ID/Dining Card

How can I get my ID card?
Why do I need an ID card?
What can I use my ID card for?
How can I find my current balance in my Dragon Dollar or Retail Dining Dollar account?
If I lose my card or if it is stolen, what do I do?
What happens if my card no longer works?
Can my parent go online or phone the ID/Dining Card Office to add money to my account with a credit card?
Questions about your ID/Dining Card?

Check Cashing & ATM'S

Where can I cash personal and payroll checks?
Can I cash checks other than my own personal checks and SUNY Oneonta payroll checks?
Is there a check cashing limit?
Where can I find an ATM?

Dragon Dollars

What is the difference between Dragon Dollars and Retail Dining Dollars?
What can I use Dragon Dollars for?
If I have money in a Dragon Dollar account, can I get my money back?
Can I use my Dragon Dollars downtown?
Should I use my Dragon Dollars or Retail Dining Dollars account for food on campus?
How can I find my current balance in my Dragon Dollar account?
How can I add money to my Dragon Dollars account?


Can I change my dining plan?
How does take-out dining work?
How do Quarantine and Isolation meals work?
Where can I get dining hall hours of operation and weekly menus?
Can I use Dragon Dollars in the dining halls?
What happens if I have money left at the end of the semester in a Retail Dining Dollars account?
Who do I call if I have a question about dining services?
How can a visitor eat on campus?
If I am a Commuter student, what are my dining options?
How can I find my current balance in my Dragon Dollar or Retail Dining Dollars account?

Retail Dining Dollars

What is the difference between Retail Dining Dollars and Dragon Dollars?
Where can I use my Retail Dining Dollars?
Can I use my Retail Dining Dollars downtown?
Should I use Dragon Dollars or my Retail Dining Dollars for food?
How can I find my current balance in my Retail Dining Dollars account?
How can I add money to my Retail Dining Dollars account?
If I have money in a Retail Dining Dollars account, can I get my money back?

College Camp

What is the College Camp?
Where is it located?
How can I get there if I don't want to walk that far?
What kinds of activities are available at Camp?
Can I camp on College Camp grounds?
What does it cost to camp at College Camp?


What is GET?
What can I do with a GET account?
How can I register to use the GET site?
Is there a charge to use GET?
Who can I call if I have problems with the GET site?

Vending Machines

Where are machines located?
Can I use Dragon Dollars as well as Retail Dining Dollars for vending?
How can I request a refund?
How can I report other vending machine problems?

eCampus Textbooks

What is eCampus?
Where do I buy my textbooks?
Can I get a refund on a textbook?
When is textbook buyback?
Are there ways I can save money on my textbooks?

Red Dragon Outfitters

Where can I get store hours of operation?
Can I get a refund on merchandise purchase?
When does Red Dragon Outfitters have sales?

ID/Dining Card

How can I get my ID card?
Go to the ID/Dining Card Office in the Red Dragon Outfitters and present photo identification. The office is open Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. when classes are in session.

Why do I need an ID card?
Your ID card is your official SUNY Oneonta identification. This card is required by many offices prior to obtaining services.

What can I use my ID card for?

  • Access your Resident Dining Plan at Wilsbach and Mills Dining Halls.
  • Purchase take-out meals with your Retail Dining Dollars.
  • Entry into your residence hall.
  • Red Dragon Outfitters and other Dragon Dollar purchases.
  • Cashing checks or picking up payroll checks.
  • To make copies.
  • To check out books at the Milne Library.
  • Student Activity Card and bus pass.
  • Entry into the Alumni Field House and Chase Fitness Centers.

How can I find my current balance in my Dragon Dollars or Retail Dining Dollars account?
Ask any dining hall cashier, download the GET app, or login to GET.

If I lose my card or if it is stolen, what do I do?
Report your lost card immediately to the ID/Dining Card Office during business hours Monday through Friday. After hours, please go to University Police or log into your GET account. Then go to the ID/Dining Card Office the next business day. The charge for a replacement card is $20.

What happens if my card no longer works?
If the card no longer works and there is no obvious damage, the card will be replaced at no charge. If the card is damaged you will have to pay a $20 replacement charge.

Can my parent go online or phone the ID/Dining Card Office to add money to my account with a credit card?
Yes, download the GET app, login to GET, or call us at (607) 436-3367. Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express are all accepted.

Questions about your ID/Dining Card?
Email them to: codysl@oneonta.edu.

Check Cashing & ATM'S

Where can I cash personal and payroll checks?
Checks may be cashed at the ID/Dining Card Office in the Red Dragon Outfitters for a convenience fee of $1 per check.

Can I cash checks other than my own personal checks and SUNY Oneonta payroll checks?
We cash SUNY Oneonta refund checks, personal checks and off-campus paychecks.

Is there a check cashing limit?
Personal checks - up to $150 per week.
SUNY Oneonta refund checks - up to $600 per week.
SUNY Oneonta payroll checks - up to $600 per week.
Off campus paychecks - up to $150 per week.

Where can I find an ATM?
Two ATM's are located in the dining area just off the lobby at the Hunt Union. These ATM's are provided by Community Bank and NBT Bank and each have a $2.00 transaction fee. Sidney Federal Credit Union has an ATM in Mills Hall with a $2.50 transaction fee.

Dragon Dollars

What is the difference between Dragon Dollars and Retail Dining Dollars?

Difference Between Retail Dining Dollars and Dragon Dollars

Retail Dining Dollars

Dragon Dollars

  • Part of your dining plan
  • Non-taxable
  • Food items only
  • May only be used on campus
  • Non-refundable
  • An optional spending account
  • Taxable
  • May be used at the Red Dragon Outfitters and other places throughout campus
  • May be used at participating off-campus restaurants
  • Refundable upon request at semester end or upon separation from SUNY Oneonta. All Dragon Dollar refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee. Balances less than $5 after the processing fee will NOT be refunded.
  • Gift cards available

What can I use Dragon Dollars for?

  • To purchase textbooks through eCampus.com.
  • Purchase items from the Red Dragon Outfitters.
  • Pay a phone bill at Telecommunications.
  • Purchase items at the Mills Marketplace.
  • Buy food in any dining facility.
  • Pay parking fees/fines at University Police.
  • Purchase additional print quota at the Help Desk.
  • Pay for Outdoor Resource Center events.
  • Purchase CUAC sponsored event tickets.
  • Purchase snacks and soda from vending machines.
  • Purchases at participating off-campus food merchants and restaurants.

If I have money in a Dragon Dollar account, can I get my money back?
Dragon Dollars are refundable upon request at semester end or upon separation from SUNY Oneonta. All Dragon Dollar refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee. Balances less than $5 after the processing fee will NOT be refunded. You need to provide a written request to the ID/Dining Card Office or to oas@oneonta.edu. The written request must include your name, A0 number, home address, balance to be refunded, and your signature. If submitting via email, the request must be sent from your SUNY Oneonta email account. Balances not requested within 90 days after separation from SUNY Oneonta will be forfeited.

Can I use my Dragon Dollars downtown?
Yes. You are able to use Dragon Dollars to make purchases at participating Oneonta restaurants and food merchants. Visit our full list of participating restaurants.

Should I use my Dragon Dollars or Retail Dining Dollars account for food on campus?
You should always use Retail Dining Dollars first, because food is not taxed when it is purchased with Retail Dining Dollars. Card readers are programmed to look for Retail Dining Dollars first, and then Dragon Dollars if your Retail Dining Dollars are exhausted.

How can I find my current balance in my Dragon Dollar account?
Ask any dining hall cashier or login to GET through the myOneonta portal, the GET mobile app, or directly through GET.

How can I add money to my Dragon Dollars account?
You can use the GET service, visit the ID/Dining Card Office in the Red Dragon Outfitters or call (607) 436-3367.


Can I change my dining plan?
All resident students are required to be on the Resident Dining Plan. Students with special needs may contact the ID/Dining Card Office at (607)436-3367 or stop by the office in the Red Dragon Outfitters. If you need to change your dining plan due to medical restrictions, please contact the Sodexo Dietitian, Dr. Jennifer Bueche at (607) 436-2070.

How does take-out dining work?
Students receive 2 container credits with their meal plan. Return your container to either dining facility at your next visit for cleaning and sanitizing. Just let the cashier know you are returning a container so they can credit your account. If a container is lost or additional containers are needed, you will be charged $3.00 per container. CDC and NYS Department of Health guidelines will be followed to ensure the students safety.

How do Quarantine and Isolation meals work?
Sodexo will be notified when a student is moved into Q or I. They will directly contact the student about their menu options via email. Students in Q or I will have 2 deliveries each day that provide 3 meals: Deliveries are Brunch and Dinner, which includes a continental breakfast for the next morning.

Where can I get dining hall hours of operation and weekly menus?
Visit us online at dining.oneonta.edu.

Can I use Dragon Dollars in the dining halls?
Yes, but that would generally not be in your best interest because Dragon Dollars are taxable. If purchasing with Dragon Dollars you need to inform the cashier.

What happens if I have money left at the end of the semester in a Retail Dining Dollars account?
Your balance can be carried over from fall to spring semester if you return as a student in the spring semester. Balances do not carry over from spring to fall due to NY State tax regulations.

Who do I call if I have a question about dining services?
Call the Dining Services Office located in the Red Dragon Outfitters at (607) 436-3337.

How can a visitor eat on campus?
The Resident Dining Plan includes 2 guest passes per semester. If you have a On-the-Go plan, you may purchase items for your guest. Cash is accepted at all dining facilities on campus or you may pay for your guest using Retail Dining Dollars or Dragon Dollars.

If I am a Commuter student, what are my dining options?
Commuters may select from one of our Commuter Dining Plans or the Resident Dining Plan on their Student bills or go directly to the ID/Dining Card Office to establish an account with any amount. Please see Dining Plans for more information.

How can I find my current balance in my Dragon Dollar or Retail Dining Dollars account?
Ask any dining hall cashier or login to GET through the myOneonta portal, the GET mobile app, or directly through GET.

Retail Dining Dollars

What is the difference between Retail Dining Dollars and Dragon Dollars?

Retail Dining Dollars

  • Part of your dining plan
  • Non-taxable
  • Food items only
  • May only be used on campus
  • Non-refundable

Dragon Dollars

  • An optional spending account
  • Taxable
  • May be used at the Red Dragon Outfitters and other places throughout campus
  • May be used at participating off-campus restaurants
  • Refundable upon request at semester end or upon separation from SUNY Oneonta. All Dragon Dollar refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee. Balances less than $5 after the processing fee will NOT be refunded.
  • Gift cards available

Where can I use my Retail Dining Dollars?
Retail Dining Dollars may be used in all dining facilities, Mills Marketplace, Seasons, Starbucks, Argo Tea, and vending machines.

Can I use my Retail Dining Dollars downtown?
Retail Dining Dollars may only be used on campus.

Should I use Dragon Dollars or my Retail Dining Dollars for food?
You should always use Retail Dining Dollars first, because food is not taxed when it is purchased with Retail Dining Dollars. Card readers are programmed to look for Retail Dining Dollars first, and then Dragon Dollars if your Retail Dining Dollars are exhausted.

How can I find my current balance in my Retail Dining Dollars account?
Ask any dining hall cashier or login to GET through the myOneonta portal, the GET mobile app, or directly through GET.

How can I add money to my Retail Dining Dollars account?
You can use the GET service, visit the ID/Dining Card Office in the Red Dragon Outfitters, or call 607-436-3367.

If I have money in a Retail Dining Dollars account, can I get my money back?
No, Retail Dining Dollars are carried over from the fall to spring semester provided the student returns for spring. Remaining Retail Dining Dollars are NON-refundable according to NY State tax regulations.

College Camp

What is the College Camp?
An educational/recreational facility located on 276 acres of property near campus.

Where is it located?
It is a three mile drive from campus on Hoffman Road off East Street. You can go to collegecamp.oneonta.edu to get directions.

How can I get there?
Ride a bike? Ask a friend with a car to drive you or call a taxi company.

What kinds of activities are available at Camp?
You can picnic, hike, play basketball, snowshoe, cross-country ski, and fish in the pond. Programs related to the Challenge Course and the Observatory are also available. The lodge may be reserved by student groups.

Can I camp on College Camp grounds?
Yes, to utilize one of the Camp lean-tos, you must obtain a camping permit from the Outdoor Resource Center in the Hunt Union at 607-436-3455. Camping equipment is available for students for a minimal charge.

What does it cost to camp at College Camp?
Nothing if you are a registered student, but you may need to pay a refundable $25 security deposit to reserve the lodge.


What is GET?
This convenient web service provides 24 hour access to Dragon Dollar and Retail Dining Dollar accounts. You are able to view your account histories, deposit money, deactivate card services due to a lost or stolen card, and much more...

What can I do with a GET account?

  • Deposit money in your Dragon Dollar or Retail Dining Dollar account.
  • Review and print account history.
  • Control your password.
  • Check your account balance.
  • Deactivate card services due to lost card.

How can I register to use the GET site?
Just log in using your Oneonta user name and password either through the myOneonta portal, the GET mobile app, or directly through GET.

Is there a charge to use GET?

Who can I call if I have problems with the GET site?
A staff member in the ID/Dining Card Office in the Red Dragon Outfitters can assist you. Call 607-436-3367.

Vending Machines

Where are machines located?
There are beverage and snack/candy machines in every residence hall and in many academic and administrative buildings.

Can I use Dragon Dollars as well as Retail Dining Dollars for vending?
Yes. You may use either. The machines are set to take Retail Dining Dollars first. If Declining Balance is depleted, the system will charge your purchase to your Dragon Dollar balance.

How can I request a refund?
Call the Vending Hot Line 607-436-2331 and clearly leave the following information:

  • The location of the vending machine that did not serve you well.
  • The type of machine, ‘Coke’, snack, water, juice, etc.
  • The amount of money that was lost.
  • Your name.
  • The address to send the refund to.
  • Your phone number.

How can I report other vending machine problems?
Call 607-436-2331.

eCampus Textbooks

What is eCampus textbooks?
eCampus.com is a leader in online textbook services and provides comprehensive textbooks and course materials solutions completely online through 24/7 access. Textbooks can be conveniently shipped to campus for pickup as well as shipped to home.

Where do I buy my textbooks?
Please visit oneonta.ecampus.com for easy to follow instructions and 24/7 customer support.

Can I get a refund on a textbook?
Please visit eCampus' help desk for more information.

When is textbook buyback? Please visit oneonta.ecampus.com for more information.

Are there ways I can save money on my textbooks?
For over 20 years, eCampus.com has worked directly with textbook publishers with one goal - to provide the cheapest new & used textbooks anywhere online! We have also partnered with thousands of other sellers in the textbook marketplace to offer an even larger selection of used and new textbooks at discounted prices. Just enter your ISBN, book title, or author in the search bar to find the best prices on millions of titles from hundreds of publishers and thousands of sellers.

In addition to offering great discounts on used & new books directly from publishers, we make it easy to compare prices from 70,000+ marketplace sellers! Just find the book you want and click “See Prices” next to the Marketplace option.

Red Dragon Outfitters

Where can I get store hours of operation?
Regular hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. when classes are in session. Visit us at reddragonoutfitters.oneonta.edu for more information.

Merchandise Refunds

When does the Red Dragon Outfitters have sales?
When the store has sales they are advertised in the dining halls, online & in the residence halls.

OAS Offices

Red Dragon Outfitters
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta , NY 13820
Tel. 607-436-3352
Fax 607-436-3642