Counseling Center Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of services do you provide?

The counseling center provides free counseling, educational programs, consultation for family and students. We are also available to assist with referral for medication evaluation at the campus Health Center. Follow this link for more information about our Services.

What crisis services are there?

The Counseling Center has crisis hours daily and is very responsive to students in immediate need of help. There is also a 24 hour local Crisis Unit which is part of the ER in the local hospital, and students can access that when the Counseling Center is not open. For more information on our crisis services, follow this link.

Does counseling really help?

Yes, counseling has been shown to help people. There is significant scientific research with findings that people who have therapy feel better than people who don't have therapy. The American Psychological Association states that therapy is effective in reducing symptoms and in managing emotional problems.

To read the American Psychological Association's statement on the efficacy of therapy, follow this link. For the American Psychological Association website, follow this link.

Can my friend come with me for my first counseling session?

Yes, your friend can accompany you to your first counseling session. Counselors understand that starting therapy can be hard and its ok to have a friend with you to make it easier. However, your confidentiality is important to us so we may ask your friend to wait for you in the waiting room for a few minutes at the end of the first session and for subsequent counseling sessions in order to give you a chance to talk with your counselor about things that you might not want to discuss in front of your friend.

What types of counseling do you do?

Do you do Couples counseling?
Do you do group counseling?

Yes, we do couples counseling. We provide counseling for romantic partners who are concerned about their relationships or experiencing relationship problems.

We primarily do individual counseling but we also provide couples and group counseling. We run counseling groups that meet weekly for approximately the length of a semester. We have a relationship issues group, a women's group, a Children of Addicted systems Group, and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as well as general therapy groups. Call the Counseling Center office to learn more (607) 436-3368.

Can anyone (like my parents or an employer) find out I've been in counseling?

No, not unless you give written permission for the information to be released. Your counselor will ask for personal information in order to assist in your care. This information is not shared with anyone inside or outside the university without your permission. Your instructors, advisors, residence hall staff do not have access to this information.

If you would like us to communicate with a doctor or someone else about your counseling, you would sign a release of information stating who you want us to talk to and what you want us to say. The same holds true for future employers: they cannot have access to your counseling record without your written permission.

Counseling is confidential with a few exceptions. See our statement of Confidentiality for more information about this subject.

What if I need medication?

The counselors do not prescribe medication but they will assist you to in obtaining medication from a Licensed Nurse Practitioner at the Health and Wellness Center. Students interested in learning more about medication can make an appointment directly with the Health and Wellness Center or they can be referred to a nurse practitioner by their counselor. See Medication Referrals.

Why do students come for counseling?

There are many reasons students seek counseling. The most common reasons are relationship issues, family problems, depression, anxiety, and alcohol or drug problems. Other common issues include grief/loss, homesickness, eating disorders, sexual assault, post-traumatic stress, anger management and roommate conflicts.

Are there limits on the number of counseling sessions allowed?

The Counseling Center at SUNY Oneonta provides short-term counseling, which is about 8-10 sessions. Many students do not need all 8-10 sessions. The average number of sessions used is about 3-4, but this varies from student to student. For students who want or need longer-term services, we will assist them to find low-cost services in the community. It is important to us that all students receive the mental health services they need and we will work with the student until they are able to secure appropriate care.

Has suicide been a problem on this campus?

The national suicide rate is about 1 in 10,000 students per year. We have stats on the past 5 years and are very fortunate to have had very few suicides. Counseling Center staff train Residence Life staff and maintain close connections with various departments so that when students are in distress they can be easily directed toward our services or other emergency services. Follow this link for more information on our crisis services.