
Beginning May 7, 2025, U.S. travelers flying within The United States will need to show Transportation Security Administration agents either a security-enhanced driver's license that's real id-compliant or another T.S.A.-approved form of identification like a passport. A state driver's license that does not contain the real id seal will no longer be accepted.

Welcome to the SUNY Oneonta Travel Page!

The Forms and other resources page contains commonly used travel forms, as well as other documents pertaining to Candidates and Guest Speakers, etc.

The Travel manual page contains helpful information, and links, to help employees plan travel, and complete travel paperwork correctly, and within the 30 day reimbursement window.

If you have any questions, please call / email / stop in! We are happy to help!

OVER-THE-PER-DIEM APPROVAL PROCESS – Allowing reimbursement of lodging over the GSA per-diem rate, will only be considered with demonstrated cost savings. This form must be completed and fully approved before travel begins. *PLEASE NOTE NEW PROCESS THROUGH ONE STOP FORMS*

New York State policy requires that the least expensive mode of transportation be utilized for University-related travel. Travelers may opt to use a personal vehicle, common carrier or rental vehicle, but are responsible to compare costs.

**The standard rate for personal vehicle mileage for 2025 is $0.70**


Daniel Peters - Manager, Procurement and Travel, 607-436-2555

Kristine Palmatier - Purchasing and Travel, 607-436-2699
TBD- Payables, 607-436-2020
Kristin Hughes - Payables 607-436-3351
Christine Lawson - Purchasing, 607-436-2802

Fax - 607-436-3172

Contracts and bids - John Villanti, Director of Business Services, 607-436-2583 Finance and Administration 200 Netzer

Office Information and Hours

Procurement and Travel Room 218
Netzer Administration Bldg.

Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer: Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.