Fast Facts

Admissions Data

High School Average
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Accounting 90.9 91.3 89.57 90.09 90
Business Economics 90.2 89.3 88.76 89.48 90
Average SAT Scores
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Accounting 1117 1108 1108 1168 1105
Business Economics 1097 1091 1136 1163 1127
Undergraduate Degrees Awarded and Headcount Enrollment
Number of 2019-20 Degrees Awarded Fall 2020 Headcount Enrollment
Accounting 23 104
Business Economics 148 558
TOTAL 171 662
Average Time to Degree (in Years) for SEB Full-Time, First-Year Students[1]
Academic Year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Business Economics 4.03 4.16 3.55 3.64 3.57 3.58
Professional Accounting (150 credit-hour program) 4.85 4.88 4.73 4.29 4.62 4.42

[1] Based upon a 4-year entering cohort for Business Economics and Economics. Professional Accounting is based upon a 5-year entering cohort.

The January 2020 survey of alumni shows 67.03% were employed in their first job within three months of graduation, and 85.7% were employed within six months. 79.1% reported their first job was related to their undergraduate major. The table below indicates the alumni distribution of employment by functional field.

Certified Public Accountant Exam
2019 2018 2017
Percentage of Auditing Events Passed 55.2 51.6 46.9
Percentage of Business Environment Events Passed 75.0 58.1 62.1
Percentage of Financial Accounting and Reporting Events Passed 54.8 50.0 42.9
Percentage of Regulation Events Passed 57.1 43.9 44.2

*Due to technology and platform transitions with NASBA, examination performance publications for 2020 and forward are temporarily unavailable.

Initial Employment by Field
Field Percentage
Accounting 25.3%
Finance 23.1%
General Management 2%
Human Resources 5.5%
Information Systems 2%
Marketing 5.5%
Operations/Production Management 6.6%
Sales 7.7%
Other 22%

Graduate Studies Data

8.4% of alumni pursued graduate studies. For example, alumni reported pursuing graduate degrees at these universities: University of Manchester UK, Marist College, Binghamton University, Clarkson University, Long Island University, Concordia University, University of Northern Florida and Rochester Institute of Technology .