Accessibility Resources Policies and Procedures

Statement of Policy for Services for Students with Disabilities

SUNY Oneonta is committed to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following support services are available, but not limited to:

  • Accommodated test-taking
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Assistive technology
  • Notetaking services
  • Accessible parking and elevators
  • Accessibility information
  • Referral information
  • Advocacy services
  • Academic advisement*
  • Personal advisement*

*These services will be provided to the best extent of Accessibility Resources. This may mean referring the student to the Health & Wellness Center or Academic Advisement for further support.

It is the responsibility of the Coordinator of Accessibility Resources to facilitate the arrangement of reasonable academic accommodations to ensure classroom access and to assist students in reaching graduation at SUNY Oneonta. The student’s active involvement is essential to the success for your accommodations, to your own academic achievement, and to your development as an effective self-advocate.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Working collaboratively with Accessibility Resources staff to determine and secure academic accommodation and support services, as needed;
  • Sharing their accommodation plan with their instructors, discussing your academic strengths and needs, and reviewing necessary classroom accommodations;
  • Adhering to the policies contained in this manual;
  • Complying with the SUNY Oneonta Academic Integrity Policy;
  • Attending class, participating and adhering to course syllabi;
  • Contacting Accessibility Resources if there are any difficulties regarding the implementation of your accommodations.

Accessibility Resources Responsibilities:

  • Working with the student to determine and secure appropriate academic accommodations;
  • Facilitating reasonable academic accommodations between you and your instructors;
  • Providing alternate testing areas, supervision, and aids as deemed appropriate;
  • Acting as an advocate as requested and needed.

Faculty Responsibilities:

  • Providing academic accommodations as approved by the Accessibility Resources Office or seeking assistance from the Accessibility Resources Office to do so.
  • Ensuring the learning environment is accessible and the accommodations are provided.
  • Implementation of approved accommodations. This may include providing assistance with finding a note-taker in class, facilitating exam accommodations, or providing course materials in an accessible electronic format.
  • Helping students whom you may suspect to have a disability by suggesting that the student seek support from the appropriate campus service providers.
  • Protecting students’ privacy. Faculty may not violate students’ privacy by singling out students in class or mention any academic accommodation to them in front of their peers. These actions breach privacy.
  1. Students requesting academic support services and accommodations must register with Accessibility Resources to be granted an accommodation plan.
  2. Students requesting academic support services and accommodations must identify themselves as diagnosed with a disability and submit current diagnostic documentation, verifying disability, and then meet with the Accessibility Resources Coordinator.
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to share their accommodation plan with each faculty member and initiate use of their accommodations. However, if, for reasons related to their disability, they require assistance from the Accessibility Resources Office, it can be arranged by request.

Alternative Format Materials are print materials (such as textbooks) in any format other than standard print (e.g. PDF, large print, braille). Due to copyright laws, students must show proof that they have purchased their books before they can receive the alternate format materials. All alternative format materials are intended for a student’s individual use and must not be shared with others. Any duplication of materials is prohibited. Students must be in possession of a purchased or rented form of the book for the duration they are using the book in an alternative format.

  1. Determine which books need to be purchased or rented for each class.
  2. If you are using alternative format for text-to-speech (read aloud), first determine if your books are available for purchase as e-books through the book store. E-books purchased through the book store are the quickest, most accessible, and usually least expensive option. E-books purchased through the bookstore are immediately available.
  3. For books that are not available as e-book or in a format accessible to you, submit an alternative format request as soon as possible. Alternative format materials may take at least three weeks to be ready. If, while your book request is processing, you need a reading assignment made accessible, you may drop off your standard print textbook to Accessibility Resources and we will make a PDF in-house in 1-3 business days.
  4. Submit proof of purchase or rental for all books requested to Accessibility Resources.
  5. Accessibility Resources will make every effort to obtain alternative format from the book publisher. If the publisher is unable to provide the requested format, Accessibility Resources will begin in-house conversion of your standard print textbook to an accessible PDF. To convert to PDF, we will need to remove the book binding and re-bind once complete. In-house conversation can take 5-7 business days.
  6. Materials will be shared with the student electronically. Students will be emailed download instructions. Alternative Format training is available for students who request it. To schedule Alternative Format training, log in to Accommodate and make an appointment with the Assistive Technology Specialist for Alternative Format Training.
  1. Students who wish to use exam accommodations must self-identify to the Coordinator that they have a disability and are seeking accommodations and complete the Accessibility Resources registration process.
  2. Students are responsible for sharing their Accommodation Plan with their instructors AND meeting with their instructors during office hours to discuss their accommodated exam arrangements.
  3. Only approved exams will be administered in the Accessibility Resources Testing Center.
  4. Exam accommodations are not retroactive and must be requested for each exam.
  5. Accommodated exams should be scheduled at the same time and date that the class is taking the exam unless their extended time conflicts with another class or take place outside AR Testing Center Hours. In that case, the student should discuss an appropriate alternate time with their instructor.
  6. Students are responsible for requesting testing accommodations at least one week prior to the exam date. Requests for accommodations for online exams or exams in the classroom must be made directly to the instructor. Requests to take exams in the AR Testing Center must be made through Accommodate.
  7. Accessibility Resources does not guarantee the provision of service for late requests.
  8. For testing in the Accessibility Resources Testing Center, students are expected to arrive on time for their exams. The total exam time (including extended time) begins at the scheduled start time. You may not begin an exam more than 30-minutes late. If you arrive more than 30-minutes late, you will not be permitted to start the exam and will be asked to reschedule to protect the integrity of the exam.
  9. Students may not bring phones, hats, smart watches, bulky jackets, bags, laptops, or other unapproved items into the testing room.
  10. Students must complete the exam in one sitting unless otherwise approved by the instructor.
  11. Students agree that, once the exam has been given to the proctor, they may no longer have access to the exam materials.
    1. Students must adhere to the SUNY Oneonta Academic Integrity Policy, Article II Section 2 of the Student Code of Conduct.

An appeal may be filed by any student served by the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) at SUNY Oneonta who believes a decision has adversely affected their delivery of services. An appeal will not result in retaliation or barriers to services.

Appeals should be discussed and resolved as soon as possible following the incident. At times, however, the consequences of decisions, actions, issues, or concerns are not immediately evident or realized. Therefore, students are not limited as to when grievances or appeals may be filed.


  • Discuss the concern with the OAR staff member who made the decision.
  • If the issue or concern cannot be resolved with the staff member involved, schedule an appointment with the Executive Director for Academic Student Support who will discuss the issue with the persons involved and render a decision.

If you feel your disability has not been accommodated and/or you feel you have been discriminated against, you may file a complaint pursuant to SUNY Oneonta’s discrimination complaint policy, which may include external agencies.