Office of Student Care and Well-Being

Person reading on a rock next to SUNY Oneonta's Hunt Union Pond

SUNY Oneonta's Office of Student Care and Well-Being encourages students to work toward their optimal health and well-being by promoting academic success through basic needs support, health education and wellness programs and initiatives. Our comprehensive health education platform emphasizes healthy lifestyle choices by promoting stress-reducing low-risk choices, harm reduction, social norming, and disease prevention.

We provide guidance, community, and a safety net of resources by connecting students to resources within the university as well as the local community.

8 Pillars of Wellness

Our programming, events and support follow a holistic approach to support SUNY Oneonta students in the following areas:

  • Emotional ~ How one navigates feelings; how one identifies, assesses and shares feelings.
  • Environmental ~ One's personal surroundings, the larger community. How do you support your environment and vice versa.
  • Financial ~ Living within your means and planning accordingly.
  • Technological ~ Addressing how, and how often we are engaging with technology
  • Nutrition ~ Foods to feed the mind.
  • Physical ~ Appropriate exercise, hygiene and diet.
  • Social ~ Connecting with others to form positive relationships.
  • Spiritual ~ One's sense of purpose, direction or meaning.

Featured Programs

Emergency Funding

The Student Emergency Fund provides financial assistance for SUNY Oneonta students to pay for urgent expenses triggered by unforeseen events that threaten their ability to stay in college.

Student Emergency Fund

Food Pantry

The Red Dragon Food Pantry is a full-service pantry that was created to help battle food insecurity by giving all SUNY Oneonta students and employees free access to nonperishable food, basic needs items and fresh produce.

Red Dragon Food Pantry

Wellness Programming

Our wellness programming highlights and promotes social, spiritual, and physical wellness, nutritional education, and health education.

Wellness Programming



Office of Student Care & Well-Being
Netzer Administration Building, Room 324
(607) 436-2580

Meet Our Team

John Kelly

John Kelly

Associate Director of the Office of Student Care and Well-Being

Olivia Avanzato '11

Olivia Avanzato '11

Mental Health and Well-Being Counselor

Serena Torres '19

Serena Torres '19

Basic Needs Counselor