About My Work
I am currently going into my fourth year as an elementary school teacher. I will be teaching grades 5-6 math and science this year. I have always been very passionate about teaching and try my best to make learning fun for my students. With teaching, there also comes a lot of responsibility, such as grading, differentiating lessons, collaborating with other teachers and supports, scheduling conferences, etc. It is a tough but rewarding job.
Best experiences in the program?
The program that I am completing is an online program (Literacy Education, M.S.Ed.). A lot of the coursework so far has been working with others, whether it be discussion posts or Zooming with classmates for collaborative projects. Working through an online program, I never expected to meet close friends. However, I have made a really great friend through the program. I am very grateful for the collaborative piece that this program offers.
Why did you choose SUNY Oneonta?
After graduating from Hartwick College in 2018, I started my master's at a school on Long Island. I was then offered a job back near the Oneonta area so I had to continue my master's elsewhere. I chose SUNY Oneonta because their program is flexible. I could complete my master's online and at a pace that allowed for me to also focus on my career as well.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?
There are many rewarding aspects to my job, but my favorite part is creating and maintaining close relationships with my students. Knowing that I can make a difference in my students' lives means the absolute world to me. Some of my favorite memories are those outside of the classroom, when I see my students playing in a soccer game and waving to me from the middle of the field or giving me the biggest hug and thanking me for going to their chorus concert after school. It's moments like these that remind me of why I chose this career. I truly believe that forming close ties with your students will lead to more successful learning and it also gives teachers a better insight on the students who are in their classrooms every day.