INTD 3097: Internship in Leadership Development Program

  • Interested in developing leadership skills?
  • Want to get more involved in your community?
  • Interested in a career in public service, nonprofits or community organizing?

Consider applying for INTD 3097: Internship in Leadership Development.

Program Overview

INTD 3097 is a 6 credit, year-long internship program for juniors and seniors studying in the School of Liberal Arts and Business at SUNY Oneonta. If selected, you will be part of a student cohort, placed at a local area non-profit. You will serve directly on, or closely with the Executive Director as a member of the Board. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about the world of non-profit work and engage in community service and leadership development, while also expanding their career readiness.

Please note: You will apply to this internship program, not a specific site. In coordination with the Dean and site supervisors, the faculty coordinator will be making the placement. Organizations participating in this program include the following: Hanford Mills Museum, the Arc Otsego, Community Foundation of Otsego County, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Springbrook, and Family Service Association. If you are most interested in interning for a particular non-profit, you may note why in your cover letter, but please understand this does not guarantee placement.

Important Dates

Applications Due: All application materials are due to the Faculty Internship Coordinator by Wednesday, May 1 at 5:00 p.m. Submit an application to INTD 3097.

Decisions Made by June 1 2024. The Faculty Coordinator conducts a preliminary review of applications to ensure all applicants have met prerequisites. After consulting with the SLAB Careers Committee and the Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Business, recommendations will be sent to site supervisors no later than May 8. Interviews are held with finalists throughout May. Acceptance letters will be sent to interns by June 5, and selected interns will be connected with their respective site supervisors. If the student accepts the offer, the student must complete the SUNY Oneonta Undergraduate Internship Application to enroll in INTD 3097 before the start of the fall semester.

Internship dates: fall semester (August 2024) through spring semester (May 2025)

Program Details

SUNY Oneonta and the New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc. have partnered in an entrepreneurial opportunity to support both student learning and the diverse nonprofit organizations of the Oneonta community. Selected student applicants will be placed in a local area nonprofit organization, and will serve either as contributing executive board member, or work directly with a board member, for a two-semester, six-credit, P/F internship in the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters. During this internship, students will:

  • Gain experience on complex community issues through applied learning opportunities in areas like early childhood education, substance addiction, the environment, arts and culture, or healthcare, depending on their placement.
  • Develop new skills and knowledge in areas such as interpersonal communication, small group communication, leadership, financial management and accounting, fundraising, program development, professionalism, and marketing.
  • Build a personal and professional network of dedicated community leaders in the greater Oneonta community.
  • Develop an understanding of professional and executive leadership communication through active participation with or on the Board of Directors.
  • And understand how board member advice, support, and contributions lead to the success and social impact of community non-profit organizations.

Few other volunteer or internship experiences provide an opportunity to have such a significant effect on an organization or an organization’s mission. If selected for this opportunity, students will be required to:

  • Participate in any required board trainings offered by the organization and attend scheduled board meetings throughout the year.
  • Take part in up to 6 leadership development trainings offered throughout the year, on topics including: board member training and development, fiduciary responsibility, budget and fund development, and professional writing.
  • Work closely with site supervisor to develop a research project on a relevant issue impacting the community to which the non-profit serves.
  • Complete daily/weekly tasks assigned by internship site supervisor.
  • Submit weekly logs and meet regularly with INTD 3097 Campus Internship Coordinator.

Application Checklist

You will submit your application using a web form. To complete the application, you must check that you can complete the internship, update your resume, write a letter, and identify a reference.

Make sure you meet the application prerequisites:

  • I am in good academic and disciplinary standing with the college (e.g., no current probations or standing disciplinary actions).
  • I can make a two-semester commitment, taking 3 internship credits each semester.
  • All other SUNY Oneonta Undergraduate Internship Application requirements will be met; please see the Career Planning and Networking Center website for more information.
    • Please note: this application will be completed AFTER acceptance and placement to enroll in the course.
  • I understand that I am responsible for finding my own transportation to off-site placements (all are off-campus but within a 20-minute drive). If my vehicle is unavailable, I will work with the Faculty Coordinator to arrange transportation details (e.g., bus, taxi).
    • Please note: internship scholarships are available to offset transportation costs.

You will submit the following:

  • A current resume
  • A letter of application
    • This is a formal cover letter. Consider previous work and educational experiences and future work goals in your letter. Importantly, please explain why this internship will benefit you and what you can offer the organization in which you are placed.
    • We encourage you to research the non-profits serving this program. If there is one that you are particularly interested in, you may note this in your cover letter, but please understand this does not guarantee placement.
    • For more information about writing formal cover letters and resumes, please visit the Career Planning and Networking Center and this article from The Career Planning and Networking Center will review resumes and cover letters.
  • A SUNY Oneonta faculty or staff member who can speak to the criteria noted above. You will need their name, phone number, and email address.

Apply now to INTD 3097


Please contact Dr. Wilkerson, INTD 3097 Internship Coordinator, with questions, at: