About Our Galleries

About Our Spaces

The Galleries at SUNY Oneonta are dedicated to the exhibition of fine art and are a cultural resource for both the university and the Community. They feature three galleries: the Martin-Mullen Gallery, the Project Space Gallery, and the Open Space Gallery. A wide range of diverse art is shown throughout the year, complemented by gallery talks and workshops.

The galleries also serve as a student forum, hosting the Juried Student Show each spring and multiple open call-based student exhibitions in the Project Space and Open Space Galleries, providing valuable exposure and experience to our students by showcasing their best work.

The Martin-Mullen Gallery is an approximately 2,000 square foot gallery space with ten-and-a-half-foot ceilings, carpet, and a combination of recessed and track lighting. Including three recessed alcoves along the exterior wall, the gallery is predominantly rectangular and is a flexible space that can be transformed from an open plan to a more modular environment, depending on the needs of the show. This gallery hosts the annual Juried Student Show, solo and group exhibitions by professional artists, and exhibitions of work by our full time Art faculty.

The Martin-Mullen Gallery can be found by entering the Fine Arts Center through the main entrance off Ravine Parkway and is on the left, immediately inside the building. It’s across the hall from the Hamblin Theater.

Download the Martin-Mullen Gallery Floor Plan

The Project Space Gallery is approximately 1,000 square feet with eight-foot ceilings, carpet, and a combination of recessed and track lighting. Broken up by two columns and including three shallow alcoves, this gallery serves as a more intimate space for solo and group shows. This gallery hosts the annual Jean Parish Scholarship Exhibition, Art Across Campus exhibition series, many of the exhibitions from Project Open Call, and various shows by professional artists and full time Art faculty.

The Project Space Gallery is in room 165 in the Fine Arts Center and can be found in the classroom hallway behind the Martin-Mullen Gallery.

Download the Project Space Gallery Floor Plan

The Open Space Gallery is an open gallery located in the hallway between the Martin-Mullen Gallery and the Fine Arts Center courtyard. It has a footprint of approximately 400 square feet in the hallway and includes a thirty-two-foot long by ten-and-a-half-foot tall wall broken up by two columns. This gallery hosts some of the exhibitions from Project Open Call as well as a rotation of works acquired through the Art on Campus program.

The Open Space Gallery can be found by entering the Fine Arts Center through the main entrance off Ravine Parkway and is on the left, just past the Martin-Mullen Gallery.


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Meet Our Director

Sarah Simpson

Our Gallery Director, Sarah Simpson, stepped into this role in summer 2021 and has continued the long tradition of bringing boundary-pushing, creative, and diverse works of art into the galleries at SUNY Oneonta.

Through student open calls and the annual Juried Student Show, she is proud to provide students with opportunities to show their work in a professional setting. She also plans to continue showing work by local and national professional artists who demonstrate skill across mediums and touch on a range of themes that reflect the variety of disciplines taught and studied at SUNY Oneonta.

Simpson has an M.A. in History of Art from University College London (UCL) in London, England, and a B.A in Archaeology and Art History from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. She has worked in the contemporary art world in a variety of positions including as a curator, writer, marketer, publicist, and gallery manager and comes to Oneonta from Brooklyn, NY, where she has worked most of her career.

Positions at the Gallery

Every semester, the Art Galleries at SUNY Oneonta employ a few students to work as Gallery Attendants. The role includes monitoring the gallery spaces and artwork on view, keeping track of the number of gallery visitors, answering questions about the current exhibitions and space, and on occasion assisting with gallery tours and programs. We typically interview interested students at the end of the semester for employment in the following semester. If you are interested in applying for this role, please reach out to the Gallery Director for more information: Sarah Simpson, Sarah.Simpson@Oneonta.edu.

The SUNY Oneonta Art Department's internship program offers opportunities to earn college credit while working on-site in a professional setting. Internship experiences often become a factor in locating employment upon graduation. Qualified juniors and seniors can earn from 1 to 15 credits by working at a business or institution related to their field of interest. During an internship, students gain first-hand experience in the day-to-day operations of businesses, corporations, galleries, or schools.

You can work at the Galleries at SUNY Oneonta as an intern through the Art Department's internship program and we accept one to two interns per semester. Learn more about the program and how to apply.

We also accept interested student volunteers to help monitor opening receptions, along with other light tasks.

Directions & Parking

The Galleries are located in the Fine Arts Center at 116 Ravine Parkway at the north end of campus, near the intersection of Ravine Parkway and Bugbee Road. Visitors are required to obtain a free temporary parking permit when visiting Monday - Friday between 8:00am and 6:00pm. Parking permits can be obtained at the Netzer welcome desk, the Hunt Union welcome desk or at the University Police Parking Office. Saturday and evening (after 6:00pm) visitors do not need to obtain a parking permit. Please refer to our visitor parking policy for more information.

Directions to campus and a campus map are available on the SUNY Oneonta website. Please note that the Fine Arts Center is number 13 on the campus map, Netzer is number 34, Hunt Union us number 24, and the University Police Parking Office is number 11. You can also refer to the more detailed parking map for clarification on designated parking areas.

If you have any questions about permit requirements, you can refer to the campus parking policy. You can also review the list of parking FAQs if you have additional questions. Please note the Admissions parking area is restricted to Admission’s visitors at all times.

Handicapped Accessibility & Sensory Safe

The Galleries at SUNY Oneonta in the Fine Arts Center are handicapped accessible spaces with reserved parking spots not far from the West door closest to Ravine Parkway. The Martin-Mullen Gallery and Open Space Gallery are flat, well-lit spaces with wide entryways with no changes in elevation from the Ravine Parkway entrance. Wheelchair accessible doors lead from the Open Space Gallery to the Project Space Gallery, which also has a wide entryway. A wheelchair accessible bathroom can be found in the hallway leading from the Open Space Gallery to the Project Space Gallery.

The Galleries are often very quiet and any sound accompaniment to exhibitions is mediated through headphones, so for people with sensory disorders it can be a comfortable space. Please contact our Gallery Director at sarah.simpson@oneonta.edu or 607-436-2445 with any concerns, inquiries, or specific requests. We aim to make the space as accessible as possible for a visitors and will work with you to the best of our abilities.


Gallery Director: Sarah Simpson
Email: Sarah.Simpson@oneonta.edu
Tel: 607-436-2445

Administrative Assistant: Katie Webster
Email: kaitlin.webster@oneonta.edu
Tel: 607-436-3456

General Info

Admission: Free

Mailing Address:
Galleries at SUNY Oneonta
106 Fine Arts
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

Gallery Floor Plans:

Martin - Mullen Gallery
Project Space Gallery
Open Space Gallery

Gallery Hours

11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Tuesday to Saturday

Closed between exhibitions and open by appointment only during university recesses.

Parking: Visitor parking permit required. Visit the University Police Department to obtain a permit.

Directions, Parking & Accessibility

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