Travel Manual

Please note: International travel may require additional consideration and approval for countries with level 3 or 4 travel advisories in effect.

Please be aware that unanticipated events can disrupt travel plans and introduce financial risk to the traveler. For example, if a planned trip includes a flight, and the trip is cancelled but the airline reservation cannot be, the traveler bears that cost. Or, if a traveler is unable to return for a period longer than intended, they may bear additional expense.

The purpose of this Travel Manual is to help employees, departmental Administrative Assistants, and supervisors understand and apply the State’s travel rules and regulations, and to provide instructions regarding reimbursement for expenses while in travel status. The Office of the State Comptroller sets rules and regulations for reimbursement of expenses incurred while traveling on “official” State business. When an employee travels on official State business, only actual, necessary, and reasonable business expenses will be reimbursed.

  • Employees are in travel status when they are more than 35 miles from both their official station and their home.
  • Travel between the employee’s home and official station is considered commuting and should not be reimbursed.
  • As of APRIL 1, 2015, Travel Vouchers and backup documentation MUST be submitted within 30 days of the end of the travel event in order to reimburse the traveler for out-of-pocket expenses.

Agency Responsibility

  • Ensure all authorized travel is in the best interest of the State.
  • All expenses are actual, reasonable and necessary.
  • The most economical method of travel is used in the best interest of the State.
  • Compliance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.
  • The official station of each employee is designated in the best interest of the State.
  • Employees obtain appropriate approvals prior to traveling, and exceptions or waivers are justified and necessary. Travel Request Applications (TRA’s) are to be completed by every traveler before every trip whether or not reimbursement is being requested.
  • Any over payments or improper charges are recovered promptly from the traveler.
  • All expenses comply with the State Comptroller’s rules and regulations, this Travel Manual, Division of the Budget, and the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations.
  • Original receipts are retained in accordance with State Archives and Records Administration guidelines.
  • Establish procedures to ensure accountability of cash advances and approval of employee travel vouchers in a complete and timely manner.
  • Provide guidance and training to staff in the proper procedures for reimbursement of travel expenses.
  • Maintain receipts and supporting documentation of travel expenses in the event of an audit.

Supervisor's Responsibility

  • Know the State’s and SUNY Oneonta’s travel rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.
  • Authorize travel only when necessary and in the best interest of the State.
  • Review traveler’s itineraries in advance to ensure the most economical method of travel is used in the best interest of the State.
  • Verify that there is sufficient funding available in the account(s) listed on the Travel Request Application (TRA) when submitted before travel occurs.
  • Verify that travel vouchers are within allowable rates and all required documentation is included, and that expenses are actual, reasonable, and necessary.
  • Review and approve expense reports in a complete and timely manner.

Traveler's Responsibility

  • Know the State’s and SUNY Oneonta’s travel rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.
  • Obtain necessary approvals for travel, including method of travel, before the trip.
  • Please be aware that unanticipated events can disrupt travel plans and introduce financial risk to the traveler. For example, if a planned trip includes a flight, and the trip is cancelled but the airline reservation cannot be, the traveler bears that cost. Or, if a traveler is unable to return for a period longer than intended, they may bear additional expense.
  • Complete and submit, to Procurement and Travel Office, a Request to be Absent and Travel Application form (known as a TRA), before traveling for any trip. (Even if you are not requesting reimbursement from SUNY Oneonta, a TRA must be completed to keep SUNY Oneonta in compliance with maintaining documentation in the event of an accident.).
  • Verify that funding is available, and proper signatures obtained, if seeking reimbursement for expenses listed on the TRA.
  • Secure the most economical method of travel in the best interest of the State.
  • Request all exceptions, waivers, justifications for any expenses beyond the normal reimbursements. (Example: over-the-per-diem requests for lodging, justifications for use of personal vehicle for medical reasons, etc.).
  • If an employee has a State issued Travel Card, the card should be used for all expenses possible (with the exception of meals) to minimize out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Obtain, maintain, and include all original receipts/documentation for expenses made out-of-pocket or on the State issued travel card when submitting travel voucher for reimbursement.
  • Complete and submit all travel vouchers, original receipts, and documentation of the trip to the Procurement and Travel Office within 30 days of the end of the travel event.
  • Submit vouchers for reimbursement for only actual allowed expenses within reimbursement rate limits, and have all proper authorized signatures from traveler’s supervisor and account managers of funding sources.
  • Promptly account for any cash advance received, and refund any overages that may have occurred.
  • Keep meal receipts for day trips, as per-diem is not automatically paid.
  • General Pre-trip reminder:
    • Always keep your receipts! When you return, we will need your lodging receipt (for proof that you paid for lodging on the trip). We also use the lodging receipt to calculate the per diem for meals, without needing meal receipts. (Keep receipts for day trips) Any receipts you have for tolls, parking, gas, and any other incidentals, should be taped to an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper to prevent them from being lost or misplaced. We need the originals, but you should ALWAYS make a copy of your receipts in the event the originals are lost. We also need an AGENDA/Schedule at a Glance for any conferences you attend. Not just the cover, but the actual agenda. This is used to verify that no meals or lodging were included in the registration fees and shouldn’t be reimbursed directly to the traveler.

When an employee is on an assignment at a work location more than 35 miles from both their official station and their home, they are considered in travel status and are eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses in accordance with this Travel Manual. Employee must obtain appropriate approvals prior to traveling for an assignment.

Complete a “Travel Request Application” form. (A “TRA” form for short) Please be sure the second page, containing the justification for travel is complete and fully signed. These forms are available electronically on the forms page on this website.

This form is used to obtain authorization for the travel, and to estimate costs and confirm funding.

  • Complete the form, obtain signatures from the traveler's supervisor, as well as any account managers providing funding. (Also, some Deans want to see/sign all travel)
  • Send to Procurement and Travel. Otherwise, you will see the encumbrance in the account.

The TRA form should be submitted for any travel being done on State business, even if funding is not being requested. This provides SUNY Oneonta with the proper documentation to show that the trip was authorized, and is typically requested by insurance companies in the event of an accident.

Check List:

  • Check per diem rates for the area and strive to stay within the allowance. If desired lodging is over the GSA per-diem rate, complete the Over Per-diem justification form, and submit the completed form up your approval chain. Over per-diem approvals will only be considered if there is a demonstrated cost savings.
  • Please put your phone number on the TRA so you can easily be contacted should there be any questions.
  • Decide on whether to take a rental car or a personal car (reimbursement will be based on rental car, if less expensive )
  • Airfare must be purchased by traveler, and reimbursed.
  • Registration should be paid on travel card or procurement card, or traveler will be reimbursed AFTER travel
  • The traveler should verify their funding sources before committing to any expenses associated with the trip.
  • Approval by Supervisor and/or Account Manager(s) - supervisor must always sign, even if the department is not providing funding; all account manager(s) providing funding must sign the TRA, and include their account number and funding limit.

Please allow at least Two Weeks processing time for the TRA before your scheduled departure date.

If the traveler secures funding, Procurement and Travel will encumber (set aside) the funds, for use after the travel is complete.

If the actual expenses are less than what was encumbered, the excess funds are returned to the proper account(s). If the actual expenses are more than what was encumbered, you will only receive the maximum allowed by the Account Manager(s) unless we are notified in writing otherwise.

If meals and/or lodging are provided by the employee’s agency, another agency, or a third party without charge to the traveler, that fact including the name of the agency or organization must be included on the TRA and travel voucher. Lodging and/or meals when provided at no cost to the employee by an agency or third party as part of an assignment are not reimbursable. If only lodging was provided, meal allowances based on the location of lodging may still be claimed by the traveler.

Employees on business trips lasting one day or less, but more than 35 miles from their official station and place of residence, may be eligible for meal reimbursement.

Based on departure and return times travelers are entitled to reimbursement for breakfast if they have to leave before 7:00 am, and/or for dinner if they return after 7:00 pm.

Travelers with meal receipts can be reimbursed up to the maximum amount of the meal per diem allowance specified for the particular area of travel. The meal per diem allowance is apportioned for breakfast and dinner. (20% breakfast/80% dinner) For current meal allowances go to: per diem.

Travelers without meal receipts can be reimbursed $5 for breakfast and $12 for dinner.

All day trip meal reimbursements are reportable as income to the IRS and are subject to withholding taxes.

Meals and lodging are allowed when an employee is in official travel status (at a distance greater than 35 miles from the employee's official station or place of residence). Employees in travel status may receive payment for meals and lodging on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays while in travel status.

Lodging At Non-Commercial Establishments

The Office of the State Comptroller will only accept lodging receipts from a "commercial establishment." This means that you must stay at a registered hotel, motel, bed and breakfast, or similar establishment where their business is to lodge guests overnight. Payment to a relative, friend, or other private person will not be reimbursed, even if it is less than the maximum lodging rate for a given area.

Overnight Travel Status - Methods I & II

When an employee is in overnight travel status, reimbursement for lodging and meal expenses can be made using one of two methods:

Unreceipted Method (Method 1)

This method provides for a flat rate allowance for meals, lodging, and incidental expenses regardless of where lodging is obtained, including lodging with relatives or friends. Rates are established based on the city or country where lodging is obtained or the location to which the employee was traveling (whichever rate is less), and such location must be indicated on the Travel Voucher. No receipts are required when using this method. Current rates are as follows:

Travel Rates Method 1
Location Per Diem
New York City and Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, and Westchester Counties $50.00
Cities of Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and their respective surrounding metropolitan areas $40.00
All other locations in New York State $35.00
Out of State including foreign locations (this includes any out of state tax on lodging) $50.00

Travelers using this un-receipted method are also eligible for an additional $5.00 for breakfast on the day of departure if they leave before 7:00 am. They are also eligible for an additional $12.00 for dinner on the day of return if they return after 7:00 pm.

Receipted Method (Method 2)

This method provides reimbursement of actual lodging costs and an allowance for meals and incidentals based on federal reimbursement rates for the city/county of lodging. The per diem rates for locations within the continental United States are revised every October 1st.

Before travel begins: If desired lodging is over the GSA per-diem rate, complete the Over Per-diem justification worksheet, and submit the completed form up your approval chain. Over per-diem approvals will only be considered if there is a demonstrated cost savings.

Counties not listed are always the standard rate: $94.00 for lodging, $55.00 for meals. SUNY Oneonta does not use the first and last day meal per diem rates, only the total rate per day, which includes breakfast, dinner, and incidental costs. Since rates are based on location of lodging, the county and city must be indicated on the travel voucher. Receipts are required for lodging, but not for meals, when using Method 2.

For each day the traveler is in overnight travel status, the traveler is eligible for reimbursement for lodging, up to a maximum lodging per diem, and a per diem allowance for meals. The meal per diem is for dinner the first night and breakfast the following day.

Travelers using this method are also eligible for an additional per diem for breakfast if they leave before 7:00 am on the initial day, and/or an additional dinner per diem if they return after 7:00 pm on the last day of travel. In these cases, breakfast and/or dinner will be reimbursed up to the maximum amount of the meal per diem allowance specified for the particular area of lodging.

Maximum lodging rates exclude taxes. For travel within New York State, a Tax Exemption Certificate (ST-129) should be used. For travel outside of New York State, state and local taxes are not included in the maximum lodging allowance and will be reimbursed in addition to the per diem amount.

Lodging amounts greater than the allowed per-diem will not be reimbursed, and become the responsibility of the traveler.

Whenever possible, agency sponsored conferences should be arranged at facilities honoring the federal per diem rates for meals and lodging. When meals and lodging are provided as a part of an agency sponsored conference or event, additional reimbursement is not permitted.

Per NYS - within 30 days of returning from his/her trip, the traveler must submit a travel voucher packet, containing the voucher, and any supporting documentation.

Please attach a detailed explanation for any expense that might seem excessive. One example of this might be having an extra night hotel because of flight delays.

Original receipts, along with an agenda or program should be attached to the travel voucher. Failure to do so will result in delay in the processing of the voucher.

Typical Overnight Travel Voucher Packet Contains:

Travel Voucher – signed by supervisor and other account manager as needed *Updated* New Mileage Rate January 2024

Personal Mileage Form / Rental Car Receipt

Hotel Receipt

Miscellaneous Receipts – gas, tolls, parking, baggage fee etc.

Agenda from conference or meeting.

Typical Day-trip Travel Voucher includes:

Travel Voucher – signed by supervisor and other account manager as needed *Updated* New Mileage Rate January 2024

Personal Mileage Form / Rental Car Receipt

Meal Receipts for Breakfast and Dinner only (if trip meets timing requirements)

Miscellaneous Receipts – gas, tolls, parking, etc.

Agenda from conference or meeting.

Per-diem Rates Search Links

Search rates within the continental US

Domestic Meal Per-diem Rate Breakdown

Search rates for Alaska, Hawaii, US Possessions and Territories

Search rates for International destinations

Counties not listed are always the standard rate: In 2024 $110.00 for lodging, $68.00 for meals. SUNY Oneonta does not use the first and last day meal per diem rates, only the total rate per day - which includes breakfast, dinner, and incidental costs. Since rates are based on location of lodging, the county and city must be indicated on the TRA and travel voucher.

Find Your Domestic Per-diem Rate Breakdown Below
(M&IE Total) Daily Per-Diem 20% for Breakfast 80% for Dinner
$68 $14 $54
$74 $15 $59
$80 $16 $64
$86 $17 $69
$92 $18 $74

Travel in Proximity of Official Station or Home

When an employee is assigned to work at an alternate work location which is less than 35 miles from either his or her home or his or her official station, the employee is not considered to be in travel status, but rather is considered to be traveling in proximity of his or her official station. When traveling in proximity of home or official station, an employee using a personal vehicle, is, as outlined below, entitled to reimbursement of transportation expenses associated with travel:

  • From home to an alternate work location.
  • Between the official station and an alternate work location.
  • Between alternate work locations.

When travel is from an employee’s home to an alternate work location, transportation expenses must be reimbursed using the lesser of 1) mileage between the employee’s home and the alternate work location, or 2) mileage between the employee’s official station and the alternate work location, times the Internal Revenue Service mileage reimbursement rate. This reimbursement method is called the “lesser of mileage rule.”

When travel is between an employee’s official station and an alternate work location, or between two or more alternate work locations, transportation expenses will be reimbursed by payment for the actual mileage between such locations, times the Internal Revenue Service mileage reimbursement rate.

The expense of meals or lodging within the proximity of the official station will not normally be reimbursed, unless it is in the best interest of the State as determined by the head of SUNY Oneonta's Business Office.

No transportation costs will be allowed between any employee's home and his or her official station.

If you have any questions, regarding this information, please contact Daniel Peters at 607-436-2555 or John Villanti at 607-436-2583.

Travelers should use the most efficient and cost effective method of transportation available. When choosing a method of transportation, several factors should be considered:

  • Distance being traveled.
  • Travel time.
  • Number of travelers.
  • Number of locations to be visited.
  • Type of transportation available.

Common Carrier

Often times the most efficient and cost effective method of transportation is using a common carrier such as a train, bus, taxicab, or airplane. Travelers should schedule coach accommodations, from the closest, most cost effective airport, when traveling by commercial air. The passenger’s portion of the airline ticket or an e-ticket must be submitted with the travel voucher. Reimbursement is not allowed for extra options, such as seats, advanced boarding, etc.

Train travel on Amtrak will be reimbursed at the current government coach rate - no business class. The ticket or receipt must be copied or attached and included with the travel voucher.

When a common carrier is available, but a more expensive method is chosen, without sufficient justification, agencies may reimburse only the common carrier rate. If a trip is canceled at the direction of SUNY Oneonta, the traveler will not be responsible for any costs incurred. If the trip is cancelled for the traveler’s convenience, he or she may be responsible for any costs.

Charges for traveling by common carrier between a transportation terminal (airport, bus or train station) may be incurred and are reimbursable for actual costs. If a car rental is cheaper than a personal vehicle for such purposes, the most cost effective form of transportation will be used to calculate the reimbursement.

Personal Vehicle

A personal vehicle may be used for State business purposes when a state vehicle, rental vehicle or common carrier is not available, is not cost effective, or is otherwise not appropriate. Mileage reimbursements rates are determined by the IRS. (See Rental Car vs. Personal mileage calculators)

For travel from Jul 1 to Dec 31, 2024:

  • 67.5 (.670) cents per mile for business miles driven

For travel from Jan 1, 2025 on:

  • 70.0 (.70) cents per mile for business miles driven

Additional reimbursement for gasoline, oil, accessories, repairs, depreciation, anti-freeze, towing, insurance, and other expenditures will not be allowed. These are considered operational costs and are covered in the mileage allowance.

State Vehicle

SUNY Oneonta only has a few 12 passenger vans for department use. If a SUNY Oneonta vehicle is used, expenses will be charged to the appropriate department, using the recharge method. (Drivers should contact the Maintenance area at x2705, to request a gasoline credit card for state van use, at least 2 weeks prior to leaving)

Rental Vehicle

When a rental vehicle is necessary and prudent, SUNY Oneonta prefers the traveler to use HERTZ Car Rental nationwide, or Enterprise within NYS (both are on State contract). Any gasoline purchases and other direct costs associated with the vehicle will be reimbursed. DO NOT ACTIVATE THE PLATEPASS IN THE RENTAL VEHICLE! You may use your personal EZ Pass, as long as it is the same vehicle class, and be reimbursed for the tolls paid.

Additional Transportation Expenses

Toll charges will be reimbursed whether paid in cash or with an EZ Pass issued to the employee. The employee must present original receipts or printouts of the EZ Pass charges with the amounts to be reimbursed highlighted on the form, and submit this with their travel voucher.

All reasonable and necessary parking charges will be reimbursed. Note that airport parking for a personal/rental vehicle will not be reimbursed. A one-way rental would not incur these charges, so reimbursement would not be necessary. It is the traveler’s responsibility to document any exceptions on their travel voucher when requesting reimbursement. Parking will be reimbursed at the AMTRAK station for your personal vehicle/rental vehicle as there are no rental vehicle facilities available. Valet parking will only be reimbursed if it is an unavoidable expense. (Example: when a hotel only offers valet parking.)

Additionally, reasonable and customary tips for allowable valet parking and taxicab fees will be reimbursed with sufficient documentation and/or justification and submitted with the travel voucher.

Air Travel Policies

Beginning May 7, 2025, U.S. travelers flying within The United States will need to show Transportation Security Administration agents either a security-enhanced driver's license that's real id-compliant or another T.S.A.-approved form of identification like a passport. A state driver's license that does not contain the real id seal will no longer be accepted.

Travelers should purchase refundable/flexible airfare, from the most cost effective airport, using personal funds such as a credit and/or debit card, and receive reimbursement as described below.

Please note: Under no circumstances should travelers purchase a non-refundable ticket. In the event of cancellation, the traveler would be liable for the cost associated.

For reimbursement after travel: Purchase the air tickets and include the receipt and flight details with the Travel Voucher packet.

For reimbursement prior to travel:

    1. A “Request to be Absent and Travel Reimbursement Application” (TRA) is completely filled out by the traveler, including estimated expenses. State Contract Travel agents are still welcome to be used.
    2. The traveler then submits the completed (TRA) to one's supervisor and/or Account Manager, Dean and Provost for Academic departments; or Vice President / Executive level for administrative areas.
    3. Once approved, the TRA is routed back to the traveler.
    4. Traveler purchases airfare using personal funds such as a credit and/or debit card.
    1. Traveler submits the TRA with a copy of the itinerary to the Procurement and Travel office.
    2. TRA funding is encumbered and the copies are routed to the appropriate individuals and offices.
    1. Traveler submits a signed Reimbursement Purchase Requisition, a copy of the signed TRA and the receipt to the Procurement and Travel office. Please be sure the funding for the airfare is NOT included on the TRA.
    2. Boarding passes and E-ticket will be attached to the Travel Voucher packet.
    3. If the traveler cancels the trip, they must return the funds they were reimbursed.

In approving travel requests, the following decision rules should apply:

  • If the airline ticket needs to be changed or canceled for any reason, the traveler must notify the travel agent.
  • In the event a trip is cancelled, any costs of airfare paid that has been reimbursed to the traveler in advance of the trip, will still be charged to the appropriate departmental account, until it can be retrieved from the traveler.

For more information contact Daniel Peters @ 2555

Authorized State Contract Travel Agencies
Direct Travel Contact person:

These procedures apply to travel by State employees on State-funded University business. Travel by candidates and guest speakers is not affected by this change. State travel includes reimbursement from regular departmental accounts, IFR (Income Fund Reimbursable) accounts, DIFR (Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable), SUTRA (State University Tuition Reimbursement Account), and all Sate-sponsored professional development funds (e.g. UUP (United University Professionals)), Development awards, Drescher awards, etc). Airfare reimbursed by non-state funds, Research Foundation, SUNY Oneonta Foundation, or OAS, is not covered by these procedures, and will continue to be reimbursed as present.

(Not necessary if you are renting, only if you are using your own car)

If you are considering the use of a personal vehicle for business travel, please use the Hertz calculator below to compare the costs. If the use of a rental vehicle is less expensive, and you choose to use your personal vehicle, you will be reimbursed the equivalent amount that would have been spent had you rented. (Please print out the calculator page, and include it, with your Personal Mileage sheet, in your Travel Voucher packet.)

If you are traveling to the airport and back, use a 2-day rental. When comparing the costs, be sure to add whatever parking would be incurred if a personal car was left at the airport. (Typically, airport parking will not be reimbursed)

Hertz Calculator

Enterprise / National Calculator

Sample Hertz Requisition

Personal Mileage Calculator

Please direct questions or concerns about car rentals to the Procurement and Travel, 607-436-2555.

Rental Cars

Employees may rent a vehicle for university-related travel through the following New York State contract vendors:

Enterprise Rent-a-Car, 86 W. Broadway, Oneonta (Rentals originating in NYS only)
Hertz Corporation, 762 NY-28, Oneonta, NY 13820 (All locations in the US)

For reservations with Hertz, the Corporate Discount Program (CDP) number can be provided by P&T or your Administrative Assistant, and it must be submitted for state contract pricing.

Important Considerations:

  • These rental agreements are only available for state employees, or state authorized drivers on state business, such as students going to a conference. Only state employees/ students may be in the rental car for business rentals. If a non-employee will be in the car, the rental becomes a personal rental, and must not be put on the state travel card or direct billed to SUNY Oneonta. Pay with personal funds and request reimbursement.
  • Damage waiver insurance is already included in the rental price for all domestic rentals and should not be accepted as part of the reservation (This insurance is not included in the rental cost when renting on non-state business.)
  • Standard or mid-sized cars should always be requested unless the number of passengers or nature of the trip dictates otherwise and pre-approval is granted by the Account Manager.
  • “Extras” such as GPS devices and satellite radio will not be funded from university accounts and will not be reimbursed.
  • Note the amount of gas in the car when leaving the rental location and return the car with the same amount of gas (or as close as possible). Be sure to obtain receipts for reimbursement for gas purchases. If returning from a trip between the hours of 6am-3:30pm (M-F) the campus gas pump can be accessed to refill the vehicle. A PIN is required to do this. Call Facilities Maintenance at x2507 at least a week BEFORE your trip to obtain a PIN. The PIN works in conjunction with a pump key available at the MOC garage office.
  • One-way rentals from Hertz, at participating locations (including most airports), are available at no additional cost if the trip is less than 500 miles; concession/surcharge fees may apply at some airports
  • One-way rentals from Enterprise, including to/from airports, incurs significant drop fees - please do not use them.
  • Before you travel, you must confirm your membership in person at the Hertz office before drop-off services can be used and Hertz must have a current copy of your driver's license. Important: You must complete the rental agreement log given to you with the keys and call Hertz immediately upon return to let them know the rental has been returned to campus. Failure to notify hertz of the rental return will result in additional rental fees!
  • PlatePass (EZ Pass) through Hertz has become cost prohibitive, please DO NOT activate it. If you have a personal EZ Pass you can use it in the rental car, as long as it is the same car-class. Just log into your account on-line and submit the statement for reimbursement.

Contact Information

Enterprise -
Contract: Reserve Online - for business rentals, be sure to select "Business"
By Telephone: 607-433-1000

Hertz - contact your Administrative Asst or P&T for CDP code if you don't have it.
For business rentals, be sure to select "Business"
By Telephone: 607-433-8755
Business use rentals only, may be direct billed to SUNY Oneonta. Please contact your Administrative Assistant to make a reservation.

For Direct bill rentals originating in Oneonta, or returning from an airport within NYS - Admins have confidential direct bill forms, that will be emailed to:

For Direct bill rentals originating elsewhere, the reservation will be made online, using the Applicant Number - see your administrative assistant or call P&T

Once the reservation is made or the form is sent to Hertz, please print the confirmation or form and forward to Procurement and Travel, with a purchase requisition made out to Hertz.

  1. Notify your supervisor that you were in an accident.
  2. Notify the Finance and Admin Office (x2081), and MOC (3106) of the accident.
  3. Personal Vehicle: Contact your insurer and your credit card company if they offer coverage.
  4. University Owned Vehicle: Whenever a state vehicle is involved in an accident we are required to submit paperwork to OGS usually within 48 hours. Completion of an MV-104 is required. If no police report is taken at the scene, please see UPD (x3550) as soon as possible. They are on campus 24/7 365. The police report and MV-104 should be submitted to MOC (Facilities Operations).

If you are in a Rental Car:

The NYS contract provides for Loss Damage Waiver and liability insurance (25/50/10), but all of the normal paperwork will be required, such as accident reports, MV104 and a Hertz or Enterprise Vehicle Incident Report.

Please note that if the losses exceed the liability limits of the rental car coverage, the accident will have to be processed through the traveler's personal auto insurance, before the State of New York covers any portion of the loss. This coverage in NY is $25K per person for bodily injury, with a maximum of $50K per occurrence (per accident), and $10K property damage. If the damage is likely over these limits, the traveler should report the accident to their personal insurance at the time of the accident.

Contact our local Hertz Office to report the accident 607-433-8755

Contact our local Enterprise Office to report the accident 607-433-1000

Follow the protocol printed on the rental car folio:

  1. Accidents, Theft, And Vandalism

You must promptly and properly report any accident, theft or vandalism involving the Car to the rental company, and to the police, in the jurisdiction in which such incident takes place. You should obtain details of witnesses and other vehicles involved and their drivers, owners and relevant insurances wherever possible. If You or any Authorized Operator receive any papers relating to such an incident, those papers must be promptly given to the rental company. You and any Authorized Operators must cooperate fully with the rental company's investigation of such incident and defense of any resulting claim. Failure to cooperate fully may void all liability protection, LDW, PAI/PEC and LIS. You and any Authorized Operators authorize the insurance company to obtain any records or information relating to any incident, irrevocably and unconditionally consent and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the jurisdiction in which the incident occurs and waive any right to object to such jurisdiction.

Travelers must provide receipts with their travel vouchers in accordance with the information below:

Transportation by Common Carrier (Train, bus, airplane, subway) Ticket stub if purchase price is printed on the stub; or email receipt/eticket
Taxi Original receipt
Rental car Original receipt showing rental times
Tolls – EZ Pass EZ Pass statement with charges highlighted
Tolls – Cash Original receipt
Gas Original receipt
Day Trip Meals – Receipted Original detailed receipt - showing what was ordered
Hotels – Receipted Original hotel receipt showing a zero balance, method of payment, and the names(s) of the Traveler(s). (If sharing the room, each Traveler must pay their own portion, and get their OWN receipt to get the meal per diem) This is the proof the auditors require to show the person was actually there and is entitled to the reimbursement.
Miscellaneous and Incidental Expenses Original receipts
Personal Mileage Reimbursement ALWAYS requires the Personal Mileage Form (AC160) AND a Hertz calculation form (if the trip is more than 100 miles)

Travel outside of the continental United States is reimbursed based on the maximum per diem allowance established by the U.S. Department of State. The foreign per diem rates are published monthly and are available on the U.S. Department of State website.

All travelers to foreign destinations must complete and submit an Export Control Form to the Research Foundation - Bacon Hall, before their trip.

Foreign travel rates provide for lodging costs up to a maximum amount and an allowance for meals and incidental expenses. Similar to Method 2, the meal per diem is for dinner the first night and breakfast the following day. Travelers are also entitled for an additional per diem for breakfast if they leave before 7:00 am and/or for dinner if they return after 7:00 pm on the final day of the trip. In these cases, the traveler is allowed 20 percent (20%) of the foreign meal per diem for breakfast, and/or 80 percent (80%) for dinner.

Expenses directly related to lodging and meals are included in the foreign per diem allowance. However, some expenses unique to foreign travel may be reimbursed at the discretion of the agency such as:

  • Visa fees.
  • Laundry charges for extended stay.

For foreign travel, the meal per-diem breakdown is 20% for breakfast and 80% for dinner.

Foreign per-diem look-up

Currency converter

State policy allows reimbursement for moving expenses of new, regular, full-time employees who meet the criteria (see attached “Moving Expense Reimbursement Regulations and Criteria”). It does not allow for expenses related to buying a house or renting temporary living quarters. Please note, with the Jan 1, 2018 tax reform bill, Moving Expense reimbursement has become a taxable item.

Each hiring manager will decide if moving expense reimbursement will be offered for each position. There is no obligation to offer this reimbursement.

The employee must complete and submit to their department Chair or VP:

  • Standard Voucher
  • AC1099-Request/Agreement for Moving Expense Reimbursement
  • Either a Bill of Lading and Receipt from the freight company, or the receipt from a moving van rental company; and, in either case, two quotes from other companies.
  • A statement of personal mileage if they drove a personal vehicle.
  • Receipts for gasoline / tolls for a rental vehicle.

Moving Expense Reimbursement Regulations and Criteria

Candidate must move within one year of appointment.

New Employees must be hired for more than one year to be eligible. If the new-hire does not stay for over a year, they are responsible for returning the moving expense reimbursement amount to the state.

Payment is made to employee on a reimbursement basis only.

Place of employment must be more than 35 miles from previous place of employment.

Place of residence must be more than 35 miles from previous residence.

Maximum reimbursement allowed by SUNY Oneonta is TBD.

If a commercial mover is used, the following is required and eligible for reimbursement:

  • Use of a carrier authorized by the New York State Public Service Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission to perform such services.
  • Household goods such as reasonable items of furniture, furnishings, clothing, appliances, tools and equipment, including necessary expenditures for items such as pianos, refrigerators and deep freezers. Weight up to 12,000 lbs.
  • Cost of packaging/unpacking of household and personal effects if services provided by the carrier are used.
  • Must present 3 quotes from different vendors.

Excluded from eligibility for reimbursement are the following: automobiles and other motor vehicles, trailers other than house trailers used as residences, building materials, animals raised for profit, farming equipment, livestock, boats, belongings not the property of the appointee’s immediate family, belongs related to commercial enterprises engaged in by the appointee or his family.

If rental trailers or trucks from commercial establishment are used, the following is required:

Three competitive quotes from three vendors. Reimbursement shall be made at the rate of the lowest bidder.

Family transportation moving expense shall be based upon the following:

Cost of transportation of appointee and his/her family to the new location at the rate allowed by the IRS for the use of personally-owned automobiles for moving. (Find rate at: IRS Standard Mileage Rates)

Payment will be made for ONE automobile only regardless of the number owned or actual method of transportation used.

Expenses other than those listed above will not be reimbursed. Personal costs for employee and family member relocation are limited to reimbursement for expenses up to the mileage rate for one vehicle on the most direct route from the previous residence to the new residence, regardless of the actual mode of transportation used.

No other expenses are permitted for reimbursement under NY State policy, including but not limited to: lodging and meals for employee and family travel, pre-employment visits to secure housing, real estate sale or closing costs, rent or lodging in the new location, post-employment travel to previous residence prior to household move, multiple trips to accomplish household move, or storage of belongings pending household move.

Revised 5/2018

Reimbursement of travel expenses for candidates and certain other kinds of non-employee travel is allowable.


Candidates are eligible for reimbursement for transportation, meals, lodging, and other travel expenses at employee rates. The amount of reimbursement may be limited by the funding for the search in a given instance. Such individuals should complete a travel voucher and be sure to sign it.

The travel voucher, receipts and interview schedule should be accompanied by a Purchase Requisition, made out to the traveler, from the appropriate department. Be sure to include the dates of the visit and the position for which the candidate was interviewing.

Candidates may be allowed reimbursement for taxes paid, if they are not otherwise employed by New York State.

Candidate Travel Letter

We are looking forward to seeing you in Oneonta!

We are happy you have accepted the invitation to interview at the SUNY Oneonta.
Here is some information to help you plan your travel:

  • Our nearest airports are Albany, NY, and Binghamton, NY – both about 75 miles away. (An easy highway drive.) Coach flights will be reimbursed, not including flight insurance, preferred seating or early boarding.
  • Our nearest Amtrak station is Albany/Rensselaer, about 80 miles away. Coach seats will be reimbursed.
  • If you choose to rent a car, please select a mid-size car. Insurance is reimbursable, but extras, such as GPS, are not.
  • There is no need to make lodging arrangements, the department will make them for you, and SUNY Oneonta will pay the hotel directly for your stay.
  • The meal per-diem allowance, for any meals on your own, is the GSA rate for Oneonta, NY. Please take the total allowed for a day and use 80% for dinner and 20% for breakfast. We don't calculate lunch.
  • Using your personal vehicle will be reimbursed at the IRS standard rate, parking and tolls will also be reimbursed, so keep the receipts!

Please submit all original receipts to the department secretary for processing.

We look forward to meeting you, and hope you enjoy your visit to Oneonta!

Other Non-Employees:

There are too many non-employee scenarios to cover well here. Their travel reimbursement is usually dependent on their agreement or contract, and whether they received an honorarium. Please see the SUNY Oneonta Meals and Refreshments Policy

If you have a question, please contact us.

Tips and Gratuities


  • Gratuities added to a hotel bill, because they become part of the lodging cost (allowable up to State maximums).
  • 15-20% tips for meals, within maximum meal rates, whether or not the receipt shows the tip.
  • Tips to cab drivers, as mentioned in Receipts are allowable.

Not Allowable

  • Tips to bell boys, parking lot attendants, room attendants, or any other situation where there is a choice made by the individual to tip. According to the State Comptroller's Office, such tips become a personal expense, and are covered by the Meals and Incidentals per-diem rate.

Telephone And Other Communication Services

Necessary local and long distance telephone calls for business purposes are reimbursable when appropriately documented on the travel voucher. Long distance telephone calls must be supported by listing on the form: name of party called, date of call, and reason for call. For local calls, only date of call is required.

With respect to telegrams, the name and address of the person to whom the telegram was sent and the date must be noted on the travel voucher.

Charges for necessary faxing of documents are reimbursable. The date, purpose, fax number to which the document was sent, recipient, and number of pages must be noted on the travel voucher. Receipts, if available, should be attached to the form.

Useful Travel Links

Currency Converter

Lithium Battery DOT Regulations

NYS Office of the State Comptroller Travel Guidelines

Passport Requirements

Travel and Miscellaneous Forms

Travel Manual Document, updated January 2019


Daniel Peters - Manager, Procurement and Travel, 607-436-2555

Kristine Palmatier - Purchasing and Travel, 607-436-2699
TBD- Payables, 607-436-2020
Kristin Hughes - Payables 607-436-3351
Christine Lawson - Purchasing, 607-436-2802

Fax - 607-436-3172

Contracts and bids - John Villanti, Director of Business Services, 607-436-2583 Finance and Administration 200 Netzer

Office Information and Hours

Procurement and Travel Room 218
Netzer Administration Bldg.

Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer: Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.