World Languages & Literatures Faculty

Elizabeth Small

Elizabeth Small, Associate Professor of Spanish

Department Chair

AB (Comparative Literature): Cornell University. MA & Ph.D. (Spanish): Yale University. Research interests: 19th & 20th-century Peninsular Spanish poetry, and current Spanish science fiction.

300B Schumacher Hall

Gustavo Arango

Gustavo Arango, Professor of Spanish

BA (Social Communication, Journalism): U.P.B. Medellí­n, Colombia. MA (Spanish and Latin American literature): Rutgers University. Ph.D. (Latin American Literature): Rutgers U.

Research interests: Latin American Literature and Journalism, Creative Writing in Spanish.

302A Schumacher Hall

Gustavo Arango's webpage

El blog de Gustavo Arango

Katherine Egitto, American Sign Language Adjunct

313 Schumacher Hall

Alejandra Escudero

Alejandra Escudero, Spanish Lecturer

BA (Modern Languages and Translation): Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela. MA (Hispanic Studies): The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Ph.D. in progress (Spanish Linguistics): SUNY-Albany. Teaching areas: Spanish language, Phonetics & Phonology, Translation. Advisor: HOLA Spanish Club. Research areas: Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Venezuelan Spanish, Relative Clauses in Foreign Language textbooks, Language Use and Usage.
302B Schumacher Hall

Dr. David Fieni

David Fieni, Assistant Professor of French

BA, University of California-Berkeley. Ph.D., UCLA. Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in French and History Across the Disciplines, Cornell University. Special interests in francophone literature and societies, postcolonial theory, literature and thought from the Maghreb in French and Arabic, orientalism, comparative literature, the relationship between mourning and literary practice, and global multilingual graffiti.

300A Schumacher Hall

Laura Gamez-Romero, Spanish Adjunct

313C Schumacher Hall

Naomi Graham

Naomi Graham, Italian Adjunct

313 Schumacher Hall

Cheryl Jones, Office Assistant

300 Schumacher Hall

Noriko Kuge

Noriko Kuge, Japanese Adjunct

BA (Fine Arts): Brandeis University. MAT (Elementary Education): Simmons College. Japanese Instructor: Boston Institute of International Communication, Inc., Chestnut Hill School, Bridge School, Duke School. Freelance Japanese Interpreter and Translator.

William Meredith, French Adjunct

313 Schumacher Hall

 Mari­a Cristina Montoya

Maria­ Cristina Montoya, Associate Professor of Spanish

BA (Social Communication/Journalism): Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. MA (Communication and Education): Teacher’s College, Columbia University. Ph.D. (Spanish Linguistics): SUNY-Albany. Teaching areas: Spanish for Bilinguals, Phonetics, Sociolinguistics, Spanish Language and conversation courses with Service-Learning. Advisor: HOLA (Hispanic Organization for Learning and Advancement) club; ALL (Asian Language Learning) club; Outreach Program Supervisor: MCC (Multicultural Community Center). Research interests: heritage language maintenance, Hispanic rural settlement, COIL (Collaborative On-line International Learning), Intercultural Competence. Fulbright Scholar 2018-2019.

301 Schumacher Hall

Daniel Nahson

Daniel Nahson, Associate Professor of Spanish

BA (Philosophy, Educational Psychology): Hebrew University of Jerusalem. MA (Latin American Literature): Columbia University. Ph.D. (Spanish Literature): Columbia University. Research interests: Golden Age Spanish Literature; Philosophy and Religion; Jorge Luis Borges.

306C Schumacher Hall

 Akira Yatsuhashi

Akira Yatsuhashi, Latin and Ancient Greek Instructor and English Professor

BA: Beloit College (History). AM: Dartmouth College (Comparative Literature and Poetics). MA: Tufts University (Classics); PhD: Duke University (Classical Studies). Research Interests: Hellenistic Society and Culture, Ancient Alexandria, the Greek Novel, Ancient and Modern Imperialism and Colonialism, Ancient and Modern Scholarly Culture, Ancient Ethnicity, Film.

135 Physical Sciences Building

T. Michele Johnson

T. Michele Johnson, American Sign Language Adjunct Assistant Professor

In memory of Ms. Johnson, February 2023.

Ms. Johnson was a resident of Franklin, NY, joined SUNY Oneonta in 1993 as an adjunct lecturer in the World Languages and Literatures department. Outside of the classroom, she organized events connecting students with the local Deaf community, provided ASL interpretation for several commencement ceremonies, and was the ASL interpreter for many musical performances on campus and across the state. Michele was also a graduate of SUNY Oneonta from the class of 2001.

AAS (American Sign Language Interpreting for the Deaf): Suffolk County Community College. BS (Elementary Education): SUNY Oneonta. MSEd (Deaf and Hard of Hearing): Hunter College. Member: Phi Sigma Iota, Kappa Delta Pi, ASLTA (American Sign Language Teacher’s Assoc.), NAD (Nat’l Assoc. for the Deaf). Current Interests: Freelance interpreting of all kinds, especially musical interpreting.