Faculty Grant Guidelines

2025/26 Faculty/Professional Staff Research and Creative Activity Grant Program

Application Guidelines

Spring 2025 Deadline: Monday, April 14, 2025 (11:59 p.m.)

Access Online Application here

General Program Description and Purpose

The 2025/26 Faculty/Professional Staff Research and Creative Activity Grant Program provides funding of up to $3,000 for scholarly projects conducted by faculty or professional staff in all disciplines. Funds may be used to cover costs associated with carrying out the proposed project, such as:

  • Supplies/materials needed for the project but not available from other sources.
  • Student project assistants.
  • Other well-justified project-related costs.

Priority in funding decisions will be given to junior faculty, applicants who have not received previous awards, interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary projects, and projects that have the potential to result in a competitive proposal for external funding.

This program does not fund:

  • Work that has been completed (retroactive funding is not allowed).
  • Work conducted under a contract for which payment will be received.
  • Summer pay, extra service pay, or fellowships for faculty recipients or collaborators; student pay is allowed.
  • Conference or similar type venue registration and travel; only travel to conduct or collaborate on the project is an eligible expense and must be clearly specified in the Project Description and Budget Justification.
  • Proposals that do not follow the specific guidelines and required project description format.


Grant applicants/awardees must be employees of SUNY Oneonta at least through the spring 2026 semester. Adjunct and part-time instructors are eligible to apply, provided they have a contract for the spring 2026 semester. Faculty on sabbatical leave in the fall 2025 semester are also eligible to apply. (Faculty and staff are only eligible to receive one award through this program per fiscal year.)

Award Conditions (additional provisions may apply)

  • Successful applicants are required to sign a Terms of Award Agreement prior to accessing awarded funds.
  • Grant recipients are required to address all applicable compliance issues prior to accessing funds.
  • If a grant recipient’s paid appointment is not continued past the fall 2025 semester, funding will terminate.
  • Funding is not transferable to other faculty/professional staff not specifically identified in the proposal.
  • Grant recipients must submit a brief (~one-page) progress report to the Faculty Center by June 30, 2026.
  • Grant recipients are required to present the funded project at a campus-based venue/event (e.g. Life of the Mind, Faculty Convivium) within two years of receipt of an award.
  • Presented work funded in whole or part by this program must explicitly acknowledge this grant program.

Review Process

Using an evaluation rubric, peer reviewers will score each proposal based on: 1) the quality of the proposed work and its inherent significance to the academic field of the applicant; 2) how the project relates to SUNY Oneonta’s current mission; 3) the soundness of the proposed methods; 4) the potential for future external support, if applicable; 5) overall clarity of the proposal, as written to educated readers potentially outside the relevant discipline; and 6) adherence to guidelines. Composite rankings are calculated, and awards will be made based on these rankings until funds allocated to the program are depleted.

Budget Information/Guidelines

  • The maximum award is $3,000 per project during the Strategic Opportunities Funding period (Fall '23 - Fall '26). Note that this is not per applicant if multiple faculty members are involved.
  • Funding must be expended prior to June 30, 2026 (specific deadlines to submit expenses will be provided).
  • Budgets will be scrutinized carefully and should be well documented with expenses that are clearly justified to conduct the proposed work.

Examples of allowable budget items include, but are not limited to:

  • Supplies/Materials. NOTES: Be sure to include shipping costs. There is no equipment category, as items under $5,000 are considered supplies. All minor equipment and non-consumable items purchased with grant funds become the property of the faculty awardee’s department upon completion of the project.
  • *Limited Travel* to conduct the project. NOTES: Check www.gsa.gov for the current maximum mileage reimbursement rate and current maximum per diem rates by location (to be used for budgeting purposes). For air/rail travel, get an estimated fare. For rental vehicle, include insurance costs. Request funds for parking fees and tolls, if needed.
  • Student Assistants. To arrive at the requested amount, determine the number of hours and hourly rate, and add the applicable fringe benefit rate for undergraduate or graduate students. NOTES: Be sure to comply with minimum wage laws. Undergraduate students are generally paid the minimum wage, $15.50 per hour plus fringe benefits (6%); graduate students are also generally paid $15.50 per hour plus fringe benefits (13%).
  • Other Expenses. This category includes items such as consultants, laboratory fees, printing, postage, etc.

Application Submission Instructions

Applications must be received by the deadline: Monday, April 14 (11:59 p.m.). Late proposals and proposals that do not comply with all of the application guidelines will not be reviewed.

Complete the online application

Answer all questions. Submit only what is requested. DO NOT include additional materials of any sort (e.g., CVs or resumes, reprints of published work, papers in press, manuscripts of any sort, or any other attachments).

Please note that no attachments are allowed.


Contact the Faculty Center
Audrey Porsche