Music Internship Opportunities

A Music Industry Internship/Field Experience is required for all students enrolled in the Music Industry B.A. program. Music Industry majors are required to earn a minimum of 3 semester hours and to serve a minimum of 360 contact hours of internship/supplementary experience credit. Internships may be done at an off-campus location in a professional field of the student's choice within the United States or abroad.

View a list of internship opportunities (Oneonta username and password required)

Interns work under the direct supervision of a designated employee of the host institution to gain professional experience. All interns will be assigned an internship faculty supervisor who will determine the student's grade for the internship course experience. Internships receive a grade P (Pass) or F (Fail).

The internship should occur in a safe environment for the student including but not limited to prohibition of discrimination relating to gender, race, disability or other lawfully prohibited behavior.

  • Contact the Music Department Internship Coordinator for advisement on internship opportunities or to get approval for the internship position and duties.
  • Check the Music Department website for a list of locations of previous Music Industry internships (see Internship Agency Contact Information); students are not limited to the agencies on this list.
  • Agency Internship Contacts list (password required)
  • Contact prospective agencies; send cover letter and resume, email and phone.
  • Discuss what you have found with the Music Department Internship Coordinator
  • When you have been offered an internship you would like to serve, submit the necessary Internship Application forms to the Music Department Secretary
  • Career Planning and Networking directions and links.
  • Access Music Department internship applications.

Course and section number: Music 4997
Course title: Music Internship
Class Schedule: TBD with student and internship site.
Faculty Name: Dr. Nepkie
Faculty Office Phone Number: 607-436-3425
Faculty Office Location: Fine Arts 145
Faculty Office Hours: Monday: 9 a.m.; Tuesday 10 a.m.; Wednesday 3 p.m. and by scheduled appointment.
Textbook: None required
Reading list: None required

Course Description

Music 4997 Music Internships. 1 s.h. – 15 s.h.

Supervised applied experiences in music or in a music/ entertainment industry related field with an appropriate organization or agency. Internship goals include the application of classroom theories to practical experience, preparation for entry-level employment or graduate school. Students will clearly articulate issues, identify and analyze ideas and data as they occur and form judgments and/or draw conclusions about their environment. Pass/Fail Only.

Prerequisite(s): JrS and College minimum Internship Requirements; in addition, Music Department courses appropriate to the Internship.

Music 4997 Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate these skills and knowledge:

  1. Show understanding of industry or organization customs, practices and terminology.
  2. Demonstrate professional skills that pertain directly to the internship experience.
  3. Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills.
  4. Allocate time effectively.
  5. Demonstrate effective listening skills.
  6. Participate well as a team member and build a strong professional network.
  7. Adapt effectively to changing conditions.
  8. Demonstrate appropriate workplace attitudes.
  9. Demonstrate effective management of individual behavior.
  10. Demonstrate ethical standards appropriate to the internship site.

University Requirements

  • Overall grade point average of at least 2.0
  • Completion of 57 semester hours (Jr. or Sr. standing), including a minimum of 12 s.h. at Oneonta.

Music Department Requirements

  1. Completion of 360 contact hours of approved internship hours, fulfillment of the Music Department Internship Learning Objectives, and successful completion of all assignments to fulfill the academic component of the internship.
  2. Students must register for a minimum of 3 s.h. of credit and may register for up to 15 s.h. during the academic year or 12 s.h. during the summer. Music Industry faculty will evaluate successful completion of all requirements.
  3. Students may earn ONLY (1) s.h. of internship credit for an Oneonta area or Virtual internship unless prior approval has been granted.
  4. Credit is granted on the basis of 1 s.h. for each full work week (normally 40 hours) as well as successful completion of the academic component required by the Music Department.
  5. For internships of up to 3 s.h. of credit, the student is also required to work 80 concurrent hours of field experience for each semester hour of credit. For internships of 4 or more semester hours, there is a corresponding decrease in the supplementary experience hours required to fulfill the departmental 360 contact hour requirement (See chart below). Internship/supplementary experiences may be served entirely in one semester or may be split amongst more than one semester. Credit may be earned by serving one internship/ supplementary experience or a combination of more than one internship and concurrent field experience. All internships must be approved by the Music Department to be eligible for academic credit.

The completion of a 3 s.h. internship requires 120 hours of internship plus 240 concurrent hours of Supplementary Experience and successful completion of the required Music Department Learning Objectives and academic component to fulfill the Music Department Internship/Supplementary Experience requirement.

Internship Assignments and Requirements

Weekly student reports posted to Blackboard are a necessary and important validation of the internship hours served and Learning Outcomes achieved. FAILURE TO MAKE WEEKLY REPORTS MAY BE CAUSE FOR RECEIVING A FAILING GRADE IN THE INTERNSHIP. The weekly report should be a brief statement regarding progress of the internship, the number of hours served, and the student's description of what is being learned by direct reference to the course Learning Outcomes listed above. The student should discuss the various tasks she/he has been asked to do at the internship site, and whether interaction with the site supervisor is helpful. Interns are required to check their SUNY Oneonta email at least 3 times spaced throughout each week. Faculty communication with the intern may be made on Blackboard and also via the student's SUNY Oneonta email address. All interns must have reliable access to the Internet and email during the entire internship period. It is strongly suggested that interns DO NOT use their internship supervisor's server to send email to the faculty supervisor. If you are concerned that you might not be able to complete your required internship hours by the end of the semester, please be sure to contact your SUNY Oneonta internship instructor as soon as possible.

  1. Faculty/Site Supervisor Consultation: The faculty supervisor will request a brief on-site or other consultation with the internship agency supervisor to ascertain the student's responsibilities and progress in the internship. The faculty supervisor will also speak separately with the student about the internship.
  2. Internship Agency Evaluation: Near the end of the internship, the Music Department will send a brief student evaluation form to the on-site supervisor. Although the site supervisor's assessment of student intern performance will be requested, the student’s internship grade will be determined by the faculty member.
  3. Successful Completion of Minimum Required Internship Hours and Concurrent Supplementary Experience at Approved Internship Site or Assigned Virtual Work and Interaction with Site Supervisor.

Internship Required Hours and Credits

Internship Credits

Contact Hours

Required Contact Hours of
Concurrent Supplementary Experience














































Final Grade Breakdown
Required Assignment Percent of Final Grade
Completion of required internship work hours 50%
Submission of satisfactory weekly reports 40%
Final Internship Learning Outcomes Report 10%
Total 100%

Note: If you have applied for graduation and have not finished requirements by the end of the term, you will need to resubmit a degree application and application fee for graduation in a later semester to the Registrar's Office.

  • Credit is P/F Only
  • Credits received are NOT Liberal Arts Credits, but will satisfy total upper division requirements
  • Credits earned 1-15 credits during Fall/Spring semester: 12 semester hours for summer internships

Information for Participating Agencies

  • No payment is required from the host agency, although many companies choose to pay students or reimburse students for travel and other expenses associated with the internship. Students are not prohibited from earning a salary.
  • Near the end of the internship, the Music Department will send a brief evaluation form to the on-site supervisor for assessment of the student’s work.
  • Provide an orientation to the internship site
  • Respond in a timely fashion to communication from the internship faculty member
  • Affirm organization acceptance for a supervisory duty and be responsible for the actions of student interns while the internship is being served
  • Promptly notify the internship faculty instructor regarding any questions of the student intern’s performance or presence
  • Provide a safe environment for the student including but not limited to prohibition of discrimination relating to gender, race, disability or other lawfully prohibited behavior.
  • Provide opportunity for the student to meet professionals in the field
  • Clearly discuss the requirements of the internship with the student intern
  • Work with the student to complete on-site goals, duties and learning objectives
  • Provide formal ongoing supervision and feedback to the student on his/her performance