University Budget Committee

Committee Charge

The University Budget Committee shall:

  1. Review and advise the president on the creation of an annual budget in a multi-year planning context;
  2. Maintain a highly transparent, informative, and participatory budgeting process;
  3. Integrate campus strategic planning with the budgeting process;
  4. Analyze the budget context (e.g., state funding) and its impact on the institution; and
  5. Advise the president regarding the process of constructing annual divisional operating budgets and an overall university budget.


The University Budget Committee consists of:

  • President or designee
  • Vice President of Finance and Administration (chair);
  • Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
  • Vice President of University Advancement
  • Provost's Council Representative
  • Classified staff representative;
  • University Senate Presiding Officer;
  • Student Association Vice President for Finance (or designee);
  • AVP Student Affairs
  • 2 Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (CAPRA) representatives;
  • 1 Committee on Administrative Review (CAR) representative
  • Chief Human Resources Officer

Ex-Officio - non-voting

  • Director of Institutional Research
  • Assessment Specialist
  • Budget Director

The Assistant to the Vice President of Finance and Administration staffs the Committee.

Strategic Opportunity Funding Requests

The UBC administered the process for requesting Strategic Opportunities funding for initiatives that supported the University’s Regaining Momentum Agenda which involved funding for up to three years in support. The final round of funding was awarded over the summer of 2023.

Information about future funding opportunities will be provided as the next strategic plan develops.


The University Budget Committee is administering the Strategic Opportunities funding request process for initiatives supporting the University’s Regaining Momentum Agenda. The process will provide funding for up to three years in support of these initiatives. The Committee will consider funding requests in the context of the University’s overall operating budget and, consistent with its charge, will make funding recommendations to the president.

Click here for Strategic Opportunity Funding Request Form

Submitting a Strategic Opportunity funding request:

There will be three rounds during which to submit proposals for funding. The first round was held in Spring 2022. The second round will follow in Fall 2022. One more opportunity to apply will follow in the Spring 2023 semester.

Requests to fund initiatives that will begin in the summer or fall of 2023 can be made in this third round. Requests are due to the Budget Office by 4 p.m. Friday, April 28, 2023. Please be aware that your divisional leaders may set internal deadlines that are earlier than this date.

There are limited resources available to allocate to these strategic opportunities. As such, requests must be submitted to and approved for forwarding through the chain of next-level supervisors/leadership up through the vice-president or other executive level officer. Each level of leadership must provide a brief statement regarding the significance of the proposal, and its level of priority for the division. The multi-level review and approval will help ensure that requests submitted to the University Budget Committee are high priority requests in support of the Regaining Momentum Agenda and identified strategic opportunities. Again, please keep in mind that there may be deadlines for your division’s process of internal review and please do consult with next-level supervisors and leadership in your division about any division-specific deadlines that may come before the final submission due date.

Once required consultations (outlined below) are complete and the proposal is approved at the vice-president or other executive level, the proposer submits the request to the Budget Office through this document upload process. To ensure timely submission, please do not send requests via email.

Certain requests require additional consultations and processes:

  • requests that involve staffing or any form of salary costs (including stipends) require consultation with Employee Services
  • requests that involve information technology require consultation with Information Technology Services
  • requests that involve facilities (including needs for new or re-assigned space) require consultation with Facilities Planning
  • requests that have a curriculum impact or involve faculty release time must be discussed with the involved Dean
  • fee requests require consultation with the Budget Office

Consultations with these offices must be completed prior to submitting for supervisory approvals.

Personnel requests for new positions, position changes, salary costs require consultation with Chief Human Resources Officer or designee regarding position classification and appropriate salary. Click here for an HR consultation worksheet. Click here to contact the CHRO.

Information technology requests require consultation with Chief Information Officer or designee. Click here for an IT consultation worksheet. Click here to contact the CIO.

Requests involving use of new space, relocation or significant modification of existing spaces require consultation with the AVP for Facilities Planning or designee. Click here for a facilities consultation worksheet. Click here to contact the AVP for Facilities Planning.

Requests that impact curriculum or involve faculty release time must be discussed with the involved Dean. Evidence of support from the Dean can be provided as supplemental emails to be uploaded with your submission.

Requests for new or increased fees in support of new or expanded programs require Budget Office consultation. These requests may require SUNY System Administration approval and must adhere to SUNY fee policy and approval processes. Click here to contact the Budget Office about fees.

Please note, there are state-required procurement processes at various levels of spending. Approval of Strategic Opportunities funding does not circumvent these procurement requirements. Click here for procurement guidelines. Questions about procurement guidelines can be directed to Business Services.

While not required, if making a request that may be suitable for current or future support from external funding opportunities, consultation with the Faculty Center’s Associate Director of Scholarly Activities is encouraged.

Questions for general direction and assistance can be directed to the Budget Office. Click here to contact the Budget Office with questions.

Please reach out as soon as possible with questions and/or for consultation requests and allow time in your proposal development to connect with these offices prior to submitting through your chain of next-level supervisors/leadership.

Round 3 - Funding Requests and Total Funds Approved
Academic Advisement Center Academic Peer Advisor Program $82,488 -
Student Learning Center Academic Success Plan Programming and Support $26,660 $26,660
Office of Global Education Bridging Cultures: Campus and Community $48,794 $48,794
Biology Building a Successful Peer Mentoring Program in Biology $15,395 -
Cooperstown Graduate Program Domestic Intercultural Immersion Project $23,572 $23,572
Biology Expanding Human Physiology:Increasing Student Access to Hands-on Experiences to Better Prepare for Pre-Health Professionals $21,728 -
Internal Communications Internal Communication Internship Program $6,816 -
Campus Recreation Intramurals Sports Funding $164,285 -
Office of Student Experience July Orientation Transportation $18,615 -
Philosophy Medical Humanities Certificate Program $24,500 -
English Oneonta Writers' Festival $29,320 $29,320
Student Life and Leadership Regaining Momentum in Fraternity and Sorority Life $21,500 $21,500
Access and Opportunity Programs SUNY Oneonta Heritage Institute (SOHI) $535,799 -
Student Affairs SUNY Oneonta Nutrition Resource Center $12,000 -
Foreign Languages and Literature; Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education Sustaining Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), Fostering Equity in Global Education for All Students $116,594 $68,594
Music The Water Is Me $29,000 $29,000
Africana and Latinx Studies Watkins Social Justice Incubator: Research and Leadership Fellowship Program $50,400 $50,400
English Wellness Communities and Mindful Classrooms $5,952 -
Total $1,233,418 $297,840

* Funding is temporary, provided for a period of up to 3 years

Funded Requests Details

Round 2 - Funding Requests and Total Funds Approved
Student Learning Center Academic Success Plan $277,034 $277,034
Philosophy Active Minds Community of Scholars $5,100 -
SLAB Artist in Residence $54,400 $54,400
Africana & Latinx Studies; Women's & Gender Studies Broadening Horizons: Learning and Healing with Black Feminisms for Inclusive Futures $60,720 $21,800
Chemistry CACTI-Capability Advancement for Chemistry Teaching and Investigation $27,936 -
Biology Camp Biology: A path toward increased interactions within Biology $22,292 -
Academic Advisement, Career Development, Continuing Ed and Registrar Purchase of Credly software for badging of microcredentials $16,000 $16,000
Finance and Administration Empowering Student Success through Financial Wellness $135,990 $135,990
Milne Library/Sponsored Programs Enhanced Support for Faculty Grant Program and Open Access Publishing $67,500 $67,500
Pre-Health Advising Expanded Medical Scribe Training Program $18,850 $18,850
Office of Equity and Inclusion Kings of Excellence Academy $19,578 $19,578
Sociology/ PLACES Institute PLACES Institute Faculty Research Fellows Program $72,000 -
Sociology/ PLACES Institute PLACES Infrastructure Strengthening and Seed Funding (Revised Plan) $58,500 $58,500
Sociology/ PLACES Institute PLACES Institute: Baseline Regional Population Reporting $14,500 $14,500
Theatre Providing opportunities for local theatre majors $13,900 -
Theatre Re-connecting through Theatre $500 $500
Admissions School Counselor Visitation Program $17,610 $17,610
Physics Sharing the Universe with Oneonta: A Partnership Between the Cooperstown Graduate Program and the SUNY Oneonta Planetarium $20,162 $20,162
Communication & Media Social Media Minor and Certificate Program Planning $3,250 $3,250
Office of Sustainability SUNY Oneonta Community Table $24,000 $24,000
Economics Sustainable Development Speaker Series & Student Internships $22,452 $22,452
Total $952,274 $772,126

Total Not Funded (5 proposals):

* All funding is temporary, provided for a period of up to 3 years

Funded Requests Details

Round 1 - Funding Requests and Total Funds Approved
Department, Unit Request Title Total Funds Requested Total Funds Approved
Sport & Exercise Sciences Department Excellence in Sport and Exercise Sciences (ESPES) Society $30,685 $0
Athletics Implementation of a credit-based student athlete leadership training program $7,500 $0
Economics Sustainable Development Speaker Series & Student Internships $22,452 $0
Gender and Sexuality Resource Center Supporting the Revamped SUNY Oneonta PRISM Conference (formerly the SUNY Pride Conference). $13,000 $13,000
Gender and Sexuality Resource Center PCOD Affinity Group Resources Requests (for LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group & F(olks) W(ith) D(isabilities) Affinity Group) $7,650 $7,650
Office of Communication and Marketing Continuous Digital Advertising Program to Support Enrollment Marketing $134,000 $134,000
Office of Equity and Inclusion “The Pedagogy of Real Talk: Engaging, Teaching, and Connecting with Students At-Promise” $75,000 $75,000
Sustainability Sustainability Faculty Fellow $7,000 $7,000
TLTC ePortfolios and Career Readiness $31,600 $31,600
Submitted by co-chairs of the General Education Committee Building the Academy $18,531 $18,531
Total: $347,418 $286,781*
Total .Deferred/Not Supported at this time (3 proposals): $60,637

* All funding is temporary, provided for a period of up to 3 years

Round 1 Funded Requests Details

2020-21 Budget Requests and Results

School, Area, or Department Request Title Number of Positions Requested Permanent Funds Requested Temporary Funds Requested Number of Positions Approved Permanent Funds Approved Temporary Funds Approved
Academic Affairs Math Placement Testing $12,000 n/a $12,000 $0
Residential Community Life Revise RA Compensation to include single room occupancy 72 bed spaces n/a n/a 72 bed spaces n/a n/a
Information Technology Services Transform Campus Internet Service with NYSERNet Integrated Access Service $0 $4,000 n/a $0 $4,000*
*requests were approved, but funding was ultimately not needed
Facilities Operations Additional temp cleaning staff 20.00 $0 $464,300 up to 20 $0


*requests were approved, but funding was ultimately not needed

Residential Community Life Hulbert Hall Staffing 1.00 $42,000 1.00 $0 $42,000
TOTAL: 21 $12,000 $510,300 21.00 $12,000 $510,300

2019-20 Budget Requests and Results

School, Area or Department

Request Title

Number of Positions Requested

Permanent Funds Requested

Temporary Funds Requested

Number of Positions Approved

Permanent Funds Approved

Temporary Funds Approved

Academic Affairs - Academic Departments

Temp Services Request - Drescher leave backfill (estimated)


request withdrawn*

Academic Affairs - Academic Departments

Temp Services Request - Online Course Creation


request withdrawn*

Academic Affairs - Academic Departments

Temp Services Request - Sabbatical Coverage


request withdrawn*

Academic Affairs - Academic Departments

Temp Services Request -
additional sections due to additional enrollment, anticipated paid leaves of absence






Academic Affairs - Academic Departments

Temp Services Request -
Student Employees





Academic Affairs - various Academic Departments

Temp Services Request - annual departmental needs






Provost Office

Accreditation - School of Human Ecology, Education & Sports Studies






Provost Office

Accreditation - School of Liberal Arts


request withdrawn*

Academic Affairs

Assoc. Prov for Academic Programs OTPS Increase


request withdrawn*

Access and Opportunity Programs

Assistant Director of EOP & ACE



request withdrawn*


Milne Library Computer Lab Expansion



request withdrawn*


Student Temp Service Increase


request withdrawn*

Provost Office

Additional GA/TA positions



request withdrawn*

Provost Office

Faculty Compensation for Internship Supervision


request withdrawn*

Provost Office

LMS Designer & Compliance Manager



request withdrawn*

Provost Office

Assoc. Provost for Instruction and Extended Studies



request withdrawn*

Provost Office

Director Grad Studies


request withdrawn*

Provost Office

Faculty Resource & Tech Center Director




request withdrawn*

Provost Office

STEP Grant


request withdrawn*


Renumbering Project Support Staff







School of Economics & Business

AACSB Peer Review






School of Economics & Business

Bloomberg Subscription Increase





School of Economics & Business

Additional Bloomberg Terminals/Licenses


request withdrawn*

Health & Fitness

Certification Fee Increase

course fee increases approved by campus & SUNY, ranging from $5 - $10 for various certifications

Human Ecology

3D Body Scanner Maintenance Contract


request withdrawn*

Human Ecology

Digital Textiles Printer Support Budget


request withdrawn*

Human Ecology

Optitex Software Contract


request withdrawn*

School of Liberal Arts

Connecting the Liberal Arts and Career Goals


request withdrawn*

School of Liberal Arts

Guest Artist Proposal SLA


request withdrawn*

School of Liberal Arts

Interdisciplinary SLA Project


request withdrawn*


Digital Photography Course Fee

new $70 course fee approved by campus, pending SUNY approval

Biological Field Station

General Maintenance Worker



request withdrawn*


Molecular & Physiology Lab Tech



request withdrawn*

Chemistry & Biochemistry

iGem Program


request withdrawn*

Earth & Atmospheric Sciences



request withdrawn*

Financial Literacy

Making Cent$ Financial Wellness Program







Mail, Receiving & Supply

Parcel Delivery Lockers


request withdrawn*

Facilities Operations

Van Replacement








Student Temp Service Increase





Financial Aid

Financial Aid Advisor




request withdrawn*

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Temp Staffing




Strategy, Planning & Effectiveness

Research Analyst for Admissions and Financial Aid



request withdrawn*

Strategy, Planning & Effectiveness

Veera - data software





Counseling Center

New Counselor Position





funded by Health Fee


New Student Services

Coordinator of Freshman Programs





funded by Orientation Fee


Residence Life

Hulbert Hall Staffing



request withdrawn*

University Police

Security Cameras






University Police

Vehicle Replacement


request withdrawn*







*many requests were withdrawn from consideration in this process due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

** many requests were given initial approval with close oversight and delayed or scaled-back implementation as the impact of the pandemic evolved

2018-19 Budget Requests and Results
School, Area, or Department Request Title Number of Positions Requested Permanent Funds Requested Temporary Funds Requested Number of Positions Approved Permanent Funds Approved Temporary Funds Approved
Various Full-time temporary faculty 2.5 $0 $12v
1 $49,096 $0 1 $0 $49,096
International Education

Temporary staffing - professional and students

1 $0 $28,128 1 $0 $28,128
Enrollment Management Consulting services 0 $0 $55,000 0 $0 $0
Enrollment Management Enrollment market analyses 0 $0 $20,000 0 $0 $0
Financial Aid and Call Center Temporary staffing 2 $0 $36,000 2 $0 $36,000
International Education Excursions and activities 0 $10,000 $0 0 $0 $0
Music Equipment 0 $0 $29,000 0 $0 $0
Access and Opportunity Programs SUNY Oneonta Migrant Leadership Academy lodging support 0 $0 $9,500 0 $0 $9,500
Communication and Media Equipment 0 $0 $74,800 0 $0 $74,800
Various 2020-21 Faculty staffing plan - new lines 5 $206,830 $0 5 $206,830 $0
Various 2020-21 Faculty staffing plan - funding for ongoing "unfunded" lines with associated 1-time funding for 2019-20 4 $237,839 $237,839 4 $237,839 $237,839
Strategy, Planning & Effectiveness Assessment Coordinator 1 $60,000 $0 1 $60,000 $0
Strategy, Planning & Effectiveness Assessment platform 0 $35,000 $25,748 0 $70,880 $22,231
Strategy, Planning & Effectiveness Qualtrics 0 $25,075 $7,500 0 $0 $23,725
Strategy, Planning & Effectiveness Business Analysts 2 $115,000 $0 2 $85,800 $0
Biology Directed research - OTPS 0 $10,000 $0 0 $0 $10,000
Communication and Media Equipment room student staffing 0 $17,175 $0 0 $0 $17,175
Political Science Model UN - OTPS 0 $588 $0 0 $0 $0
School of Sciences Pre-health coordinator operating budget 0 $4,000 $0 0 $0 $4,000
Theatre Production Theatre festival and shows 0 $4,000 $0 0 $2,000 $0
Access and Opportunity Programs Academic Support Services Coordinator .5 $37,706 $0 0 $0 $0
Financial Aid Financial Aid operating budget increase 0 $7,500 $0 0 $0 $0
TOTAL: 19 $832,809 $692,506 18.5 $663,349 $685,485