Commencement Ceremony Participation Policy

Approved by President
September 13, 2017

Policy Contact
Office of the President - Commencement Planning
(607) 436-2748

Policy Statement

SUNY Oneonta has two commencement ceremonies: one in December and one in May. This policy defines which ceremony students are eligible to attend.


SUNY Oneonta allows students to attend various commencement ceremonies. This policy includes information on the following: which ceremony students may attend, the difference between participating in a ceremony and having a degree awarded, and the process by which students records are reviewed for degree completion. This policy also formalizes the title of each ceremony: Fall Commencement and Spring Commencement.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all SUNY Oneonta students.

Policy Elaboration

SUNY Oneonta has two commencement ceremonies: one in December and one in May. Only students who have filed a graduation application with the Registrar’s Office are eligible to participate in a commencement ceremony. Students who do not wish to participate in a commencement ceremony must still file a graduation application to graduate.

Participation in a commencement ceremony does not mean that a student has completed all academic program requirements for graduation. A final degree audit is conducted at the end of each semester once final grades have been received by the Registrar’s Office.


Fall Commencement: Ceremony held in December to honor degree candidates who have applied to graduate in fall semester.

Spring Commencement: Ceremony held in May to honor degree candidates who have applied to graduate in the spring and summer semesters.


Fall Commencement: Students who are on a leave of absence and/or will be registered for courses (at SUNY Oneonta or another college) that will allow for the successful completion of their academic program by the end of the fall semester will be eligible to participate in the December commencement ceremony. Students must file a graduation application with the Registrar’s Office by Nov. 1. Degree audits will be conducted, and students will be notified by e-mail of any deficiencies that may prevent them from being eligible to graduate in December and attend commencement.

Spring Commencement: Students who are on a leave of absence and/or will be registered for courses (at SUNY Oneonta or another college) that will allow for the successful completion of their academic program by the end of the winter session, spring semester or summer session will be eligible to participate in the May commencement ceremony. Students must file a graduation application with the Registrar’s Office by April 1. Degree audits will be conducted and students will be notified by e-mail of any deficiencies that may prevent them from being eligible to graduate in May and attend commencement. Previous December graduates will receive an invitation to attend the Spring Commencement ceremony.

Students who miss the graduation application deadline can still apply for their degree and indicate their plans to participate in a commencement ceremony. However, those who apply for their degree after the deadline may not have their name printed in the commencement program. All students who attend a commencement ceremony will have their name read when they cross the stage, regardless of whether their name is included in the program.

Dual majors will attend the ceremony of their primary major unless a change is requested at least six weeks prior to the commencement ceremony.


Graduation Application


Questions related to the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to:

Commencement Planning

Related Documents/Policies

Fall Commencement website

Spring Commencement website

Effective Dates

Approved by the President on 9/13/2022