Transfer Living Community

Join other new transfer students in our Transfer Living Clusters (TLC)

Who: You!

What: Transfer students are housed in clusters on certain floors so they can maximize their experience. RAs receive special training to focus on the needs and worries of incoming transfer students. Offering programming and engagement to help connect you with the social and academic experiences.

Why: The TLC program is a great way to make friends and get involved, including adjusting to your new home and academics.

Where: Grant, Macduff and Hays have transfer clusters located in them.

How: Transfers are assigned to these clusters through our room assignment process.

What If I Don't Get Assigned To a Cluster: If you do not get assigned into a transfer cluster you will still be invited and included in transfer specific programming across campus. The Office of Student Experience does large scale, campus-wide programming for transfers to meet needs and provide connections between all transfer students.