Grade Submission Policy

Approved by the Provost

Approved by the President

Policy Contact
The Provost
(607) 436-2517

Policy Statement

Course grade submissions are due from faculty 48 hours after the last final exam time scheduled for the semester.


To modify the grading submission date so there is one final submission time. The current grade submission deadline is 48 hours post last final time by faculty member.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all SUNY Oneonta faculty.

Policy Elaboration

Faculty have until 48 hours after the last final exam time scheduled for the semester to electronically submit course grades for all students, including incomplete and pending grades, via Faculty Services.


  • Course Grade: the grade assigned to a student at the conclusion of a course.
  • Incomplete (“I”): A grade assigned temporarily upon student request when the student has faced unexpected circumstances and cannot complete the course as scheduled. To be eligible for an incomplete, the student must have completed most of the work of the course and must be able to complete the remainder without additional faculty instruction.
  • Pending (“PEN”): A pending grade may be assigned when an instructor discovers a specific skill or deficiency (writing or reading) in a student's work, but not in place of an "E" grade or an "I". Students who receive a "PEN" grade are required to start remediation during the next semester in residence.


Faculty electronically submit course grades for all students in Faculty Services by the deadline of 48 hours after the last final exam time scheduled for the semester.


Incomplete Grade Agreement Form


Questions related to the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to:

The Provost
(607) 436-2517

Related Documents/Policies

Grading System (section of Undergraduate Catalog, includes policies on Grading Scale, Incomplete and Pending Grades)