Interpersonal Violence Survivors

Interpersonal violence survivors are survivors of sexual assault, rape, stalking, domestic violence or dating violence

SUNY Oneonta wants survivors to get the information and support they need. There are numerous options, accommodations, intervention services and offices available to support you.

Who Should I Talk to First?

The decision of who to talk to first is a personal one. There are different types of reporting options:

Getting Confidential Help

The Student Health and Wellness Center and the Counseling Center can provide you with referrals and assist you in obtaining further resources while maintaining your confidentiality.

The Counseling Center: 607-436-3368

Student Health and Wellness Center: 607-436-3573

Reporting with Privacy

There are three offices on campus that share a greater role in violence response:

  1. Affirmative Action Office/Title IX Coordinator
  2. Office of Community Standards
  3. University Police

Your personal information is only shared with the minimal number of people necessary for tracking purposes.

Affirmative Action Office/Title IX Coordinator: 607-436-2830

Community Standards: 607-436-3353

University Police: 607-436-3550

SUNY Oneonta Know Violence website

Sexual Assault & Violence Response Resources website

This preparedness guide for students, faculty, staff and visitors has been provided to you by SUNY Oneonta. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with how SUNY Oneonta plans for emergencies, and to improve your understanding of emergency preparedness and response. This guide is based on presently available information, as well as current federal- and state-recommended protective actions. In every situation, common sense and awareness of personal safety should take precedence over any action described in this guide.