Academic Planning

Academic Advisement appointment

Our Academic Advisement team is available to help you at every step of your academic journey. Our professional advisors can help you plan to meet degree requirements while providing you with the space to participate in experiential learning including internships, study abroad, research opportunities and more!

New Student Course Registration

The Academic Advisement team works closely with Admissions to create your first semester course schedules before you arrive on campus. This ensures that you'll begin your SUNY Oneonta journey with courses needed to start on the right track to timely degree completion.

Your pre-set schedule is created considering a variety of factors including:

  • Major
  • General Education requirements
  • Earned credit (AP/IB test scores, college credit, etc.)
  • Information provided on the Online Course Pre-Registration Survey

To get you started on the right track:

  • Send transcripts and test scores to Admissions. For any earned AP, IB, or college credit, official scores and transcripts must be sent to Admissions.
  • Log in to your Oneonta email account daily for important information. Updates on your schedule, orientation, and move-in will only be sent to your Oneonta email address. Check your email by logging into myOneonta.
  • Complete the online course pre-registration survey. This helps us create your first semester schedule. The schedule will include a mix of major courses, general education courses, and electives.
  • Review your schedule in advance. We will email you when your schedule is ready for viewing. Check your schedule by logging into myOneonta.
  • Adjust your schedule. You’ll have the opportunity to make changes to your schedule before you start your first semester! Information will be sent to your Oneonta email.

New Student Advising

As a new student, you will be assigned a dedicated professional advisor to work with during your first year. After that, and once you declare a major, you will be assigned a Faculty Advisor (Primary Advisor) in your department. The Advisement Team will always remain available for general assistance throughout your academic journey.

You are responsible for reaching out to your faculty and academic advisors throughout your time at Oneonta. We encourage you to contact your faculty advisor after you have started classes and make an appointment to meet with your advisor at least once a semester.

You have a dedicated Academic Advisor who is available for questions about:

  • Course selection and sequencing
  • Overall academic planning
  • Major/Minor/Concentration exploration
  • Connecting to campus resources

After your first year and a declared major, you will be assigned a faculty advisor who will assist you with:

  • Implementing your degree plan
  • Departmental and research opportunities
  • Internship and other experiential learning opportunities
  • Course substitutions and major specific questions

Just as an advisor has specific responsibilities, you should be prepared to:

  • Learn about your degree requirements as you are responsible for monitoring your own requirements.
  • Be connected. Faculty and academic advisors do not know if you need help unless you ask. Navigate is your one-stop shop for support. Use it to reach out for help when needed. We recommend you meet with an advisor at least once a semester! We are here for you.
  • Come to advisement meetings with topics and questions to discuss. For example, if you are considering a major/career change, doing some initial research can help guide the conversation.
  • Be open to different perspectives, ideas, and suggestions. Advisors are experts in their field and are here to help you succeed.
  • Follow up! Advisors may give you action items. Follow up with the appropriate offices and remember to contact advisors with updated information.

Planning Tools

Using the right tools will help you make well-informed decisions when planning your academic journey from now until graduation.


DegreeWorks is a degree audit tool that allows you to easily see your overall degree requirements. This tool is integral to selecting courses and planning for timely degree completion.

  • DegreeWorks is accessed in the myOneonta portal.
  • Even if a course does not slot into a specific major requirement, it still applies to overall degree requirements. Completed requirements are indicated by a green check mark. A blue half-circle indicates a requirement is in progress. An open red circle indicates a requirement has not been met.
  • Degree Works has a “What-If” tool to see what requirements would be needed if a student changed their major or program.


4-Year Maps

These suggested plans provide a general outline of course sequences and pre-requisites in your major to complete your degree requirements in a timely manner.

  • These maps are a suggested route. You should should reach out to a Faculty Advisor or the Academic Advisement Team for individual circumstances.
  • You can can click on course names to quickly see a list of pre-requisites for each course.
  • If a required course listed on the map is full, you can review adjacent semesters to see alternate options.

4-Year Degree Maps

Academic Catalog

The Academic Catalog is updated yearly and describes undergraduate programs and provides information such as academic policies and standards, course listings, and special academic programs.

  • Use the “Search Publication” feature to find information quickly using key words.
  • Access course descriptions, attributes, and pre-requisites for courses by clicking on their title.
  • Ensure you are looking at the right catalog term (you can find your term in DegreeWorks).

Academic Catalog


Important Dates and Deadlines

The Office of Admissions has outlined important dates for you to review before your arrival at SUNY Oneonta. Review the available resources to stay on track:

First-Year Students

Fall Admits Spring Admits

Transfer Students

Fall Admits Spring Admits