Water Efficiency and Conservation

Water use is monitored throughout campus to detect leaks and ensure that water is conserved wherever possible.

  • Alarms are on all building level water meters that alert facilities staff when excessive water use is detected such as stuck toilets, faucets stuck on, etc. It is very important to notify our facilities staff of any leaks or water issues. In your Res Hall contact your RA or RD and for staff/faculty submit a work order ASAP.
  • Most residence halls have low flow shower heads, toilets and faucets. Low flow toilets reduce the water volume per flush from 3.5 gallons to 1.6 gallons for a savings of 1.9 gallons per flush.
  • Water use has steadily decreased despite an increase in square footage with additional buildings and attendance because of monitoring, and gradual replacement of the water mains.

Hydration stations provide an eco-friendly approach to quench thirst. The stations contain a traditional water fountain and a separate, easy to use spout to make refilling water bottles a snap. Each station also contains a counter to mark how much plastic water bottle waste was saved! It is estimated that each station keeps 10,000 disposable water bottles out of SUNY Oneonta's garbage!