Committee on Research

A major objective of the Committee on Research is to encourage faculty and student research and creative activity on campus and to enhance that aspect of the educational mission of SUNY Oneonta. The Committee is charged with:

  1. Facilitating the Student Grant Program for Research and Creative Activity, including reviewing applications and making awards.
  2. Supporting Student Research and Creative Activity (SRCA) showcases.
  3. Reviewing policies and new initiatives related to faculty research and scholarly/creative activity and engagement and support of students in such endeavors, and providing feedback to key stakeholders.

Student Grant Program for

Research & Creative Activity

Call for Applications - Spring 2025

Applications to the Traditional and Shadowing tracks will be accepted throughout the spring semester, and awards will be made on a rolling basis. All applications for funding under these tracks received after April 7 will be reviewed in fall 2025. Summer Fellowship Track applications are due March 24, 2025.

Traditional Track: Funding is awarded each semester for undergraduate and graduate students to conduct original research or creative work with faculty sponsorship, or to work on a faculty research team. Separate application materials are to be used for undergraduate student projects and graduate student projects (10 percent of allocated funding is available for graduate projects), and for individual projects and team programs. Budget requests are dependent on application type, as detailed in the guidelines.

Shadow Track: Funding is intended to broaden student engagement in research/CA, whereby a student with little-to-no experience joins a faculty member’s research/CA endeavor as an “observer” or a junior team member. Budgets can include up to $500 for project expenses, plus stipends for both the faculty mentor and the ‘shadow’ student.

Summer Fellowship Track: Supports undergraduate students to participate in summer research/CA, including campus-based independent research/CA with faculty mentorship, research assistantships for campus-based faculty projects, or off-campus directed field work or other research/CA endeavor with a SUNY Oneonta faculty mentor. Applicants may apply for funding up to the maximum allowed for the specific type of summer research experience, as detailed in the program guidelines (student fellows are eligible for on-campus housing at no cost). The application deadline for summer 2025 fellowships is March 24.

View more information and application materials for the above funding tracks

Also available is travel funding for students to attend and/or present projects at discipline-specific regional, national and international scholarly conferences, supported through the D'Antonio Undergraduate Student Travel for Excellence Program and the Student Travel for Excellence Fund.

SRCA 2024

Student Showcase Program

Student research and creative projects were on display in the Morris Conference Center from April 24 through April 25, 2024. Presenters were available to discuss their work on Wednesday, April 24 from 1-5pm and on Thursday, April 25 from 9am-1pm.

Project listing and abstracts