Leaves and Withdrawals

Non-Academic Leave of Absence

A non-academic leave of absence allows a student to take one semester off from completing coursework as part of their academic program of study. A leave of absence can be extended for an additional semester, by submitting a request in writing to the Office of Student Affairs. This type of leave is taken when a student does not intend to register for credit at another institution and plans to return to SUNY Oneonta to continue study within a period of up to one year. While on a non-academic leave of absence, you remain a continuing student at SUNY Oneonta.

Undergraduate Student Information | Graduate Student Information | Application form (PDF)

Non-Academic Leave of Absence FAQs

What is the purpose of a non-academic leave of absence?

A non-academic leave of absence allows a student to take one semester off from completing coursework as part of their academic program of study. A leave of absence can be extended for an additional semester, by submitting a request in writing to the Office of Student Affairs. This type of leave is taken when a student does not intend to register for credit at another institution and plans to return to SUNY Oneonta to continue study within a period of up to one year. While on a non-academic leave of absence, you remain a continuing student at SUNY Oneonta.

What are the qualifications for approval?

You must be a degree-seeking student who has successfully completed at least one semester of study at SUNY Oneonta to apply for a leave of absence.

How do I apply?

You may download the application form (PDF), or obtain a copy from the Office of Student Affairs.

Do I have to check out at the offices listed at the bottom of the form?

As part of the leave procedure for students who receive financial aid or loans must visit the Financial Aid Office. You are encouraged to discuss future applications for financial aid, loan repayment obligations, notification of the Higher Education Services Corporation and any other financial aid considerations.

Checking out in the offices listed on the bottom of the form is for your benefit. These offices will be able to tell you anything you need to know about your account with them or obtain any additional information they may need.

What kind of refund can I expect if I apply for a non-academic leave once the semester has begun?

Refer to section on refunds.

What happens with my board plan/Dragon Dollars?

As part of the checkout procedure, you will need to check out with the ID/Dining Card Office. You are encouraged to ask questions about your account at that time. OAS provides for a pro-rated refund taking into account an administrative overhead cost incurred, and the number of weeks which have passed at the time the student leaves SUNY Oneonta. Details of the refund policy as well as a copy of that policy are available by calling OAS at 436-3367.

What is the last day to apply for a non-academic leave of absence?

The last day to apply for a non-academic leave is two weeks before the end of classes. See Key Dates & Deadlines for the appropriate semester.

What if I want to take classes elsewhere?

You should apply for an academic leave of absence through Academic Advisement and obtain prior approval for the classes you plan to take.

What is the grading policy take a leave of absence from SUNY Oneonta:

When a student takes a leave from the university after the start of a semester, the policy for grades assigned to courses for which s/he is registered is the same as the course withdrawal policy. On the leave of absence application provided by the Office of Student Affairs, students must indicate the last day of class attendance. The Office of the Registrar will then assign the grade appropriate for that point in the semester. A student taking a leave prior to the mid-semester date leaves without penalty and is assigned a grade of W. If a student leaves officially after the deadline for individual course withdrawals and up to two weeks before the end of the semester, s/he will receive a "W" with a parenthetical grade which indicates the quality of his/her work up to the time of the leave. No credit is issued for grade of W. Once a student has entered the last two weeks of classes, s/he is committed to that coursework and is ineligible to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the university for the current semester.

Will I earn credit for coursework for the semester I am on a non-academic leave?

No. You cannot earn any college credit during the period of your leave of absence. If you are currently enrolled, you will be withdrawn from your coursework. The Office of the Registrar will assign the grade appropriate for that point in the semester.

What if I do not plan to return to Oneonta?

You should go through the process to withdraw from SUNY Oneonta. If you do not return from your leave you will be administratively withdrawn from SUNY Oneonta.

If I take a leave for one semester, and I need longer what do I do?

A written request for extension of a leave of absence must be filed with the Student Affairs Office prior to the beginning of the semester of scheduled return. Non-academic leave will not be granted for longer than one academic year, except in cases of documented military service.

I have heard the terms, “personal leave of absence” and, “ medical leave of absence.” Which is a non-academic leave of absence?

A non-academic leave of absence can be taken for personal, medical, military duty, or financial reasons. The reason for applying for the leave is asked on the application. In some cases, documentation of the reason for a leave is required.

Can I stay in my residence hall while on a non-academic leave of absence?

No. If you are not earning credit for courses at SUNY Oneonta, your residence hall contract is not in effect for that semester. Students are expected to vacate their residence hall room within 48 hours of approval of their leave application.

What happens to a previously assigned grade of Incomplete?

Even though you may not be enrolled for the full semester, previous semester incompletes must be made up by the specified dates. Incompletes not made up by those dates will revert to failure per university incomplete policy.

What do I do when I am ready to return to SUNY Oneonta?

During the last semester of your leave of absence, you will have the opportunity to pre-enroll for the following semester via the world wide web. Your appointment time will be available online. Contact the Registrar’s Office at (607) 436-2531 for a printed copy of the schedule. To have your PIN reset contact the Help Desk at (607) 436-4567.

What do I have to do if I want to live on campus when I return from my leave?

Contact the Office of Residential Experience and Housing as soon as possible.

What do I do to apply for financial aid upon return to SUNY Oneonta?

Contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible.

Still have questions?

Contact Student Affairs at studentaffairs@oneonta.edu or 607-436-2513

Voluntary Withdrawal

If you are a first semester student, and haven’t attended any classes, please contact the Admissions Office to withdraw at 607-436-3009.

Voluntary withdrawals should be pursued if a student is transferring to another college/university, will be absent for more than one year, or has decided not to continue his/her education at Oneonta. This does not prevent such student from applying for readmission to SUNY Oneonta. Students who do withdraw and who subsequently wish to return to SUNY Oneonta must follow the procedures for "Readmission".

Undergraduate Student Information | Graduate Student Information | Refund Guidelines | Begin voluntary withdrawal process

Voluntary Withdrawal FAQs

How do I withdraw from SUNY Oneonta?

Your withdrawal must be done in writing. Once you complete the withdrawal survey, you will be able to complete and print a voluntary withdrawal form. You will then need to sign the form, check out with the offices listed on the bottom section of the form, and return the completed form to the Student Affairs Office.

I am not a degree-seeking student. Do I follow the same procedure?

No. Non-degree students need to contact the Office of Continuing Education regarding the appropriate withdrawal procedure.

Do I have to check out at the offices listed at the bottom of the form?

As part of the withdrawal procedure for students who receive financial aid or loans must visit the Financial Aid Office. You are encouraged to discuss future applications for financial aid, loan repayment obligations, notification of the Higher Education Services Corporation and any other financial aid considerations.

Checking out in the offices listed on the bottom of the form is for your benefit. These offices will be able to tell you anything you need to know about your account with them or obtain any additional information they may need.

What kind of refund can I expect if I withdraw from SUNY Oneonta?

Refer to section on refunds.

What is the last day to withdraw from SUNY Oneonta?

The last day to withdraw from SUNY Oneonta is two weeks before the end of classes. Check the Key Dates publication.

What is the grading policy if I withdraw from SUNY Oneonta?

When a student withdraws from SUNY Oneonta after the start of a semester, the policy for grades assigned to courses for which s/he is registered is the same as the course withdrawal policy. On the withdrawal application provided by the Office of Student Affairs, students must indicate the last day of class attendance. The Office of the Registrar will then assign the grade appropriate for that point in the semester. A student withdrawing prior to the mid-semester date withdraws without penalty and is assigned a grade of W. If a student withdraws officially after the deadline for individual course withdrawals and up to two weeks before the end of the semester, s/he will receive a "W" with a grade which indicates the quality of his/her work up to the time of withdrawal. No credit is issued for grade of W. Once a student has entered the last two weeks of classes, s/he is committed to that coursework and is ineligible to withdraw from SUNY Oneonta.

What happens to a previously assigned grade of Incomplete?

Even though you may not be enrolled for the full semester, previous semester incompletes must be made up by the specified dates. Incompletes not made up by those dates will revert to failure per university incomplete policy.

Can I stay in my residence hall while not attending classes?

No. If you are not earning credit for courses at SUNY Oneonta, your residence hall contract is not in effect. Students are expected to vacate their residence hall room within 48 hours of submission of their withdrawal application. You must follow the residence hall checkout procedure.

What happens with my board plan/Dragon Dollars?

As part of the checkout procedure, you will need to check out with the ID/Dining Card Office. You are encouraged to ask questions about your account at that time. OAS provides for a pro-rated refund taking into account an administrative overhead cost incurred, and the number of weeks which have passed at the time the student leaves SUNY Oneonta. Details of the refund policy as well as a copy of that policy are available by calling OAS at 607-436-3367.

What if I want to attend SUNY Oneonta in the future?

  1. Any student whose continuity of attendance is interrupted to the extent that s/he fails to finish a semester or is out a semester must apply for readmission. Note- an approved non-academic leave of absence continues attendance. All applicants for readmission are reviewed by the SUNY Oneonta Committee on Student Progress and Status. Application for readmission does not imply automatic readmission. All requests for readmission are considered in light of current university policies and conditions.
  2. Applications for readmission may be obtained from the Office of Academic Advisement, Netzer Administration Building, Room 100 or on the SUNY Oneonta Readmission page.
    Note: There is a $20 readmission application fee.
  3. Readmission applications must be filed prior to:
    • July 1 - for consideration for Fall semester readmission
    • November 1 - for consideration for Spring semester readmission
    • May 1 - for consideration for Summer session readmission
  4. Readmission does not guarantee on-campus housing. The student must initiate contact with the SUNY Oneonta Housing Office to be considered for a room in a residence hall.
  5. If a "Hold" has been placed on a student's record while in attendance, or after withdrawal, the "Hold" must be cleared before the application for readmission will be processed.

Can I file a withdrawal application to be processed after completion of the current semester?

Yes. You can file the withdrawal application and return it for end of semester processing. If you are academically dismissed, you will not be allowed to withdraw from SUNY Oneonta.

Still have questions?

Contact Student Affairs at studentaffairs@oneonta.edu or 607-436-2513.

Involuntary Leave of Absence

The Involuntary Leave of Absence for Students Policy provides clear information on process for when an institution considers this type of leave and requires that campuses ensure that there is appropriate due process throughout the initial determination and appeal stages. This Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy incorporates those best practices and appropriate legal standards, and reinforces the Board’s commitment to assist institutions in working with students who may need additional time away from the campus environment when situations occur that pose a risk to another member of the campus community, the student’s own safety, and/or cause a severe disruption to the campus’ environment.

Refund Information for Non-Academic Leave of Absences and Voluntary Withdrawals

Refund Guidelines

  1. University Fee: Refundable only if student withdraws prior to the first day of classes.
  2. Tuition: Withdraw during: Percentage of charge refunded:
    • First Week: 100 percent
    • Second Week: 70 percent
    • Third Week: 50 percent
    • Fourth Week: 30 percent
    • Remainder of semester: No refund
  3. Comprehensive Student Fee: Fully refundable before the first day of classes. On and after the first day of classes, pro-rated the same as tuition refunds for the first four weeks of school only.
  4. Parking Fee: Refundable only if student withdraws prior to the first day of classes. If paid in advance for following semester, that semester's fee will be refunded.
  5. Vehicle Registration Fee: Non-refundable.
  6. Room: Withdraw during: Percentage of charge refunded:
    • 1st week of semester: daily rate
    • 2nd week thru 4th week: 75%
    • 5th week thru Mid-term (day before 2nd half classes start): 50 percent
    • Remainder of semester: No refund
  7. For refund purposes the withdrawal date for students living on-campus is determined to be the date on which the student vacates his/her room in the residence hall.
  8. Dining: Policy provides for a pro-rated refund taking into account an administrative overhead cost incurred, and the number of weeks which have passed at the time the student leaves SUNY Oneonta. Details of the refund policy as well as a copy of that policy are available by calling OAS at 607-436-3367.
  9. Student Health Insurance: Refundable only if the student withdraws prior to the first day of classes. If the insurance charge is not refunded, coverage will remain in effect to the expiration date of coverage.