The minor is open to all undergraduates interested in cartography and remote sensing except Geography majors in program track GOGC. Interested students should register with and obtain further information from the Chairperson of the Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, 317 Milne Library, 607.436.3459. Effective Fall 2015
1. University rules pertaining to curriculum majors also apply to curriculum minors
- Minor GPA of at least 2.0
- All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered Pass/Fail only
- One-half (1/2) of the minor coursework must be completed in residence
- No more than two courses may overlap between/among all majors/minors; any excess requires additional coursework
2. Check proper course selection, sequence and prerequisite requirements with the department of the minor
Core Course 3 s.h.
- GEOG 100 Introductory Geography
Selections 18 s.h.
Geographic Information Systems: Select two of the following:
- GEOG 241 GIS: Principles and Methods
- GEOG 244 Environmental Applications of GIS
- GEOG 341 GIS: Advanced Methods
Cartography: Select one of the following:
- GEOG 240 Cartographic Principles
- GEOG 340 Advanced Cartographic Topics
Remote Sensing: Select two of the following:
- GEOG 145 Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications
- GEOG 245 Remote Sensing: Aerial Photo Interpretation
- GEOG 248 Remote Sensing of Environments
Additional Geography Requirement
Select one of the following:
- GEOG 236 Environmental Planning
- GEOG 305 Geography and Planning of Water Resources
- GEOG 313 Transportation Planning for Smart Growth
- GEOG 227 Sustainable Urban Planning
- GEOG 348 Regional and Land Use Planning