Business Faculty

Kai Chen

Associate Professor Finance
Office: 132 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-2313

alsius david

Alsius David

Assistant Professor of Information Systems
Office: 125 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3485

Barbara Durkin

Associate Professor of Management
Office: 146 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3531

Education: J.D.,Pace University (2010); M.B.A. (Organizational Behavior), Iona College (1977); B.A., Political Science and Business, St. John's University (1974)

Professional experience: Attorney-at-Law, New York (2012), Independent Management Consultant (1987-present); Director of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, SUNY Maritime (2004-2007)

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals
Barbara J. Durkin & Izabella V. Lokshina (2015). The Power of Integrated Wireless and Mobile Communication Technologies and Their Impact on the Corporate World. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 7(3), 36-45.
DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.2015070103

Durkin B. J. & Lokshina, I.V. (2015). The Impact of Integrated Wireless and Mobile Communication Technologies on the Corporate World. In Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Telecommunication Symposium (WTS) 2015, (pp. 1-5).

Durkin, B. J. (2011). “A Whole New World: Gigonomics, Human Resource Development, and the Brave New Lawyer,” New York State Bar Association Journal, 83(7), 34-40.

Durkin, B. J. (2010). “Providing a Framework for Social and Economic Rights of Workers Employed by Multinational Enterprises Utilizing Compliance Procedures for U. S. Contractors,” New York State Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Journal, 35(2), 38-47.

Feng, Jie

Jie Feng

Associate Professor of Marketing
Office: 119 Alumni Hall

Phone: 607-436-3709

Education: Ph.D., Marketing, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2010); M.A., Communication Management, University of Alabama--Birmingham (2006); B.A., Advertising and Journalism, Zhejiang University (2002)

Recent Intellectual Contributions:
Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals

Feng, J., Papatla, P. Advertising: Stimulant or Suppressant of Online Word of Mouth?. To appear in Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Feng, J., Wang, K.-Y., Peracchio, L. (2008). How Third-party Organization (TPO) Endorsement Advertising Works: Do Consumers Perceive TPO Endorsement as Signals of Quality?. Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 616-623.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Other Intellectual Contributions:

Feng, J. (Co-Chair), Marketing Science, "The Antecedents of Online Word-Of-Mouth for Automobiles," INFORMS, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (June 2008).

Feng, J. (Co-Chair), Association for Consumer Research, "How Third-party Organization (TPO) Endorsement Advertising Works: Do Consumers Perceive TPO Endorsement as Signals of Quality?," Association for Consumer Research, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. (October 2007).

Flynn, Lisa

Lisa Flynn

Associate Professor of Accounting
Office: 138 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3195

Education: Ph.D., Management (Accounting Concentration), Binghamton University (2001); M.S., Accounting, Binghamton University (1994); B.S., Accounting, Ithaca College (1992)

Recent Intellectual Contributions:

Learning & Pedagogical Research: Peer Reviewed Journals
Buchan, H., Flynn, L. (2007). Preliminary Evaluation of an Ethics Educational Intervention. Journal of Business & Behavioral Sciences, 16(2/fall), 114-130.

Learning & Pedagogical Research: Other Intellectual Contributions
Buchan, H. (Presenter & Author), Flynn, L. (Author Only), Mid-Atlantic 2011 Regional Meeting, "Evaluation of an Ethics Educational Intervention Using DIT-2 Results: Phase II," American Accounting Association, Baltimore, Maryland. (April 22, 2011).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Buchan, H. (Author Only), 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business & Behavioral Sciences, "Cognitive Moral Development as an Aspect of a Business Curriculum: A Research Study," Las Vegas, NV. (February 26, 2011).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Buchan, H. (Author Only), 17th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business & Behavioral Sciences, "Business Ethics Curriculum Assessment Using DIT-2," American Society of Business & Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 19, 2010).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Buchan, H. (Author Only), 16th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business & Behavioral Sciences, "Evaluations of an Ethics Curriculum Using DIT2 Results: A Longitudinal Analysis," ASBBS, Las Vegas, NV. (February 20, 2009).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Buchan, H. (Author Only), 15th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business & Behavioral Sciences, "Preliminary Evaluations of an Ethics Educational Intervention: Phase II," American Society of Business & Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 22, 2008).

Buchan, H. (Presenter & Author), Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Faculty Research Seminar Series, "Preliminary Evaluation of an Ethics Educational Intervention," SUNY Oneonta, SUNY Oneonta. (April 25, 2007).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Rothenberg, R. (Author Only), 14th Annual Meeting, "Perceptions of Fairness of Classroom Policies: An Investigation of Student Thought Processes," American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 24, 2007).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Buchan, H. (Author Only), 14th Annual Meeting, "Evaluations of an Ethics Curriculum Using DIT Results," American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 23, 2007).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Oneonta Faculty Convivium, "An Investigation of Student Perceptions of Fairness of Classroom Policies," SUNY Oneonta, SUNY Oneonta Campus. (March 2005).

Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), Rothenberg, R. (Author Only), Insinga, R. C. (Author Only), Shastri, A. (Author Only), 12th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, "An Investigation of Student Perceptions of Fairness of Classroom Policies," American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. (February 2005).

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals
Stone, A. G., Flynn, L. (2010). Innovation Attributes + Net Promoter Score = A Customer Loyalty Prediction Model. Journal of Business & Behavioral Sciences, 22(1 (Fall)), 133-149.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Other Intellectual Contributions
Stone, A. G. (Presenter & Author), Flynn, L. (Presenter & Author), 16th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business & Behavioral Sciences, "Attributes of an Innovation + Net Promoter Score (NPS) = A Predictive Model of Customer Loyalty," ASBBS, Las Vegas, NV. (February 20, 2009).

Deno, Charlene

Charlene Foley-Deno

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Internship and Career Development coordinator
Office: 121 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3153

Education: MBA, Clarkson University (2014); MS, Potsdam State University of New York (1999); BS, Russell Sage College (1990); AAS Hudson Valley Community College (1987)

Giura, Simona

Simona Giura

Associate Professor of Management
Office: 137 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3159

Education: Ph.D., Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2014); MBA, Southern New Hampshire University (2008); B.S., The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (2004)

Recent Intellectual Contributions:

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Other Intellectual Contributions

Alliance Network Structure and Inter-firm Knowledge Flows: Evidence from R&D Alliances. Giura I.S., T. Ravichandran, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2014.

The Effect of Knowledge Flows outside the Scope of an Alliance on Knowledge Creation within the Alliance. Giura I.S., I. Hasan, MVS Kumar, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, 2013.

Internal Knowledge Growth Due to Alliances: Evidence from Self Citations. Giura, I.S., MVS Kumar, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2013.

Alliance Partners’ Symmetry and Knowledge Flows. Giura I.S., T. Ravichandran, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2013.

Knowledge Sharing in Teams: The Role of Social Networks. Giura I.S., T.M. Laverty, Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 2013.

Knowledge Appropriation in Alliances: The Role of Information Technology. Giura I.S., T. Ravichandran, INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Phoenix, 2012.

The Impact of Alliances on Self Learning. Giura, I.S., MVS Kumar, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, 2012.

Knowledge Transfers in Alliances: The Role of Information Technology. Giura, I.S., T. Ravichandran. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, 2012.

The inter relationship between alliance formation and acquisitions: An integrated perspective. K. Gang, MVS Kumar, Giura, I.S., Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, 2012.

The Impact of Alliances on Self Learning. Giura, I.S., MVS Kumar. PhD Students’ Research-Development Workshop at the Atlanta Competitive Advantage Conference (ACAC), 2012

Intended and Unintended Knowledge Transfers in Alliances: A Theoretical Perspective on the Role of Social Networks. Giura I.S. Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2012.

Winner of the Outstanding Theoretical Paper

Knowledge Flows in Related and Unrelated Areas: Evidence from R&D Alliances. Cirstea I.S., Hasan I. and Kumar MVS. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2011.

Catalina Hurwitz

Catalina Hurwitz

Assistant Professor Finance
Office: 131 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3149

Yan Lang

Assistant Professor Supply Chain Management
Office: 126 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-2842

Education: Ph.D., Management Science/Supply Chain Management, The University of Texas at Arlington (2022); M.B.A, The University of Texas at Arlington (2013); B.B.A, Accounting, Southwestern Adventist University (2011)


Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals

Wu, Y., Chen, K.Y., & Lang, Y. Learning under the Inventory Problem of Economic Order Quantity: A Behavioral Study. International Journal of Inventory Research. Forthcoming

Truong, N. C. D., Wang, X., Wanniarachchi, H., Lang, Y., Nerur, S., Chen, K. Y., & Liu, H. (2022). Mapping and understanding of correlated electroencephalogram (EEG) responses to the newsvendor problem. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-16.

Chen, K. Y., Wang, J., & Lang, Y. (2022). Coping with digital extortion: An experimental study of benefit appeals and normative appeals. Management Science, 68(7), 5269-5286.

Wanniarachchi, H., Lang, Y., Wang, X., Pruitt, T., Nerur, S., Chen, K. Y., & Liu, H. (2021). Alterations of cerebral hemodynamics and network properties induced by newsvendor problem in the human prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 598502.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

Truong, N., Wanniarachchi, H., Lang, Y., Wang, X., Nerur, S., Chen, K. Y., & Liu, H. (2020, October). Analysis of correlation in neural responses across multiple subjects or trials during decision-making for newsvendor problem. In 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE) (pp. 530-537). IEEE.

Wanniarachchi, H. I., Wang, X., Lang, Y., Nerur, S. P., Chen, K. Y., & Liu, H. (2020, April). Neural correlates of economic decision making in the frontal cortex mapped by functional near infrared spectroscopy. In Optics and the Brain (pp. BM2C-3). Optica Publishing Group.

Wilson Lin, Ph.D.

Wilson Lin

Associate Professor of Marketing
Office: 117 Alumni Hall

Phone: 607-436-2314

Education: Ph.D., Marketing, Binghamton University (2015); M.S., Marketing, University of Denver (2007); M.B.A., National Chiayi University (2004); B.A., Communication Management, Shih-Hsin University (2002)


Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals

Lin, Chien-Wei and Kalpesh K. Desai (2013), “Does Imbalanced Spending Sabotage Our Happiness? Moderating Influence of Time vs. Money,” Advances in Consumer Research, 392-399, October 2013, Chicago, IL.

Subimal Chatterjee and Chien-Wei Lin (2012), “When Losing Hurts Less: How Spending Time vs. Money Affects Outcome Happiness,” Advances in Consumer Research, 675-677, October 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Conference Presentations

Dipankar Rai and Chien-Wei Lin (2015), “The Influence of Implicit Self-Theories on Financial Risk Taking,” Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), New Orleans, AL.

JungHwa (Jenny) Hong and Chien-Wei Lin (2015), “The Effect of Bicultural Identity on Consumer Preference,” Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), New Orleans, AL.

Dipankar Rai, Chien-Wei Lin, and Gizem Atav (2015), “The Influence of Mindsets on the Appeal of Single versus Multiple Means During Goal Pursuit,” Society of Marketing Advances (SMA), San Antonio, TX.

Lin, Chien-Wei and Dipankar Rai (2015), “The Effects of Temperature Cues on Charitable Donation,” Society of Consumer Psychology Conference (SCP), Phoenix, AZ.

Lin, Chien-Wei and Qi Wang (2014), “Strategic Alliances in CRM: When and With Whom to Ally? The Effects of CRM Alliances on Consumer and Financial Markets,” Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Baltimore, MD.

Subimal Chatterjee and Chien-Wei Lin (2014), “When Losing Hurts Less: Moderating Influence of Spending Time vs. Spending Money,” Society of Consumer Psychology Conference (SCP), Miami, FL.

Lin, Chien-Wei and I-Ling Ling (2014), “A Good Defense is the Best Offense: The Effects of Mortality Salience on Money and Time Allocation,” Society of Consumer Psychology Conference (SCP), Miami, FL.

Lin, Chien-Wei and Kalpesh K. Desai (2013), “Does Imbalanced Spending Sabotage Our Happiness? Moderating Influence of Time vs. Money,” Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Chicago, IL.

Lin, Chien-Wei and Kalpesh K. Desai (2013), “Time vs. Money: Does Imbalanced Spending on Self (vs. Others) Sabotage Our Happiness,” European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (EACR), Barcelona, Spain.

Lin, Chien-Wei and Kalpesh K. Desai (2013), “Imbalance in Spending Time vs. Money on Self vs. Others: Influence on Happiness,” Society of Consumer Psychology Conference (SCP), San Antonio, TX.

Subimal Chatterjee and Chien-Wei Lin (2012), “When Losing Hurts Less: How Spending Time vs. Money Affects Outcome Happiness,” Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Vancouver, Canada.

Dong-Ha Kim and Chien-Wei Lin (2012), “Effects of Indirect Leadership on Incremental and Radical Creativity,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Boston, MA.

Lokshina, Izabella

Izabella Lokshina

Professor and Department Chair
Office: 139 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3151

Education: Ph.D., Artificial Intelligence, Moscow State Mining University (1995); M.S., Applied Mathematics/Automated Control Systems, Moscow Oil and Gas Institute (1983); B.A., English, Moscow State University (1980)

2019 SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities

Recent Journal Publications:
Lokshina, I., Zhong, H., Lanting, C.J.M. (2020). Self-Similar Teletraffic in a Smart World. Data-Centric Business and Applications Evolvements in Business Information Processing and Management (eds. N. Kryvinska, M. Gregus), vol.30, pp. 137-160. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Lokshina, I., Durkin B., Lanting C.J.M. (2019). loT-and Big Data-Driven Data Analysis Services for Third Parties: Business Models, New Ventures, and Potential Horizons. Strategic Innovations and Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Telecommunications and Networking (ed. N. Meghanathan), pp. 256-289. Hershey, PA: IGI Global

Lokshina, I., Bartolacci, M. R. (2019). Thinking eHealth: Empowering for Well-Being with Health Monitoring Systems. Strategic Innovations and Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Telecommunications and Networking (ed. N. Meghanathan), pp. 290-312. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Lokshina, I., Zhong, H. (2019). Digital Communications and a Smart World. Data-Centric Business and Applications Evolvements in Business Information Processing and Management (eds. N. Kryvinska, M. Greguš), vol. 20, pp. 1-21. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Lokshina, I., Lanting, C. J. M. (2019). A Qualitative Evaluation of IoT-Driven eHealth: Knowledge Management, Business Models and Opportunities, Deployment and Evolution. Data-Centric Business and Applications Evolvements in Business Information Processing and Management (eds. N. Kryvinska, M. Gregus), vol. 20, pp. 23-52. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Lokshina, I. V., Durkin, B. J., Lanting, C. J.M. (2018). The IoT- and Big Data-Driven Data Analysis Services: KM, Implications and Business Opportunities. International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), 14(4), pp. 88-107. DOI: 10.4018/IJKM.2018100106

Lokshina, I., Lanting, C. J. M. (2018). Qualitative evaluation of IoT driven eHealth: KM, Business Models, Deployment and Evolution. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), 10(4), pp. 26-45. DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.2018100102

Lokshina, I., Lanting, C. J. M., Durkin, B. (2018). The IoT- and Big Data-Driven Data Analysis Services for Third Parties, Strategic Implications and Business Opportunities. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), Special Issue: Rise of the Business Ecosystems: Business Models, Structures, Processes, and People, 9(3), pp. 34-52.

Lokshina, I., Lanting, C. J. M. (2018). Addressing Ethical Concerns of Big Data as a Prerequisite for a Sustainable Big Data Industry. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), 10(3), pp. 33-54

Toral-Cruz, H., Mihovska, A., Gaj, P., He, D., Ramírez-Pacheco, J. C., Voznak, M., Lokshina, I. (2017). Preface. Advances and Challenges in Convergent Communication Networks. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer US, 96(4), pp.4919-4927.

Lokshina, I. V., Durkin, B. J. (2017). Redesigning the Healthcare Model to Address Obesity Problem Using the Integration of Processes and Mobile Technologies: Facing a Worldwide Epidemic in an Innovative Manner. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer US, 96(4), pp. 5483–5498.

Lokshina, I., Zhong, H. (2017). Analysis of Turbo Code Behavior with Extrinsic Information Transfer Charts in High-Speed Wireless Data Services. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 9(4), pp. 26-36; DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.2017100104.

Lokshina, I., Durkin, B., Lanting, C. J. M. (2017). Data Analysis Services Related to the IoT and Big Data: Strategic Implications and Business Opportunities for Third Parties. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 9(2), pp.37-56; DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.2017040104.

Lokshina, I. (2016). Study on Estimating Buffer Overflow Probabilities in High-Speed Communications. Telecommunication Systems Journal, Springer US, 62(2), pp. 289-302.

Barbara J. Durkin & Izabella V. Lokshina (2015). The Power of Integrated Wireless and Mobile Communication Technologies and Their Impact on the Corporate World. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 7(3), 36-45.
DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.2015070103

Lokshina, I. (2015). Study on Estimating Probabilities of Buffer Overflow in High-Speed Communication Networks. Telecommunication Systems Journal (TELS).
Springer US.
DOI: 10.1007/s11235-015-0055-0

Lokshina, I. (2015). Estimating Buffer Overflow Probabilities in High-Speed Communications. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility (JCSM), 3(4), 399-426.
River Publishers, the Netherlands.
DOI: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.343

Lokshina, I., Bartolacci, M. R. (2015). Thinking eHealth: a Mathematical Background of an Individual Health Status Monitoring System to Empower Young People to Manage Their Health. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 6(3), 27-36.

Lokshina, I., Bartolacci, M. R. (2014). Buffer overflow simulation in queuing networks with finite buffer capacity. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 5(3), 144-151.

Lokshina, I., Bartolacci, M. R. (2014). Redesigning the Healthcare Model to Address Obesity Problem Using Incentives Delivered through a Combination of Processes and Mobile Technologies. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), 5(4), 92-106.

Lokshina, I., Thomas, W. (2014). Analysis of Design Requirements for Electronic Tags from a Business Perspective. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 5(2), 119–128.

Lokshina, I. (2013). Accelerated rare event simulation with Markov chain modeling in wireless communication networks. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 4(4), 185-191.

Lokshina, I. (2012). Study about effects of self-similar IP network traffic on queuing and network performance. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 4(2), 76-90.

Lokshina, I. (2012). Performance Evaluation of Multi-Service UMTS Core Networks with Clustering and Neural Modelling. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation special issue on: "Adaptation and Clustering in Mobile Networks", 4(1), 24-31.

Lokshina, I. (2011). Applications of Reed-Solomon Codes in Mobile Digital Video Communications Systems. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 3(4), 204 – 208.

Lokshina, I. (2011). Modeling and Simulation of Traffic with Integrated Services at Media Getaway Nodes in Next Generation Networks. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 3(3), 1-14.

Lokshina, I. (2011). Application of Extrinsic Information Transfer Charts to Anticipate Turbo Code Behavior. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 3(2), 31-37.

Radev, D., Lokshina, I. (2010). Advanced Models and Algorithms for Self-Similar Network Traffic Simulation and Performance Analysis. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 61(6), 341-349.
Lokshina, I., Radev, D., Radeva, S. (2009). Modeling and Simulation of Self-Similar Traffic in Wireless IP Networks. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking Special Issue: Wireless Telecommunications: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 1(4), 71-87.

Recent Honors and Awards:

2018-19 SUNY CHANCELLOR'S AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN SCHOLARSHIP AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES, SUNY, Chancellor Kristina Johnson, Research (May11, 2019). In recognition of outstanding performance in scholarship and creative activities and significant contribution to institutional quality.

AWARD "COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS". SUNY Oneonta, President Barbara Morris. (November 8, 2018)

AWARD "2018 DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR", In recognition of exceptional scholarly and creative work, SUNY Oneonta, President Barbara Morris. (November 8, 2018).

AWARD "COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS", SUNY Oneonta, President Nancy Kleniewski. (November 7, 2017).

AWARD "COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS", SUNY Oneonta, President Nancy Kleniewski. (November 10, 2016).

AWARD "2016 DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR", In recognition of exceptional scholarly and creative work, SUNY Oneonta, President Nancy Kleniewski. (November 10, 2016).

CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION AS INVITED SPEAKER, IEEE 3rd Wireless Systems Symposium within IDASCS conferences. (September 26, 2016).

AWARD "COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS", SUNY Oneonta, President Nancy Kleniewski. (November 4, 2015)

EDITOR'S AWARD FOR BEST PAPER OF 2014 - The International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation. Editor Michael R. Bartolacci, Penn State University (October 1, 2015).

WTS Distinguished Fellow Award, Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) 2015, Service, Professional. (April 15, 2015).
To active supporters of the Wireless Telecommunications Symposium for their outstanding and distinguished service to WTS since 2005

WTS Service Award, Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) 2015, Service, Professional. (April 15, 2015).
To active supporters of the Wireless Telecommunications Symposium for their outstanding contributions of service to WTS 2015, WTS 2015 Program Committee Co-Chair

Award "Community of Scholars", SUNY-Oneonta, Research. (November 6, 2014).
Certificate in Appreciation of Fifteen Years of Loyal Service to the college, SUNY Oneonta. (October, 2014).

Outstanding Paper Award, Networking and Electronic Commerce Conference (NAEC 2014), Research. (August 24, 2014).

Best Paper Award, Ghent University, Belgium and the EUROSIS-ETI, Research. (July 11, 2014).

Award "Community of Scholars", SUNY-Oneonta, Research. (November 20, 2013).

Certificate of Appreciation, The 16th Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposium, Research. (August 16, 2013).

Award "Community of Scholars", SUNY-Oneonta, Research. (November 13, 2012).

NAEC Outstanding Service Award, NAEC 2012. (October 11, 2012).

The Crystal Prize and Diploma "The Best Paper", University of Rousse, Bulgaria, Research. (November 4, 2010).

Ghislain Vansteenkiste Award in Modeling and Simulation, Ghent University, Belgium and the EUROSIS-ETI, Research. (July 29, 2010).

Certificate in Appreciation of Ten Years of Loyal Service to the College, SUNY Oneonta. (September 1, 2009).

Certificate of Appreciation, IEEE WTS 2009. (April 24, 2009).

WTS Outstanding Service Award, IEEE WTS 2009. (April 22, 2009).

Nikiforidis, Lambrianos

Lambrianos Nikiforidis

Associate Professor of Marketing
Office: 118 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3535

Education: Ph.D., Marketing, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2017; M.B.A., Marketing, American College of Thessaloniki, 2010; B.A., Mathematics, Hamilton College, 2003

Recent Intellectual Contributions:

Nikiforidis, Lambrianos, Kristina M. Durante, Joseph P. Redden, and Vladas Griskevicius (forthcoming), “Do Mothers Spend More on Daughters While Fathers Spend More on Sons?” Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Nikiforidis, Lambrianos, Ashley Rae Arsena, and Kristina M. Durante (2017), “The Effect of Fertility on Women’s Intrasexual Competition,” in The Oxford Handbook of Women and Competition, ed. Maryanne L. Fisher, New York: Oxford University Press, 397-410.

Ozer, Mine

Mine Ozer

Professor of Management
Office: 141 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3047

Education: Ph.D., Organizations, Strategy and International Management, University of Texas at Dallas (2006); M.A, Political Science, Bilkent University (2002); B.A., Political Science, Bilkent University (2001)

Recent Intellectual Contributions:


Alakent, E., Ozer, M., & Goktan, M.S. (2019). The Effect of Venture Capital Backing During Early Stages on Subsequent Lobbying. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, forthcoming.

Lee, S.H., Ozer, M., & ., Baik, Y. (2018). The Impact of Political Connections on Government Bailout: Examining the Recent 2008 Sudden Credit Crunch in the United States. Economics of Governance, 19(4): 299-315.

Alakent, E., & Ozer, M. (2014). Can Companies Buy Legitimacy? Using Corporate Political Strategies to Offset Negative Corporate Social Responsibility Records. Journal of Strategy and Management, 7(4): 318-336.

Ozer, M., Demirkan, I., & Gokalp, O. (2013). Collaboration Networks and Innovation: Does Corporate Political Strategy Matter?. Journal of Strategy and Management, 6(3): 286-308.

Ozer, M., & Alakent, E. (2013). The Influence of Ownership Structure on How Firms Make Corporate Political Strategy Choices. Business & Society, 52(3): 451-472.

Ahsan, M., Ozer, M., & Alakent, E. (2010). Role of Prior Experience and Knowledge Sourcing on Incumbents Adaptation Process. Journal of Managerial Issues.

Ozer, M. (2010). Top Management Teams and Corporate Political Activity: Do Top Management Teams Have Influence on Corporate Political Activity? Journal of Business Research 63(11): 1196-1201.

Ozer, M. & Markoczy, L. (2010). Complementary or alternative? The effects of corporate political strategy on innovation. Journal of Strategy and Management 3(30): 252-272.

Ozer, M., Alakent, E., & Ahsan, M. (2010). Institutional Ownership and Corporate Political Strategies: Does Heterogeneity of Institutional Owners Matter? Strategic Management Review 4(1): 18-29.

Ozer, M. & Lee, S.H. (2009). When Do Firms Prefer Individual Action to Collective Action in The Pursuit of Corporate Political Strategy? A New Perspective on Industry Concentration. Business and Politics 11: 1-23.

Conference Presentations

Ozer, M. (2019). CEO Tenure and Corporate Political Strategy. Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Wilmington, Delaware.

Alakent, E., Ozer, M., & Goktan, M.S. (2019). The Effect of Venture Capital Backing During Early Stages on Subsequent Lobbying. Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Wilmington, Delaware.

Alakent, E., Ozer, M., & Goktan, M.S. (2018). The Effect of Venture Capital Backing During Early Stages on Subsequent Lobbying. The Annual Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship Conference, Washington, DC.

Alakent, E., & Ozer, M. (2013). Can Companies Buy Legitimacy? Using Corporate Political Strategies to Offset Negative Corporate Social Responsibility Records. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.

Alakent, E., & Ozer, M. (2013). Can Companies Buy Legitimacy? Using Corporate Political Strategies to Offset Negative Corporate Social Responsibility Records. The European Academy of Management Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ozer, M., Demirkan, I., & Gokalp, O. (2011). The Role of Corporate Political Strategy in the Network Structure and Innovation Relation. Strategic Management Society, Miami, Florida.

Ozer, M. & Alakent, E. (2011). The Influence of Ownership Structure on Firms' Approach to Corporate Political Strategy. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

Lee, S.H., Baik, Y., & Ozer, M. (2011). The Impact of Political Connections: Examining the Recent 2008 Sudden Credit Crunch in the U.S. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

Lee, S.H., Baik, Y., & Ozer, M. (2010). Real Options Investments in Political Capital and Government Bailout: The 2008 Financial Crisis. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Ozer, M. & Alakent, E. (2010). The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Choice of Corporate Political Strategy. Fourth International Colloquium on Corporate Political Activity, Brookville, NY.

Ozer, M. & Markoczy, L. (2009). Does Innovation Hinder or Promote Corporate Political Strategy? Strategic Choice and Resource Dependence Perspectives. Strategic Management Society Conference, Washington, DC.

Ozer, M. , Alakent, E. & Mahsan, M. (2009). Corporate Political Strategies: Does Ownership Structure Matter?. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.

Ozer, M. & Markoczy, L. (2008). The Role of Top Management Team on Strategic Choice of Corporate Political Strategy and Innovation. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California.

Ozer, M. (2007). Why Does Top Management Team Support Corporate Political
Strategy? Corporate Governance Perspective. Decision Sciences Institute's Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Ozer, M. (2007). Consensus Formation among Top Management Team on Corporate Political Strategy. Annual Conference of Northeast Business and Economics Association, New Britain, CT.

Ozer, M. & Lee, S.H. (2006). Levels of Participation in Corporate Political Strategies: Collective vs. Individual Action. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.

Dalgic, T., Ismail, K., Ozer, M. & Zhao, X. (2005). “In Search of Simplicity: Bringing Complexity Theory in International Business”. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Ozer, M. (2004). “Leadership Matters: Proposing What Effective Virtual Project Team Leaders Do To Make Teams Effective”. The Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.

Liyao Pan

Liyao Pan

Assistant Professor of Management
Office: 142 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-2861

Qin, Juan

Juan Qin

Associate Professor of Accounting
Office: 106 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-2860

Education: Ph.D., Accounting, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2017; M.B.A with Concentration in Finance, University of Hawaii at Manoa and Sun Yat-sen University (P.R.C.), 2012; M.S., Environment, Nankai University (P.R.C.), 2007; B.E., Environment, Nanchang University (P.R.C.), 2004

Shannon, Sean

Sean Shannon

Assistant Professor of Law
Office: 120 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-2195

Education: Ph.D. (2016) American Politics and Public Policy, Graduate Center, CUNY; M.Phil. (2011) American Politics and Public Policy, Graduate Center, CUNY; J.D. (1997), University at Buffalo, School of Law; B.S. (1989), Political Science, SUNY Oneonta

Siregar, Dona

Dona Siregar

Professor Finance
Office: 140 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-2631

Education: Ph.D., Finance, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2004); M.E., Industrial and Management Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2001); B.S., Industrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural (1995)

Dona Siregar, Ph.D.

Recent Intellectual Contributions:
Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals

Siregar, D., Francis, B., Hasan, I. (2009). The Choice of IPO versus M&A: Evidence from Banking Industry. To appear in Applied Financial Economics, 19(24), 1987-2007.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Other Intellectual Contributions

Bessler, W., Murtagh, J. P., Siregar, D. (2006). Dividend Policy of Bank Initial Public Offerings. Elsevier.

Siregar, D. (Presenter & Author), Financial Management Association Meeting, "The Choice Of IPO versus M&A: Evidence From Banking Industry," Financial Management Association, Salt Lake City, UT. (October 12, 2006).

Siregar, D. (Author Only), Southern Finance Association Meeting, "The Choice Of IPO versus M&A: Evidence From Banking Industry," Southern Finance Association, Key West, Florida. (November 18, 2005).

Trippeer, Donald

Donald Trippeer

Associate Professor of Accounting
Office: 104 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3509

Education: Ph.D., Business Administration, University of South Carolina (1993); M.S., Accounting, Texas Tech University (1985); B.S., Business Administration (Accounting), East Carolina University (1983)

Recent Intellectual Contributions:

Learning & Pedagogical Research: Other Intellectual Contributions
Trippeer, D. (2011). Solutions Manual to accompany West’s Federal Taxation of Business Entities 2012 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2011). Test Bank to accompany West’s Federal Taxation of Business Entities: 2012 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2011). Corporation, S Corporation, & Partnership Practice Sets, 2011 Edition, West Publishing Company. West Publishing Company/Thomson Learning/Cengage.

Trippeer, D. (2010). Solutions Manual to accompany West’s Federal Taxation of Business Entities 2011 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2010). Test Bank to accompany West’s Federal Taxation of Business Entities: 2011 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2010). Corporation, S Corporation, & Partnership Practice Sets, 2010 Edition, West Publishing Company. West Publishing Company/Thomson Learning/Cengage.

Trippeer, D. (2010). 2010 Tax Update and Forms Supplement to accompany West’s Federal Taxation. Thomson Learning.

Trippeer, D. (2009). Solutions Manual to accompany West’s Federal Taxation of Business Entities 2010 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2009). Test Bank to accompany West’s Federal Taxation of Business Entities: 2010 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2009). Corporation, S Corporation, & Partnership Practice Sets, 2009 Edition, West Publishing Company. West Publishing Company/Thomson Learning/Cengage.

Trippeer, D. (2009). 2009 Tax Update and Forms Supplement to accompany West’s Federal Taxation. Thomson Learning.

Trippeer, D. (2008). Test Bank to accompany West’s Federal Taxation: 2009 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2008). Solutions Manual to accompany West’s Federal Taxation 2009 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2008). 2008 Tax Update and Forms Supplement to accompany West’s Federal Taxation.

Trippeer, D. (2008). Corporation, S Corporation, & Partnership Practice Sets, 2008 Edition, West Publishing Company.

Trippeer, D. (2007). Solutions Manual to accompany West’s Federal Taxation 2008 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2007). Test Bank to accompany West’s Federal Taxation: 2008 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2007). 2007 Tax Update and Forms Supplement to accompany West’s Federal Taxation.

Trippeer, D. (2007). Corporation, S Corporation, & Partnership Practice Sets, 2007 Edition, West Publishing Company.

Trippeer, D. (2006). Solutions Manual to accompany West's Federal Taxation:Taxation of Business Entities, 2007 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2006). Test Bank to accompany West's Federal Taxation: Taxation of Business Entities, 2007 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2006). 2006 Tax Update and Forms Supplement to accompany West's Federal Taxation.

Trippeer, D. (2006). Corporation, S Corporation, & Partnership Practice Sets, 2007 Edition, West Publishing Company.

Trippeer, D. (2005). Solutions Manual to accompany West's Federal Taxation:Taxation of Business Entities, 2006 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2005). Solutions Manual to accompany West's Federal Taxation:•Advanced Business Entity Taxation, 2006 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2005). Test Bank to accompany West's Federal Taxation:Taxation of Business Entities, 2006 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2005). Test Bank to accompany West's Federal Taxation:•Advanced Business Entity Taxation, 2006 Edition.

Trippeer, D. (2005). 2005 Tax Update and Forms Supplement to accompany West's Federal Taxation.

Trippeer, D. (2005). Corporation, S Corporation, & Partnership Practice Sets, 2006 Edition, West Publishing Company.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Other Intellectual Contributions
Trippeer, D. (2011). 2011 Tax Update and Forms Supplement to accompany West’s Federal Taxation. Natorp, Ohio: Southwest Federal Tax/Cemgage.


Trippeer, D. (Author Only), Harrington, C. (Presenter & Author), The Academy of Business Research Conference, "Deferred Taxes: New Measures for Non-Debt Tax Shields?," The Academy of Business Research, New Orleans, LA. (March 18, 2011).

Trippeer, D. (Presenter & Author), Harrington, C. (Author Only), Northeast Meeting of the American Accounting Association, "The Effects of Deferred Taxes on Corporate Debt Issues," American Accounting Association, Cambridge, MA. (November 7, 2009).

Trippeer, D., 2008 Annual Conference of the Academy of Accounting, Finance and Economics, "Long-term Tax Avoidance and Leverage," The Academy of Accounting, Finance and Economics, New Orleans, LA. (December 12, 2008).

Professional experience: C.P.A., Tax Accountant, Arthur Andersen and Co. (1984-1989)

Wang Juan

Juan Wang

Associate Professor of Accounting
Office: 105 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3802

Education: Ph.D., Accounting (2007), M.S., Accounting (2005) Washington University, St. Louis.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals (selected)

Nicole Jenkins, Michael Kimbrough, Juan Wang. 2016. The extent of informational efficiency in the credit default swap market: Evidence from post-earnings announcement returns. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 46 (4): 725-761

Juan Wang. 2019. Long horizon institutional investors and the relation between quarterly analyst forecast and CEO turnover, International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, accepted for publication

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Working paper (selected)

Guojin Gong, Juan Wang, Hyun Jung Lee. 2019. CEO employment contract horizon and financial reporting discretion. Journal of Management Accounting Research, revisions & resubmission.

Xiangyan Shi, Qian Hao, Juan Wang. 2019. The Chinese Stimulus Program and Earnings Persistence. Working paper.

Yang, Jing

Jing Yang

Associate Professor of Management
Office: 122 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3381

Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK, USA

Management Science and Information Systems
PhD, Business Administration, May 2013
Dissertation: Investigating the Influence of Customer Reviews in Online Transactions

Department of Statistics
M.S., Statistics, 2007
Thesis: The Validity of Using Multiple Imputations for Missing Values in the Analysis of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Wuhan, Hubei, China

Working Experience
Assistant Professor of Management Oneonta, NY, USA

Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems
SUNY Oneonta August, 2013 till Now

Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant Stillwater, OK, USA
Management Science and Information Systems
Oklahoma State University August, 2007 to July, 2013

Graduate Teaching Assistant Stillwater, OK, USA
Department of Statistics
Oklahoma State University August, 2004 to May, 2007

Department of Statistics
M.E. Statistics, 2004
Thesis: The Development of Warning Indicators for the Large-scale Retail Stores in China: Based on the Business Cycles from 1999 to 2003 (sponsored by Hubei Province Information Center)
B.E. Statistics, 2001

Teaching Experience
• Instructor, MIS 351 (Introduction to MIS)
Fall 2013, 1 section

• Instructor, MGMT 241 (Fundamentals of Management)
Fall 2013, 2 sections

• Teaching Assistant, MSIS 6343 (Advanced Method MSIS Research)
Fall 2012 and spring 2013, 2 sections

• Instructor, MSIS 3243 (Managerial Decision Theory)
Fall 2010 to spring 2012, 3 sections

• Instructor, MSIS 3223 (Operations Management)
Spring 2009 to spring 2012, 12 sections

• Instructor, MSIS 2203 (Computer Programming for Business—Java)
Fall 2007 to spring 2008, 2 sections

• Instructor, STAT 2023 (Elementary Statistics in Business & Economics)
Summer 2006, 1 section

• Teaching Assistant and Lab Tutor, STAT 2023 (Elementary Statistics in Business & Economics)
Summer 2005 to summer 2007, 6 sections

• Lab Instructor—SAS programming, STAT 2013 (Elementary Statistics)
Fall 2004 to spring 2005, 2 sections

Research Interests
Consumer Behaviors in E-commerce
Business Intelligence, Data Analysis and Modeling
Inter-organizational Communication

Journal Publications
• Jin Kyu Lee, N. Bharosa, Jing Yang, M. Janssen, H.R. Rao, 2011, "Group Value and Intention to Use - A Study of Multi-Agency Disaster Management Information Systems for Public Safety," Decision Support Systems (DSS), 50 (2), 404-414.

Book Chapters
• Jing Yang, Jin Kyu Lee, A. Rao, N. Touqan, "Inter-Organizational Communications in Disaster Management" in Handbook of Research on ICT-Enabled Transformational Government: A Global Perspective, Weerakkody, M. Janssen, Y. Dwivedi (Ed.), IGI Global, 2009

Working Papers
• “The impact of product reviews on purchase intention: A Study based on the Theory of Reasoned Action” with Dr. Rathindra Sarathy, 2012

• “How do product reviews help reduce uncertainty in online transactions? A discussion in the context of electronic device purchase” with Dr. Rathindra Sarathy, 2012

• “Investigating the Impact of Customer Reviews on Risk Mitigation in Online Transactions”, with Dr. Rathindra Sarathy, 2011

• “Investigating the Impact of Customer Reviews on Product Judgment in Online Transactions”, with Dr. Rathindra Sarathy, 2011

Conference Proceedings
• Jing Yang, Rathindra Sarathy, 2012, “How do product reviews help reduce uncertainty in online transactions? A discussion in the context of electronic device purchase”, Accepted at the 43rd Annual DSI Conference, November, 2012

• Jing Yang, Rathindra Sarathy, 2011, "Investigating the Influence of Seller Reviews in Online Transactions", Accepted at the 42nd Annual DSI Conference, November, 2011

• Jing Yang, Rathindra Sarathy, Jin Kyu Lee, Xiang Fang, 2011, "Investigating the Influence of Product Reviews on Perceived Uncertainty in Online Transactions", Accepted at the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems, August, 2011

• Jing Yang, David Biros, and Michael Hass, “Knowledge Retention in Information Assurance Training: A Case Study of Security Awareness Training in University Environment”, Accepted at the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, February 2009.

Conference Presentations
• “Investigating the Influence of Seller Reviews in Online Transactions”, Presented at 2011 Annual DSI Conference (42nd), Boston, M.A., November, 2011

• “Investigating the Influence of Product Reviews on Perceived Uncertainty in Online Transactions”, Presented at 2011 Annual AMCIS Conference (17th), Detroit, M.I., August, 2011

• “The Impact of Product Reviews on Online Shopping Behavior”, Presented at BigXII+ MIS Research Symposium, Manhattan, K.S., April, 2011

• “The Impact of Customer Reviews on Online Shopping Behavior”, Presented at 2010 Annual INFORMS Conference, Austin, T.X., November, 2010

• “Knowledge Retention in Information Assurance Training: A Case Study of Security Awareness Training in University Environment”, presented at Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, Oklahoma City, O.K., February 25, 2009

• "Bayesian Networks Approach for Evaluation on Information Security Investments," presented at 2008 Annual INFORMS conference, College Station, T.X., April, 2008.

Awards and Honors
• Outstanding Graduate Teaching Associate Award (Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University, USA) 2012
• Hubei Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award (Hubei Province, China) 2004
• Outstanding Graduate Student Award (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law) 2001-2003
• Outstanding Student Leadership Award and Fellowship (Information School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China) 2000
• Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China) 1998-1999

SAS Predictive Modeling Certificate May, 2011
SAS and OSU Data Mining Certificate May, 2011
SAS Base Programming for SAS9 Dec, 2011

Academic Service
Journal Reviewer - Information System Frontier 2013
Session Chair - Decision Science Institute 2012
Ad-hoc Conference Paper Reviewer
- International Conference on Information Systems 2012
- Decision Science Institute 2012
- Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009, 2012
Ad-hoc Journal Reviewer - Decision Support Systems 2010, 2012
Vice President of INFORMS - OSU chapter 2007 –2009
Consultant in David Publishing Company, CA 2013 till Now

Professional Affiliations
Association for Information Systems (AIS) 2007-present
Decision Sciences Institute 2007-present
INFORMS 2007-present
American Statistical Association 2004-2007

Zhong, Hua

Hua Zhong

Associate Professor of Management
Office: 123 Alumni Hall
Phone: 607-436-3042

Education: Ph.D.., Management, Rutgers University (2006); M.S., Industrial Economics, Tianjin University (2000); B.S., Industrial Economics, Tianjin University (1997)

Recent Intellectual Contributions:

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Peer Reviewed Journals
Zhong, H., Zhou, B. (2011). Using Information Technology to Optimize Operations of Third-party Logistics Provider. International Journal of Management & Information Systems, 15(1), 115-122.

Zhou, B., Zhong, H. The Effect of Order Incentives in a Multi-Product Dynamic Inventory Model. To appear in International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems.

Lei, L., Zhong, H., Chaovalitwongse, A. (2009). On the Integrated Production and Distribution Problem with Bi-directional Flows. Informs Journal on Computing, 21(4), 585-598.

Boros, E., Lei, L., Zhao, Y., Zhong, H. (2008). Scheduling Vessels and Container-Yard Operations with Conflicting Objectives. Annals of Operations Research, 161(1), 149-170.

Lei, L., Chen, Z.-L., Zhong, H. (2007). Container Vessel Scheduling with Bi-directional Flows. Operations Research Letters, 35(2), 186-194.

Discipline-Based Scholarship: Other Intellectual Contributions
Zhou, B., Zhong, H. (2010). Optimizing the Supply Chain: the Value of Information Technology in Logistics Operations. International Business & Economics Research (IBER) Conference.

Zhong, H., Zhou, B. (2010). On a Small Optimization Problem for a Distribution Center. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute.

Zhou, B., Zhong, H. (2010). Optimal Production Control and Dynamic Pricing Strategies: a Joint Approach. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute.

Zhou, B. (Presenter & Author), Zhong, H. (Author Only), International Business & Economics Research (IBER) Conference, "Optimizing the Supply Chain: the Value of Information Technology in Logistics Operations," Clute Institution, Las Vegas, NV. (October 12, 2010).

Zhong, H. (Presenter & Author), Zhou, B. (Author Only), NEDSI Annual Meeting, "On a Small Optimization Problem for a Distribution Center," Northeast Decision Science Institution, Alexandria, VA. (March 26, 2010).

Zhou, B. (Presenter & Author), Zhong, H. (Author Only), NEDSI Annual Meeting, "Optimal Production Control and Dynamic Pricing Strategies: a Joint Approach," Northeast Decision Science Institution, Alexandria, VA. (March 26, 2010).

Zhou, B. (Presenter & Author), Zhong, H. (Author Only), INFORMS annual meeting, "Benefits and Challenges of GIS/GPS Application in Emerging Markets," INFORMS, San Diego. (October 2009).

Zhong, H. (Presenter & Author), Lejeune, M. (Author Only), POMS 2009 Annual Meeting, "Integrated Replenishment Plan for Supply Chains with Transshipment Distribution Policy," Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando, FL. (May 4, 2009).

Zhou, B. (Presenter & Author), Katehakis, M. (Author Only), Zhong, H. (Author Only), DSI Annual Meeting, "The Analysis of Multi-item Systems with Order Incentives," Decision Science Institution, Baltimore, MD. (November 22, 2008).

Zhong, H. (Presenter & Author), DSI Annual Meeting, "On the Inventory-Distribution problem with Heterogeneous Vessels and Product-Release Times," Decision Science Institution, Phoenix, AZ. (November 2007).

Zhong, H. (Presenter & Author), Faculty Seminar Series, "On the Inventory-Distribution Problem with Heterogeneous Vessels and Product-Release Times," SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, NY. (October 31, 2007).

Zhong, H. (Presenter & Author), DSI Annual Meeting, "Algorithms for minimizing the packing cost of industry distribution centers," Decision Science Institution, San Antonio, TX. (November 2006).

Zhong, H. (Presenter & Author), Faculty Seminar Series, "Algorithms for minimizing the packing cost of industry distribution centers," SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, NY. (November 8, 2006).

Lei, L. (Presenter & Author), Zhong, H. (Author Only), Chen, Z.-L. (Author Only), INFORMS international, "Container vessel scheduling with bi-directional flows," INFORMS, Hongkong, China. (June 2006).

Zhao, Y. (Presenter & Author), Lei, L. (Author Only), Zhong, H. (Author Only), INFORMS annual meeting, "On the Integrated port-vessel scheduling problem," INFORMS, San Francisco. (November 2005).