Outdoor Spaces by Third Party Speakers

Original Approval by the President
May 18, 2010
Revised and approved by the President
January 24, 2012
Revised and approved by the President
February 10, 2012

Policy Contact
Office of Student Affairs
(607) 436-2513
119 Netzer Administration Building

Policy Statement

A third party speaker and/or organization may reserve a portion of the Academic Quad for a maximum of two hours. The speaker/organization must make the reservation at least five business days in advance of the event and must follow the procedures that have been set out for any speaker/organization that reserves space on the quad. The quad is the only outdoor space that may be reserved by third-party speakers or groups and reservations are subject to blackout dates established by SUNY Oneonta.


SUNY Oneonta allows speakers/organizations that have no connection with student or staff/faculty groups to use space on the Academic Quad for programming. This policy brings the use of outdoor spaces into line with policies that define the terms for use of specified indoor spaces. Third party individuals and groups are allowed to reserve space in specified indoor public spaces; for use of those spaces, they are required to complete permit forms, provide proof of insurance, submit the documents within a defined period of time in advance of the use of the spaces, and pay applicable fees. SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to limit the access to outdoor spaces.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to any individual or organization that has no formal connection with SUNY Oneonta or any recognized associated organization and has not been invited by a recognized associated organization to present a program on the Academic Quad.

Policy Elaboration

Dividing the Academic Quad into two identifiable spaces that can be reserved will ensure that the use of the Quad can be maximized. It will allow multiple groups to use the outdoor space simultaneously and prevent confusion or infringement by one group on another. Third party speakers or groups are subject to the same limitations in the use of outdoor spaces as campus groups. These limitations include, but are not limited to, a prohibition of audio amplification equipment and activities that impede the flow of pedestrian traffic. Campus authorities may place additional limitations on activities in the quad as circumstances dictate. For more information about limitations, see Rules for Maintenance of Public Order. Blackout dates include orientation sessions; the opening week of classes each semester; homecoming/family weekend; admissions open houses, study days prior to finals; finals week in each semester; commencement weekend; alumni/reunion weekend (Friday-Sunday). Third party speakers or groups will not have access to campus equipment or staff.


Third party speakers or groups are defined as any person who is not a student, faculty, staff member, or invitee of an officially recognized student group or an official invitee of the SUNY Oneonta administration, faculty, or staff.

For the purpose of reserving outdoor space, the Academic Quad is divided into two spaces that may be reserved. The north portion is in front of IRC; the south portion is in front of Schumacher.


Those who want to reserve a portion of the Academic Quad must contact the Office of Student Affairs and complete the appropriate form. The staff person who takes the reservation will provide information about the limitations and procedures for using the spaces. Forms The “Application for Use of the Academic Quad by Third Party Speakers or Organizations” form is available in the Office of Student Affairs, (607) 436-2513,119 Netzer Administration Building.

Related Documents / Policies

The “Application for Use of the Academic Quad by Campus Organizations” form is used for individuals or organizations that are sponsored or invited by a recognized campus organization. This form is available in the Office of Student Affairs. Each building on campus that allows third-party speakers or groups to reserve space maintains the policies and procedures for that use. Board of Trustees SUNY Maintenance of Public Order Statutory Authority Education, Law 6450 Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public order on Premises of State Operated Institutions of the State University of New York. A copy of the Public Order Statutory Authority Education Law 6450 can be found in Appendix C of the SUNY Oneonta Code of Student Conduct.