Transgender Resource Guide

Help Now

In Crisis?

The following are 24/7 hotlines for connecting you to supportive people to talk with at any time.

Trevor Project:

Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.

Contact Number: 866-488-7386

Trans Lifeline:

We are Trans Lifeline. We provide culturally competent services to Trans and gender nonconforming people in crisis; We work with stakeholders within and without the Trans community to end the plague of Trans suicide; We empower Trans people to help other Trans people in the darkest moments of their lives.

Contact Number: 877-565-8860

Facing Discrimination?

Contact the Affirmative Action Officer (607-436-2835) or Associate Director, GSRC & OEI Program Associate (607-436-3019).

In an emergency, contact University Police at 607-436-3550.


The Trans* Resource Guide provides informational support to all students about how SUNY Oneonta is actively working towards making the campus a safe and comfortable space for trans* students, faculty, and staff. A trans* person, broadly defined, is someone who does not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. There is a large spectrum where a person could fall in terms of being gender non-conforming, and our goal is to make everyone feel comfortable and safe. The guide will also give campus community members the opportunity to have information that can make trans* life much easier, including names of trans* friendly resources on and off campus. It will provide the necessary information about how an individual who is trans* may be able to access housing accommodations, name change policies, location of gender-neutral restrooms, and safe spaces on campus where they are able to get mentoring or basic help with SUNY Oneonta day-to-day life. All in all, this guide will help improve the climate on campus for trans* and gender non-conforming students, faculty, and staff. It will be updated as more information becomes available and as policies change. If you have information that you feel belongs in this guide, email

More information about transgender student identities

Diversity Statement:
“SUNY Oneonta is an academic community that values diversity. Diversity at SUNY Oneonta is an inclusive value that encompasses race and ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity and gender expression, age, ability, socioeconomic status, and other aspects of identity.

As a campus community, we believe that every individual is important in a unique way and contributes to the overall quality of the institution. We are committed to recruiting and retaining diverse faculty, staff, and students, and to fostering a learning environment which draws strength from, celebrates, and honors diversity. We strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination; to respect the dignity of all persons; and to learn from differences in people, ideas, experiences, and opinions.”

Approved by the President’s Council on Diversity, 2004
Approved by the President’s Cabinet, 2004
Revised Statement approved by the President’s Council on
Diversity, 2007
Revised Statement approved by the President’s Cabinet, 2007

To learn more about the SUNY Oneonta diversity record and initiatives, visit the Diversity at Oneonta page

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response:
The State University of New York and SUNY Oneonta are committed to providing options, support, and assistance to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking to ensure that they can continue to participate in University-wide and campus programs, activities, and employment. All victims/survivors of these crimes and violations, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction, have rights, regardless of whether the crime or violation occurs on campus, off campus, or while studying abroad.

Learn more about the SUNY Oneonta Victim/Survivor Bill of Rights

Health & Counseling


The staff at the Health Center wants you to be comfortable coming to the Health Center to address your healthcare needs. The nurses and providers at the Health Center are aware, educated, and non-judgmental about the special issues, concerns, and health risks in the LGBTQIA+ community. Our health center staff can be considered to have basic cultural competence training including a brief overview of LGBTQIA+ issues. Many of the staff have also been through our Safe Space training program.

In the health history form, the Health Center asks for a trans* person’s preferred name and gender, but they do not ask about one’s sexual orientation. However, in official records, legal gender and names must be used. Since Jan. 1 2015, the Health Center has had an updated policy that has included coverage of trans* services as a part of SUNY Oneonta’s health insurance. The Health Center also includes coverage to hormones for the purposes of transition.

Gender Dysphoria Treatment and Counseling
Several counselors at the Counseling Center have received advanced training in working with Transgender students and the WPATH Standards of Care. The Counseling Center may provide an evaluation and letter for students wishing to seek gender confirming surgical intervention on a case-by-case basis and must be feasible within the Counseling Center’s 10-session limit on services. To access gender-confirming hormone treatment, NY state does not require letters from a mental health provider, however, some insurance companies may.


Since 2013, the Counseling Center has provided annual training to its counselors specifically on addressing clinical issues in gender identity and expression, and many of them have also been through the Safe Space program. They are competent to provide counseling and support on a wide variety of issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity, transition, etc. However, counselors have a 10-session limit in seeing students. If you would like more long-term counseling, students would be referred to friendly service providers in Albany or locally such as:

  • Choices Counseling: Address: 10 Colvin Avenue, Suite 102, Albany, NY 12206 | Phone: 518-438-2222
  • Justine Woolner-Wise, LMSW (Oneonta) | Phone: 607-287-5156


Residential Experience and Housing invites the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center in regularly to train both its Residence Hall Directors and its Residence Advisors on LGBTQIA+ issues. There are several options in housing accommodations for trans* students, including Safe Space Housing, Gender Inclusive Housing, and case-by-case accommodations. View additional information about housing.

Marsha P. Johnson Community Housing

This housing is dedicated to advocacy around diversity initiatives and providing a safe and welcoming environment for LGBTQIA+ students living on campus at SUNY Oneonta. Residential Experience and Housing, in conjunction with the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, Professional and Student Staff will provide intentional and educational programming with a focus around gender issues and the LGBTQIA+ community.

It is named after Marsha "Pay it No Mind" Johnson, a trailblazer and vital activist in the early days of the LGBTQIA+ liberation movement, including the Stonewall uprising in 1969. An African American transgender activist, she advocated for protections around LGBTQIA+ youth (especially the homeless) and for aid against the HIV/AIDs epidemic. As one of the more notable faces of LGBTQIA+ civil rights advocacy, her work has inspired many in the LGBTQIA+ community to raise their voices and stand against discrimination.

In order for us to meet your needs, we would ask you to fill the spaces completely.

Gender Inclusive Housing

This housing option is designed to allow students of any gender identity/sexual orientation to live together within one living unit in a supportive environment. Although we will always strive to provide spaces that are inclusive, we recognize the unique experiences and needs of students with various gender identities. Application to participate in the Gender Inclusive Housing community does not guarantee placement in this type of housing.

In order for us to meet your needs, we would ask you to fill the spaces completely.

Specific Accommodations

As of 2015, Residential Experience and Housing reviews all special housing requests on a case-by-case basis and is willing to make accommodations for trans* students. Students whose gender identity does not match their legal records can request a manual override of the legal gender-marker-based default housing process. Residential Experience and Housing staff and GSRC professional staff can help facilitate this process.

For any questions regarding Gender Neutral or Safe Space Housing, please contact Residential Experience and Housing.

Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

In accordance with New York State's The Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) and our campus non-discrimination policy, individuals can use the restroom that they feel comfortable in. If you are seeking a gender neutral, single stall, lockable restroom, please check out the Google Map and list below.

Detailed information on Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Please email if this list needs to be updated.

Residence Halls

Most residence halls have gender-neutral bathrooms in the lobby. In suite-style accommodations, entire suites can be gender neutral if all occupants agree, as suites have individual restrooms and showers.

Blodgett- 2 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located within the first-floor lobby, Shower included in each

Curtis- 2 GN Restrooms

  • 111A/B; First floor – located beside the main lounge

Ford- 4 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located within the first-floor lobby
  • An additional two are in the hallways at each side of the first-floor lobby

Golding- 1 GN Restroom

  • 128; located within the first-floor lobby, Shower included

Grant- 11 GN Restrooms

  • 114, 120, 124, 213A, 213B, 221A, 221B, 313A, 313B, 322A, 322B
  • Every floor has access to a GN restroom within the floor community

Hays- 2 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located within the first-floor lobby, Shower included in each

Higgins- 2 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located within the first-floor lobby, next to vending machines

Hulbert– 6 GN Restrooms

  • 116B, 216B, 316B, 416B, 460A, 462A

Huntington- 34 GN Restrooms

  • All but 210, 232, 250, 272, 310, 323, 350, and 372 are gender neutral or private restrooms
  • 030, 031, 150 A, 150B do not have showers included

Littell- 3 GN Restrooms

  • 128; Located within the main lobby, Shower included
  • 229; Next to storage room off of the Lounge, Shower included
  • 329; Next to storage room off of the lounge, Shower included

MacDuff- 2 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located within the first-floor lobby to the left of the lounge

Matteson- 2 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located within the first-floor lobby

Sherman- 4 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located within the first-floor lobby; 114 has a shower included
  • 120; first floor, two single stalls included
  • 124; first floor, Shower included

Tobey- 1 GN Restroom

  • 153; located within the first-floor lobby, Shower included

Wilber- 1 GN Restroom

  • Located within the first-floor lobby, Shower included

Academic & Administrative Buildings

Alumni Hall- 1 GN Restroom

  • First floor; located in the very short passage near the Office of Alumni Engagement

Alumni Field House- 4 GN Restrooms

  • 302; North side of the building near coach offices
  • 303; North side of the building near coach offices
  • 314; South side of the building near Athletic Department Main Office
  • 315; South side of the building near Athletic Department Main Office

Chase PE- 2 GN Restrooms

  • First Floor; located off the pool deck and next to room 104
  • 218A; Go into main entrance, go upstairs and make a right

Counseling, Health & Wellness Center- 10 GN Restrooms

  • All restrooms are single stall

Fine Arts-7 GN Restrooms

  • Music side: First Floor; located in music wing across from 114, Second Floor; 206 A and 207
  • Art and Theater side: Second Floor; 228 & 230, Third Floor; 313 & 315

Fitzelle Hall- 12 GN Restrooms

  • Two are located on each side of each wing (four per floor), located on the staff office side of the building

IRC- 5 GN Restrooms

  • Basement; located between B22 and the faculty offices, across from the stairs
  • Two on each floor at each end of the building

Human Ecology- 2 GN Restrooms

  • First Floor; located across from Nutrition Suite 104A-F
  • Second Floor, located across from room 201, left of the central staircase

Hunt Student Union- 2 GN Restrooms

  • Ground Floor; located next to Waterfront Room

Lee Hall (Center for Racial Justice & Inclusive Excellence)- 1 GN Restroom

  • Second Floor; located across from the welcome desk

Milne Library- 2 GN Restrooms

  • First Floor; located between Accessibility Resources Office (133) and 123A
  • Third Floor; located across from 304

Morris Conference Center- 1 GN Restroom

  • First Floor; located across from 105

Netzer- 1 GN Restroom

  • First Floor; located across from 135

Perna Science- 1 GN Restroom

  • Basement level; 17a, shower included

Physical Science- 1 GN Restroom

  • First Floor; located across from 130

Schumacher Hall- 1 GN Restroom

  • First Floor; located between 105 and 106

Welcome Center- 1 GN Restroom

  • First Floor; located within main lobby

Wilsbach- 1 GN Restroom

  • First Floor; located across from 108


For many of the past several years, the athletic department holds diversity training inclusive of LGBTQIA+ identities for athletes and staff. With regard to participation in intramural athletics, gender identity issues are dealt with on a case-by-case basis and policies are currently being reviewed and revised.

With regard to varsity athletics, SUNY Oneonta is a proud member of the NCAA and abides by all its policies. The NCAA has established the following policy on trans* issues in intercollegiate sports participation to accommodate trans* students. The NCAA guidelines can be found below and students interested in competing in varsity sports in a gender other than that assigned at birth will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

NCAA Policy on Transgender Student-Athlete Participation

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which organizes competition in 23 sports at over 1,000 colleges and universities, does not require gender confirming surgery or legal recognition of a player's transitioned sex in order for transgender players to participate on a team which matches their identity. However, things become a bit more complicated when hormones are used. The recommended NCAA policy requires one year of hormone treatment as a condition prior to competing on a female team. Conversely, athletes assigned female at birth remain eligible to compete in women’s sports unless or until that athlete begins a physical transition using hormones (testosterone).

NCAA Policy on Transgender Student-Athlete Participation

The following policies clarify participation of transgender student-athletes undergoing hormonal treatment for gender transition:

  1. A trans male (FTM) student-athlete who has received a medical exception for treatment with testosterone for diagnosed Gender Identity Disorder or gender dysphoria and/or Transsexualism, for purposes of NCAA competition may compete on a men’s team, but is no longer eligible to compete on a women’s team without changing that team status to a mixed team.
  2. A trans female (MTF) student-athlete being treated with testosterone suppression medication for Gender Identity Disorder or gender dysphoria and/or Transsexualism, for the purposes of NCAA competition may continue to compete on a men’s team but may not compete on a women’s team without changing it to a mixed team status until completing one calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment.

Any transgender student-athlete who is not taking hormone treatment related to gender transition may participate in sex-separated sports activities in accordance with his or her assigned birth gender.

  • A trans male (FTM) student-athlete who is not taking testosterone related to gender transition may participate on a men’s or women’s team.
  • A trans female (MTF) transgender student-athlete who is not taking hormone treatments related to gender transition may not compete on a women’s team.

Read more here: Transathlete Resources & NCAA Inclusion of Transgender Student-Athletes Handbook (2011)

Athletics Facilities

Chase Physical Education Building

In terms of using a changing room or restroom in the Chase Physical Education Building, the swimming and diving head coach has kindly stated that the pool is a safe space and intends to make it as comfortable as possible for trans* students. Subsequently, trans* students are free to use the locker room and bathroom that matches their gender identity and the staff of the Chase Building have been informed of this and should an issue arise the staff will handle the situation accordingly. In addition, if a trans* student does not feel comfortable using either bathroom, there is a private bathroom located right off the pool deck that is open to any trans*-identified student.

Alumni Field House

In the Alumni Field House, men’s and women’s locker rooms offer privacy through private showers, changing stalls and toilets. The 3rd floor has dedicated all-gender bathrooms. Accommodations have been made for trans* athletes by allowing them to privately use visiting coach locker rooms in the field house as schedules allow. Coaching and Athletics staff are dedicated to improving accommodations for trans* athletes as renovation opportunities arise. If a student has a question about using locker rooms or bathrooms in Alumni Field house, please contact GSRC or Athletic Directors.


A majority of the staff members of the Registrar’s Office have participated in various LGBT-inclusive diversity training. They have policies in place for requesting name and gender marker changes on transcripts and other official documents.

Legal Documents

Official transcripts, financial records, campus ID’s, etc. are considered legal identity documents and therefore must match other legal forms of identification. At this point in time, no official document includes gender markers or gender referents such as Ms. and Mr. However, students and alumni may request a gender marker change with evidence of a legal gender marker change (such as a court order). For legal name changes, the Registrar’s Office will accept any government issued document such as a driver’s license. Transcripts and other documents will be updated, however, any archived paperwork or documents from other institutions on file will not be altered.

Preferred Names

Although there is nothing that can be done to replace a trans* student’s preferred name with their birth name in all documents, there will be a form that can substitute their preferred name and gender in forms such as: the class roster, residence life documents, campus ID cards, the myOneonta portal (which includes Brightspace) and the email display name (and other school correspondence).

For more information, go here: Preferred First Name Process

Additional Policies

Our Discrimination Policy – SUNY, in its continuing effort to seek equity in education and employment, and in support of federal and state anti-discrimination legislation, has adopted a complaint procedure for the prompt and equitable investigation and resolution of allegations of unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction.

Harassment is one form of unlawful discrimination on the basis of the above protected categories. SUNY will take steps to prevent discrimination and harassment, to prevent the recurrence of discrimination and harassment, and to remedy its discriminatory effects on the victim(s) and others, if appropriate. Conduct that may constitute harassment is described in the Definitions section. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual violence. Retaliation against a person who files a complaint, serves as a witness, or assists or participates in any manner in this procedure is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.

To file a complaint, go to the Office of Equity and Inclusion, 133 Netzer Administration Building and complete the complaint form. View the complete Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures for SUNY Employees and Students

Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy – harassment creates a hostile environment and can be created by verbal, written, graphic, or physical conduct that is severe, persistent and/or pervasive and interferes or limits the ability(ies) of a person or persons to work or learn.

Sexual harassment is usually defined as repeated unwelcome and unwanted sexual advances, or sexual allusions, unwarranted references to sexuality or sexual activities, requests for sexual favors, and other speech or conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can occur among peers, supervisors and supervisees, faculty/staff and students. Both types of harassment can be experienced or caused by anyone regardless of gender. In the event of harassment and/or sexual harassment between students, speak confidentially with the Affirmative Action Officer to informally resolve the complaint. For more details see the Student Code of Conduct. The next step is to contact the Office of Judicial Affairs to file a formal complaint. In the event of harassment and/or sexual harassment between students and SUNY Oneonta employees, use the SUNY Oneonta Discrimination procedure described above. View the complete Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures for SUNY Employees and Students


The Code of Conduct describes SUNY Oneonta’s expectations of students and provides a process for responding to allegations of student misconduct on and off campus. The Office of Judicial Affairs acts as an advocate for students. See the website here for more information. SUNY Oneonta prohibits bias incidents and hate crimes, and the University Police Department (UPD) has a procedure for reporting these. A complete description of the Bias Incidents Protocol can be found here. Bias incidents are defined as acts of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation directed at a person or group based on national origin, ethnicity, race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, color, creed, or marital status. Examples include derogatory messages on walls or message boards, use of derogatory names, etc. View the bias incident reporting form. Hate crimes, also called bias crimes or bias-related crimes, are criminal activities defined by NY state penal code as crimes in which, “victims are intentionally selected, in whole or in part, because of their race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation.”


Medical Resources in the Community
The following is a list of physicians who practice in the Oneonta area. Please note that these physicians have not been consulted about their experience with treating trans* individuals.

Family Practice
Carolyn Wolf-Gould, M.D.
Chris Wolf-Gould, M.D.
Susquehanna Family Practice
1 Fox Care Dr Ste 103
Oneonta, NY 13820


  • Amy E. Freeth, M.D. Endocrinology Bassett Healthcare
  • Cooperstown - For appointment, call 607-547-3300
  • Joseph M. Hughes, M.D. Endocrinology
  • Bassett Healthcare
  • Cooperstown - For appointment, call 607-547-3300
  • Bassett Hospital of Schoharie County – call 518-254-3456
  • Norwich – call 607-336-6362
  • Jessica C. Rockwell, M.D. Endocrinology
  • Bassett Healthcare
  • Cooperstown - For appointment, call 607-547-3300
  • Herkimer – For appointment, call 315-867-2700

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Jeffry Rockmore, M.D.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
For a free consultation, call 518-438-0505
Website: information | photos

Dr. Melissa Johnson, M.D., FACS
Pioneer Valley Plastic Surgery
100 Wason Avenue Springfield, MA 01107
FTM procedures | MTF procedures

Additional Medical Resources
The World Professional Organization for Trans* Health, Inc. (WPATH)

Transbucket— “ a health care and surgery resource for the entire online trans* community:“

Legal and Spiritual

Birth Certificates (NY State)

From Lambda Legal as of 2014:
The New York State Department of Health, Vital Records Division has a policy providing for the change of sex designation on birth certificates upon the receipt of a completed application and a notarized affidavit on professional letterhead from a physician (M.D. or D.O.), nurse practitioner, physician assistant, licensed in the United States, who has treated, reviewed, or evaluated the gender-related medical history of the applicant. The notarized affidavit must include: a statement noting that the provider is making their findings upon independent and unbiased review and evaluation and is not related to the applicant; the medical professional’s license number; and a statement that the applicant has undergone appropriate clinical treatment.

Name Change

To obtain a legal name change in New York, an applicant must submit a petition to the court. The applicant must publish notice at least once in a designated newspaper within 60 days of the court issued name change order. Individuals who have a felony conviction are subject to additional notice requirements. The publication requirement may be waived and the records may be sealed for the applicant’s safety, if approved by the court. (N.Y. Civ. Rights Law § 60-65).

Driver’s Licenses
In order to update name and/or gender on a New York ID, the applicant must submit (1) a new application for an ID, (2) a court order certifying the name change (if applicable), and/or (3) a letter signed by a physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist certifying the applicant's gender identity.
For links to all necessary forms, go to National Center for Transgender Equality’s document center.

Federal Documents

  • Passports- From the National Center for Transgender Equality: “In June 2010, the State Department announced a new policy to issue passports that reflect a person’s current gender when either a previous passport or other personal documentation presented by an applicant reflects a different gender. Under the new policy, a transgender person can obtain a passport reflecting his or her current gender by submitting a certification from a physician confirming that he or she has had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition. This policy replaces the Department’s old policy, which required documentation of sex reassignment surgery. In January 2011, the State Department made further improvements to its new policy.“ More Information on Passports on.
  • Social Security- From the National Center for Transgender Equality: “Under current policy, a transgender person can change their gender on their Social Security records by submitting either government-issued documentation reflecting a change, or a certification from a physician confirming that they have had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition.“ More Information On Social Security.


(Name change assistance and other legal assistance)
Dennis Laughlin, Esq. Tracy’s Law Office
15 South Main Street, Suite 103 Oneonta, New York 13820

Byrgen Finkelman, Attorney at Law (Individual Advocate) Slingerlands, NY
There are also a number of other Legal Advocacy resources in NY State, concentrated in the New York City area.

Campus Resources

Center for Racial Justice and Inclusive Excellence (CRJIE)
Contact: Manager of the CRJIE

Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
Contact: or stop in during open hours (Hunt Union 219)

Gender and Sexuality Alliance
Contact: President of the GSA
Complete listing of campus clubs and organizations

Safe Space Program

Sexual Harassment and Gender-based discrimination resources
Contact: Title IX Coordinator

Additional Sources of Support on Campus
Office of Equity & Inclusion
Contact: Chief Diversity Officer

Counseling Center
Health Center

kNOwviolence (Sexual Assault Prevention)
Contact: Health Education Office

Area Resources

Gender Wellness Center

The Gender Wellness Center at Susquehanna Family Practice offers services tailored to meet the needs of gender nonconforming patients. The caring and professional staff has advanced training in providing health and psychological services to the transgender community. The Gender Wellness Center is located in the Fox care Center in Oneonta.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center provides a home for the birth, nurture, and celebration of our organizations, institutions, and culture; cares for our individuals and groups in need; educates the public and our community, and empowers our individuals and groups to achieve their fullest potential. This center is located in New York City.

Family Planning of South Central New York, Inc.

Oneonta's Family Planning of South Central NY provides resources, support, and comprehensive education around sex and reproductive health. Their mission is to advocate and provide individuals, families, and organizations in our region with information, education and healthcare services pertaining to human sexuality and reproductive health in a private and confidential manner, respectful of all beliefs, supporting individual freedom of choice and responsibility.

Pride Center of the Capital Region

The mission of the Pride Center of the Capital Region is to promote the well-being of all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified people and those affected by discrimination based on gender identity and expression. Based in Albany, the Pride Center has been meeting the diverse needs of LGBTQ people in a ten county region since 1970. Our programs, both at the Center (332 Hudson Ave in Albany) as well as held throughout the region, meet the health and human service needs of the LGBTQ community as well as educate and advocate for those needs in the broader Capital Region.

Gender Equality New York Inc. (GENY)

Gender Equality New York, Inc. (GENY) is a statewide, incorporated non-profit whose mission is to support transgender, gender non-binary, and intersex (TGNBI) New Yorkers and their families. Our leadership group, made up of active community advocates, believes that justice and equality for this vulnerable community can only be won by an organization built by and of community members who bring their lived experiences and passions to spearhead this needed and important work. GENY is committed to gaining equal rights and ending discrimination as we work to achieve economic, educational, racial, and social equality for our communities. Our mission is to educate, advocate, connect, and empower in order to bring equality and justice across New York.

The Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY, Inc

The Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit legal aid organization that provides free legal information, assistance, and representation in civil legal matters to low-income people in Central New York. Our services are provided by staff and volunteer attorneys with the help of paralegals and law students. VLPCNY's LGBT* Rights Program serves the LGBT* community throughout Upstate New York who cannot obtain other legal help, with a focus on the following counties: Onondaga, Madison, Cayuga, Oswego, Oneida, Herkimer, Otsego, Delaware, Cortland, Chenango, Tompkins, Chemung, Tioga and Broome. 

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund

Founded in 2003, Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to end discrimination and achieve equality for transgender people, particularly those in our most vulnerable communities. Transgender people have been subject to pervasive discrimination that has kept them, with rare exceptions, hidden from public view. While this discrimination has begun to lessen, transgender people still experience much prejudice and violence.

Spiritual/Religious Resources

First United Methodist Church*
66 Chestnut Street
Oneonta, NY 13820
607-432-4102 | First United Methodist Church's Website
*This congregation is a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network.

UU Society of Oneonta, Inc.**
12 Ford Avenue
Oneonta, NY 13820
Email: | UU Society of Oneonta's Website
**This congregation has taken part in the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Welcoming Congregation Program to become more inclusive towards bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or trans* people.

Out and About

The city of Oneonta is located in Otsego County and is part of the Central Leatherstocking Region of New York. Other counties in this region include Broome (Binghamton), Chenango, Madison, Montgomery, Oneida, and Schoharie.

Otsego Pride Alliance

The mission of Otsego Pride Alliance is to support, raise awareness, and create an understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community and its needs in the Otsego County area. We work to foster open-mindedness and the creation of safe places for members of the community, allies, friends, and family to express themselves freely. By recognizing the full spectrum of sexual orientation and gender identity we seek to promote an environment in which all feel welcome. To these ends, we engage in community outreach, activism, and other activities including an annual Pridefest. To check out what's happening in the area throughout the year, you can go here for their schedule of events.

Other Gathering Opportunities

The Pride Center of the Capital Region is the largest and closest community center in this region. They have the following Trans*-specific programs on a regular basis (from their website):

Trans Meet n Greet
Informal gatherings take place on the First and Third Tuesday of each month in the Rainbow Cafe at 332 Hudson Ave in Albany from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This is a great way to meet new people, socialize in a safe environment and connect with friends.

Trans Pride Discussion Group
A topic-centered discussion takes place at the Pride Center every First and Third Tuesday of the month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Topics range from legal issues to the successful transition in the workplace to coming out. Join us for a discussion or volunteer to present about a topic of interest! For more details call the Pride Center at 607-462-6138 or send us an email.

Selected Web Resources

  • Hudson’s FTM Guide: A comprehensive guide for trans*masculine people including grooming and clothing tips, health information, etc.
  • TransPulse: A comprehensive database of various resources, including doctors, therapists, and other services for transgender individuals.
  • TS Road Map: Another comprehensive (trans*feminine) guide including sections for “basics,” “physical,” “sexuality,” “real world” and more.

Know Your Rights

Other Resources