Project Sunlight

Project Sunlight is a statewide initiative based on the Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011 and omnibus ethics legislation Ch. 399, Part A4, L. 2011. This legislation is meant to increase government transparency and accountability by providing the public with an opportunity to view certain types of interactions between State agency “decision-makers” and individuals or firms who could influence the agency’s decision-making process. The office of Finance and Administration is responsible for reporting qualified campus interactions, referred to as “appearances”, to the public database. Our obligation, for the most part, will be the reporting of meetings of influence (“appearances”) having to do with procurement and large scale contracts over $25,000. We are mandated to report these interactions within five days of the appearance. Those employees who are identified as potential “decision makers” and “advisors” are required to participate in Project Sunlight training and report any qualified appearances to the Finance and Administration office.

Identification of Decision Makers and Advisors

The Finance and Administration Office will designate campus Decision Makers and Advisors based on title and job function, according to guidance provided by SUNY. Each Decision Maker and Advisor will be contacted individually and provided instruction as to Project Sunlight Requirements. However, there may be times when an employee not initially identified temporarily becomes a decision maker.

Overview of Project Sunlight Compliance Requirements

Various State and Federal laws, as well as SUNY Policies, require that SUNY campuses officially designate an employee to fill a particular compliance function or responsibility. These compliance roles, and other broad campus compliance areas, are listed below along with contact information for the campus official responsible for each role or area. Additional information about these roles and the SUNY Compliance Program is available at the SUNY Compliance website.


SUNY Compliance Website

Requirements for Designated Decision Makers an Advisors

All designated Decision Makers and Advisors are required to participate in Project Sunlight training and report any qualified campus interactions with vendors or others.


1. Decision Makers and Advisors must review the following training tool:

Training Tool - SUNY Project Sunlight

(Following this link will take you to a powerpoint presentation. You will be asked to open or save the file.)

2. When you have reviewed the above training tool you must complete the following certification:

Certification Form


All qualified appearances must be reported to the Finance and Administration Office within three days of the appearance using the form below. This internal deadline enables the campus to report to the Office of General Services (OGS) within the five-day requirement.

Reporting Form

Questions pertaining to Project Sunlight should be directed to the Office of Finance and Administration at x2081.