contains a variety of resources to assist in every step of the research process.

American Sign Language

The Deaf Resource Library

A collection of information, Internet links and other resources having to do with American Sign Language, other sign languages, and the linguistics of ASL.

English as a Second Language

English Addicts

Listening activities based on Voice of America clips. Rated from easy-average-tricky-difficult and offering exposure to all sorts of international accents speaking English. Free registration includes access to one lesson per week.


University of Texas online drills

These drills are highly recommended.

French Online Grammar Quiz

Interactive French grammar practice, quizzes follow the sequence of textbook Allons-y.


A clearing-house of French-related websites, with a search engine and sites arranged by topics including literature, teaching/learning, dictionaries, news/radio/t.v., society, art, and ordinary life. Also maintains content pages including games and jokes!


Explore the regional diversity of Spanish

With lists of idiomatic expressions and regional usages listed by country, giving full-sentence examples and explanations.

Business Spanish

Interactive lessons in basic Spanish, with plenty of audio and practice with dialogs, vocabulary and grammar.

Online Resources for Spanish Language Learning.
With grammar and vocabulary resources, as well as tests and learning activities (including Spanish Hangman!), as well as a listing of other online resources.

Professor Elizabeth Small‘s website and list of Spanish weblinks.

Multiple Languages

Vocabulix: Free vocabulary and conjugation tester

A free online set of vocabulary quizzes and conjugation exercises for Spanish, German, French, Italian, and English.


A free online verb conjugator, where you can input an infinitive for many, many languages, and see the full conjugation. This is a free, scaled-down version of a program available for sale. Explore the world of verb conjugations!

Languages On The Web

A huge clearinghouse of serious language-learning sites, including sites for very unusual and less-commonly-taught languages (Abkhaz, Basque, Inuit, etc.!), as well as all the languages, taught here at SUNY Oneonta.

LearnOasis: the EU online language learning project

The website offers free online language learning courses for beginners in English, Danish and Hungarian, and is sponsored by the European Union.

Myths & Facts about Humanities

Humanities covers a very diverse group of liberal arts majors that are popular, but still tend to face some myths regarding successes after college. Read above for different facts regarding the successes of humanities majors through employment, salary, and skills!