Energy Master Plan

The Clean Energy Master Plan is complete! See the full pdf and highlights listed below.

In 2018, SUNY Oneonta received a grant from NYSERDA as part of the REV Campus Challenge to help fund a comprehensive Energy Master Plan that will guide our transition to Zero Net Carbon and electrification of the campus. This plan includes:

  • Energy audits of all buildings on campus, investigating the following areas of energy use- lighting, space heating & cooling, ventilations fans, pumps, plug loads, water heating and refrigeration. Based on the information gathered in these audits, energy conservation measures (ECM's) were identified. For each ECM, energy and cost savings were calculated, as well as estimated payback periods. The top 20 ECM's were then identified and funding for each has been researched.
  • A roadmap to guide future energy conservation efforts and address executive orders to reduce energy use and carbon emissions.
  • Updated campus greenhouse gas emissions for 1990 baseline and annually from 2007 to 2020.
  • A plan to upgrade and improve the central heating plant’s obsolete software and controls.
  • A plan to replace our aging air-conditioning chillers that use R-22, which is no longer available.
  • An energy model of the entire campus to inform our multi-scenario planning efforts for electrification of the campus.