Internships | Career Planning and Networking

At SUNY Oneonta, students are encouraged to participate in internships to gain valuable experiences to prepare them for life after graduation. Internships provide students with the opportunity to explore their field of interest while gaining work experience that can set them apart in their fields.

Here are some important resources to help you get started with your internship experience:

Internship experiences provide students with numerous benefits, including:

  • Real-world work experience
  • An opportunity to explore a particular career path
  • Earning credit towards degree requirements
  • Developing new skills
  • Networking opportunities
  • Pathways to full-time employment opportunities

No. SUNY Oneonta does not grant retroactive credit for internships. It is important that you apply for credit before you begin your internship experience.

Yes! SUNY Oneonta provides students with the opportunity to earn internship credit while studying abroad. Visit the Office of Global Education to learn more about completing an internship abroad.


Career Planning and Networking Center
Experiential Learning Center, Suite 128
Hunt Student Union
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Please call or email to schedule an appointment outside of these office hours.

The Career Planning and Networking Center provides services to SUNY Oneonta students who are currently taking classes and alumni who have completed a degree.


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