Facilities Use Policy

Approved by the President
March 19, 2019

Policy Contact
Assistant Director of Business Services

Policy Statement

This policy defines the conditions under which SUNY Oneonta may allow the use of university facilities for purposes other than approved university-sponsored academic, extracurricular, and administrative activities, and establishes the process for requesting such uses. It also clarifies the responsibilities of internal constituents who use campus facilities for purposes unrelated to the university.


SUNY Oneonta intends its facilities to be used primarily in pursuit of its mission. However, the university offers its facilities for other uses when such activities do not expose the university or SUNY to adverse risk or infringe upon, disrupt or conflict with the operations of the university.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to everyone who wishes to use SUNY Oneonta facilities for other than approved university-sponsored academic, administrative, and extra-curricular activities.

Facilities covered in the policy include all areas of the SUNY Oneonta campus proper, the Cooperstown campus, and Thayer Farm properties in the Cooperstown area, including the Upland Interpretive Center and Moe Pond.

College Camp in Oneonta is overseen by the Oneonta Auxiliary Services (OAS) and is not covered by this policy.

Policy Elaboration

Many groups use SUNY Oneonta facilities for a wide variety of activities: summer enrichment camps, athletic or other fundraising events*, event space rentals, etc. To facilitate fair, transparent and equitable use of university facilities, this policy and related procedures are in place for both internal and external constituents. Significant points include:

  • All requests for use of facilities under this policy must be approved in advance by the Assistant Director of Business Services and are subject to applicable liability insurance coverage, applicable usage fees, and the NYS Child Protection Policy (when required), as well as other requirements stipulated in the Revocable Permit. (See Procedures)
  • “SUNY Oneonta” or any variation of the university’s name (Oneonta State, OState, SUCO, etc.), may not be used in the name of the event, nor may the contact points for the event be a SUNY Oneonta phone, mail or email address. Organizers may state that the event is held on the SUNY Oneonta campus, but it must also be clearly stated that it is not operated or sponsored by the university.
  • Campus resources may not be used to support activities and events unless specifically designated in the permit. Examples include, but are not limited to, equipment, university email, telephone, postage, supplies, and staff support. Further, employees using facilities for personal or non-university business purposes (as a business owner or member of a third-party organization) are not permitted to conduct related activities while fulfilling employment obligations and are subject to NYS ethics regulations including conflicts of interest.

*Fundraising sponsored by campus groups is subject to the university’s Fundraising and Solicitation Policy.


Internal constituents: refers to students enrolled at SUNY Oneonta, and employees of the university, OAS, the Student Association, and the Research Foundation.

External constituents: refers to any individual, group, or organization that is not an internal constituent.

Facility: refers to any building, structure, indoor space, equipment, furnishings, parking lot, and/or outdoor space under the custody and control of the university and/or the SUNY Oneonta Foundation.


Requesting Use of Facilities Procedures

Space Usage Fees


Revocable Permit Request

Related Documents / Policies

Fundraising and Solicitation Policy

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

NY State Joint Commission on Public Ethics

Use of University Facilities by Non-Commercial Organizations (SUNY Policy)

Use of University Facilities for Commercial Purposes (SUNY Policy)