Economics Scholarships

Available Scholarships

The endowed scholarship funds dedicated to Economics majors include:

  • Economics and Business Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • John Doherty Scholarship
  • Steven Edelstein Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Foster Brown
  • Steven D. Raich Family Scholarship
  • George F. Ring Jr. and Ellen Smith Ring Scholarship
  • Dr. Ignatius J. H. Ts’ao Scholarship


Eligibility for awards from these endowed scholarships is based upon academic achievement at SUNY Oneonta, measured in terms of overall grade point average and grade point average in a major offered by the department.

There is no application process for these scholarships. Eligibility for an award is determined by grade point average and a minimum number of earned semester hours.

Awards are contingent upon enrollment at SUNY Oneonta and a major in Economics. Awards are renewable based upon continued enrollment and sustained academic performance.

Support Economics

Alumni, faculty, staff, and friends are making the Economics and Business programs stronger by contributing to scholarship campaigns and other initiatives for excellence! Their generosity is increasing the number of scholarship awards every year.

You can help to multiply the awards again by contributing to an endowed scholarship fund of your choice. You have the option of submitting your contribution using a credit card through a secure server transaction, or by check or money order.

Please be certain to specifically request that your gift is directed to one of the above scholarships in the “Other” field or to the Economics and Business Academic Excellence and Improvement Fund - A multipurpose fund providing financial support for excellence and program improvement.


Thank you for joining donors from the alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the Economics Department. Unrestricted gifts may be made to the Fund for Oneonta.