How Do I Get Rid Of?

Single Stream Recycling Program: This means all recyclables (clean paper, glass, plastic, metal, and cardboard) can be placed into one bin. SUNY Oneonta has financial and environmental incentives to divert recyclables from the waste stream. We pay $100 per ton of waste produced, while disposal of recycled material is $75. Each year we typically produce 800 tons of garbage which is sent to a landfill.

How do I get rid of at SUNY Oneonta?

Check this resource for how to responsibly dispose of your campus or at home items in our area!

Disposal: Aerosol cans are recyclable if empty. Follow usage directions to thoroughly dispose of the product so the entire product is dispensed and the can is empty before putting in the recycling bin. Do not recycle aerosol cans that have contained paint, starter fluid, pesticides or other hazardous wastes; bring them to the Otsego County’s annual Household Hazardous Waste Day collection in early September. Check with the County Solid Waste and Recycling Department for details on HHWD by calling (607) 547-4225. Caps should be disposed of in the garbage.

Disposal: Can be recycled if clean and dry.

Reuse: These sturdy cardboard boxes with handles are often used for office moves on campus. Contact to see if they can be used.

Disposal: Batteries from state owned/office electronics should be collected by Environmental, Health and Safety. Contact Environmental, Health and Safety.

Reuse: Gently used books can be brought to the Red Closet Thrift Shop in the basement of Netzer or any local thrift shops. There are also collection bins for soft and hard cover books located at the Northern Transfer Station, Rt. 28 and 80, and the Oneonta Transfer Station, 75 Silas Lane, Oneonta. Disposal: Books that are no longer readable can be broken down- clean, dry paper can be recycled. Hard covers should be removed and thrown in the garbage.

Reuse: Gently used bubble wrap can go to the Red Dragon Express on campus for reuse. Disposal: Bubble wrap that cannot be reused should be disposed of as plastic film. See the Plastic bag & Film section for more information. Plastic film can also always be brought to any large retailer for recycling like Hannaford, Walmart and Target.

Disposal: Metal rings or lids from glass jars can be recycled. Lids from saucepans can be recycled as scrap metal. Lids from canned food should be cut around the end of the can but leaving a little attached so it can be folded into the can to prevent cutting recycling employees. Screw on lids should be cleaned and re-screwed onto cleaned jar or bottle. Plastic caps and lids should be recycled and left on containers. All plastic bottles and containers with numbers 1-7 can be recycled and lids should be left on them (e.g. soda bottles, soap and detergent containers, and milk and water jugs).

Disposal: Clean cardboard, free from food stains, should be broken down and recycled.

Disposal: Several organizations help with CD/DVD recycling- at GreenDisk (you may need to pay).

Disposal: Can be recycled in the electronic recycling bins at Hunt Union or visit the HolidayLEDS website. You can also check with local retailers stores to see if they have in-store recycling options.

Reuse: Can be donated to the campus custodial staff. Contact if you would like to donate your hangers. Disposal: Metal clothes hangers that are no longer usable should be recycled with scrap metal (refer to scrap metal section). Plastic hangers can be placed in the recycling bin.

Clothing and textiles can be brought to the Red Closet Thrift Shop in the basement of Netzer. Bedding can also be taken to Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans to be repurposed as animal bedding contact: (607) 441-3227, 697 Winney Hill Rd Oneonta, New York 13820

Disposal: State owned electronics should be brought the attention of Mark English. Email Mark English.

Reuse: Unexpired, unused contacts can be donated at DonateContacts. Disposal: Garbage.

Disposal: All plastic bottles and containers with numbers 1-7 can be placed in the recycling bin, with lids left on them, if rinsed and dry.

Reuse: Crayons can be sent to be melted and turned into new crayons for children at hospitals to learn more visit The Crayon Initiative. Disposal: Crayons should be disposed of in the garbage.

Disposal: to dispose of contaminated soil please refer to the state regulations.

Reuse: The Delaware Valley Humane Society will take egg crates to be repurposed to create animal beds. Contact: (607) 563-7780, 101 E Main St, Sidney, NY 13838.

Disposal: State owned electronics should be brought the attention of Mark English. Email Mark English.

Reuse: Lightly worn eyeglasses can be sent to New Eyes. Many Lions Clubs and other service organizations collect used eyeglasses, check with your local area representatives. Some eye glass providers and optometrist offices may collect eyeglasses as well. Recycle: Unusable glasses should go in the garbage.

Reuse: Please contact the Botany Club to donate any flowerpots, planter or trays.

Disposal: On campus, food waste should be placed in the garbage bins. Food waste off campus can be collected through the Oneonta Farmers Market collection service or brought to the Oneonta Transfer station.

Reuse: If you are getting rid of state-owned furniture, reach out to Property Management Deb Wolfanger. Personal furniture can be donated to the Salvation Army.

Disposal: Should be placed in the garbage bins around campus or the garbage dumpsters outside building.

Reuse: Please contact the custodial department, they are willing to accept any garbage cans in good condition.

Disposal: Clean and dry green, clear, and amber bottles and jars are recyclable. Broken glass is not recyclable. Broken glass should be placed in a puncture-proof container and then thrown in the garbage bin.

Disposal: If the humidifier is made mostly of plastic it should be placed in the trash. If it is made mostly of metal, it can be placed with scrap metal/recycling (refer to scrap metal section).

Disposal: You can contact the Otsego County Conservation Association at Mohican Farm, Phone number (607) 547-4488. Another option is to recycle them at the Earth Festival in April where they are used to fundraised for OCCA, there are OCCA collection boxes located at the Community Bank and Key Bank in Cooperstown.

Disposal: Should be placed in the garbage bin or with a bit more effort juice carton and boxes can be shipped to a TerraCycle program.

Disposal: Junk mail should go in the recycling bin but, the best thing to do is to opt out of junk mail to reduce unwanted mailing. The Opt Out program will prevent pre-approved credit card mailings. You can also contact 1-888-567-8688 or Direct Marketing Service’s Mail Preference Service.

Reuse: If the laundry basket is in good condition donate it to the Red Closet Thrift Shop in the basement of Netzer or to the Salvation Army. Disposal: If it is broken, break the rest of it down into smaller pieces and place it into the recycling bin.

Disposal: Throw broken light bulbs into the garbage in a puncture-proof container.

Disposal: Fluorescent Bulbs are considered hazardous, please consider taking it to the Otsego County's annual Household Hazardous Waste Day to dispose of it properly. If the light bulbs are incandescent or LED take it to the local hardware store and check if they have any recycling program if not double bag it and place it in the garbage.

Reuse: Mascara wands are normally thrown in the trash, but you can recycle them at Wand for Wildlife, where they are repurposed as small brushes for animals.

Disposal: Medication that are outdated or unused can be taken to the Oneonta Parking office/Police Department Lobby in the Emergency Services building. There is a bin collecting any form of medication (prescription and non-prescription).

Disposal: Microwaves in good condition can be donated to the Salvation Army. If it is not in good condition, please throw it away as you would scrap metal and drop it off at the recycling station. To find a station near you please visit the Otsego County's department of solid waste's website.

Disposal: Used/unused needles and syringes can be taken to the Health and Wellness Center, be sure to contact them before taking your needles and syringes for further instructions. Phone # (607) 436-3573.

Disposal: Notebooks with spiral bindings should be placed in the recycling bin. Please remove the spiral binding before placing it in the bin. It does not matter if the spiral binding is plastic or metal, they are both recyclable.

Disposal: Small amount of left-over paint should be dumped out into an absorbent material such as kitty litter, after that bag it up and throw it in the trash. Dried out containers of paint with the lid removed should be thrown away in the garbage bin.

Reuse: Consider using single sided paper for scrap. Disposal: All paper without food stains can go in the recycling bins.

Disposal: Shredded paper should go into a clear plastic bag. The plastic bag filled with the shredded paper should then be placed in the recycling bin.

Disposal: Each residence hall has a collection bin for clean and dry personal hygiene containers. They are located at the RA front desk. Collection bins are also available in the Office of Sustainability, Milne 318. All collected items are recycled through TerraCycle.

Disposal: Each residence hall has a collection bin for clean and dry personal care and beauty packaging (i.e. make-up container). They are located at the RA front desk. Collection bins are also available in the Office of Sustainability, Milne 318. All collected items are recycled through TerraCycle.

Reuse: Phone books can be used by art students in the Printmaking Studio, send or bring them to Rhea Nowak , c/o FA 222

Disposal: Plastic film is collected on campus at specially marked bins located outside Argo, Seasons and by the Electronic Recycling center at the Hunt Union. Plastic film can also always be brought to any large retailer for recycling like Hannaford, Walmart and Target.

Disposal: Should be placed in the recycling bin.

Reuse: If they are in good condition, they can be donated to the Salvation Army. Disposal: If they are not in good condition dispose of them like you would scrap metal (refer to the scrap metal section).

Disposal: Printer under 100 pounds are accepted at Southern Transfer Station located on 75 Silas Lane, Oneonta.

Disposal: (refer to the Ink Cartridges section)

Disposal: Each residence hall has a collection bin for razors. They are located at the RA front desk. Collection bins are also available in the Office of Sustainability, Milne 318. All collected items are recycled through TerraCycle.

Reuse: If in good condition, please check with Family services in Oneonta where it can be given to a family in need. Disposal: If it does not work the freon gas will have to be professionally removed before being dispose of as scrap metal (refer to scrap metal section).

Reuse: Reusable materials can be donated to the Red Closet, the Salvation Army or any other thrift store.

Disposal: Scrap metals such as old appliances, copper and iron pipes, car parts, pots and pans, etc. can be dropped off at several locations, see a list of locations.

Reuse: Can be donated to local thrift stores. Disposal: Refer to scrap metal section.

Disposal: Each residence hall has a collection bin located at the RA front desk. Collection bins are also available in the Office of Sustainability, Milne 318. All collected items are recycled through TerraCycle.

Disposal: Clean, hard Styrofoam is collected at the ReUse Center at 23 Duane St, Oneonta, NY for recycling. Where it will be converted into Styrofoam bricks, those bricks are then used as a filler in picture frames. Otherwise they should be placed in the garbage bin.

Reuse: Teddy bears can be taken to Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans where the animals in shelter will use it for comfort and play. Contact (607) 441-3227, 697 Winney Hill Rd Oneonta, New York 13820.

Reuse OR Disposal: Televisions in good condition, can be donated to the Salvation Army. If the television is not in working condition, follow the instruction on the NYS website.

Reuse: The Custodial Department will accept used towels. Contact Natasha Fisher.

Disposal: Clean and dry item such as shampoo bottle, cream tube and make-up containers can be placed in the recycling bin. Toothpaste tubs are not considered recyclable (refer to the Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash & floss container section to dispose of tubes properly).

Disposal: Collection bins are available in the Office of Sustainability, Hunt Union 216. All collected items are recycled through TerraCycle.

Disposal: Non-metallic wrapping paper should be placed in recycling bins.