Affinity Groups

Coalition of Diverse Faculty and Staff

SUNY Oneonta seeks to foster an environment that supports the voices of employees from diverse backgrounds to create a greater sense of community. The Office of Equity and Inclusion invites members of the campus community to join the Coalition of Diverse Faculty and Staff - an Affinity Group for Faculty and Staff from Underrepresented Racial & Ethnic Backgrounds and their Allies. Please indicate your interest by completing this online form.

The goals of CODIFAST are as follows

  • Offer a venue for cross-campus exchange of ideas, socializing, networking, and mentoring.
  • Provide opportunities for faculty and staff to establish support groups, feel connected and learn from and support each other.
  • Provide a venue to continue to gather feedback on ways to further provide appropriate support for employees and continue to build a sense of community.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development.

For questions or additional information, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at

WSTEM Coalition – Call for Participants

The WSTEM group is an informal space where faculty that teach in the STEM fields share research and teaching methodologies, build interdisciplinary partnerships, and support each other in career advancement.

Goals of the group:

  • Share current research and build interdisciplinary partnerships and collaboration across the university.
  • Discuss teaching methodologies and provide support to faculty teaching STEM courses.
  • Support career advancement for STEM faculty, including raising awareness of university-wide awards and funding opportunities, and providing advice on dossier creation for RTP.
  • Inspire, recruit, and support WSTEM students across the university.

Sign up and join us every other Tuesday, from 10 – 11 a.m. in Physical Science, room 146.

Contact with questions.