Health & Wellness Center Services and Fees


SUNY Oneonta students (full- and part-time, graduate and undergraduate) pay a student health fee as part of their tuition. Your student health fee covers clinic visits, medical supplies, health education materials, in-house laboratory tests, and most medications dispensed at the Health Center.

There are a few medications dispensed at the Health Center that require an additional nominal charge. There is a change for outside testing (such as blood work, X-Rays, etc.). This will be billed directly to your insurance from the outside testing facility.


The Health Center delivers the same type of care you would expect to get from your primary care provider. Services we provide include:

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Clinical research has shown that the combination of counseling with psychiatric medication is more effective than either of the approaches by themselves. The Health Center providers work closely with our colleagues at the Counseling Center. We can refer students to the Counseling Center staff for evaluation.


Providers at the Health Center may refer you to a psychiatrist for psychiatric medication management through our Tele-Health program with the SUNY Upstate Medical Hospital in Syracuse, NY.

If you are planning to travel abroad, the Health Center provides comprehensive travel health evaluations. For information about scheduling an appointment, call the Health Center at 607-436-3573.

  • Birth control, including ​​oral contraception, DepoProvera, and Emergency Contraception (Morning After Pill) (Plan B Info)
  • Access to Medication Abortion Prescription Drugs
    • The SUNY Oneonta Health and Wellness Center has a relationship with Southern Tier Women's Health Services, LLC in Binghamton, NY as well as Planned Parenthood in Cobleskill, both of whom provide both medication and surgical abortions.  Students may contact the SUNY Oneonta Health and Wellness Center if they need transportation. 

We provide Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) screening and treatment for both Male and Female students, as well as:

  • Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
  • Urine pregnancy testing
  • Evaluation and treatment of yeast infections
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (PrEP)
  • Evaluation and treatment of menstrual or pelvic concerns

Our staff wants you to be comfortable coming to the Health Center. We are aware, educated and non-judgmental about the special issues, concerns and health needs in the LGBTQIA community.

Confidential rapid HIV testing is available by appointment.

For more information about HIV Testing, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Health Center has the following on-site laboratory tests available, at no charge, which may be performed after evaluation by one of our providers: mononucleosis, urinalysis, pregnancy tests, rapid strep, rapid COVID, rapid flu, rapid HIV, and glucose testing. All other tests are sent to an outside laboratory. A copy of the student's health insurance card will be sent with the lab specimen. Students are responsible for services not covered by their insurance.

The Health Center has a limited number of common prescription and non-prescription medications available to students. Most of these medications are dispensed to students when they come to the Health Center with an appointment at no additional cost. There are nominal fees for a few of our more expensive medications.

If a student needs a prescription medication that is not available at the Health Center, a provider can write a prescription which can be filled at an outside pharmacy. The student is responsible for any charges incurred for filling a prescription.

Because the Health Center is not a licensed pharmacy, we cannot fill prescriptions written by a student's private provider or any outside agency, such as the emergency room.

Ongoing prescriptions from outside providers may be refilled at the discretion of the Health Center provider. Students will be asked to provide outside records or prescription bottle at time of appointment.

The nearest pharmacy is one mile away, on Chestnut Street:

99 Chestnut street
Oneonta, NY 13820

Our healthcare providers are committed to the appropriate dispensing of all medications, including antibiotics. We adhere to established evidence based clinical guidelines regarding the appropriate use of antibiotics particularly in the management of respiratory infections.

Medical transcript requests must be made in writing. There is no charge for these records.

Please note, we are unable to keep Health & Immunization Records on file for longer than ten years after your last year of attendance at SUNY Oneonta. If it has been longer than ten years since you have attended, we will no longer have your file.

Please be sure to include the following with your written release:

  • Name used while attending SUNY Oneonta.
  • SUNY Oneonta identification number or social security number.
  • Date of last semester you attended SUNY Oneonta.
  • A note stating where you would like the record(s) mailed.
  • Your signature and a phone number where you can be reached should we have any questions.

Our mailing address is:

Student Health Center
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

All student information held at the Health Center is strictly confidential and will not be released without written or phone consent by the student and/or as required by law. Students under 18 years of age, must have parental permission to be seen and treated at the Health Center except for emergency situations, emancipated minors, or reproductive health issues.


Health and Wellness Center

Phone: 607-436-3573

Fax: (607) 436-2074


Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

On certain holidays and between semesters, office hours will vary. See academic calendar for specific availability.
