Music Major Audition Process

Audition Process for the BA in Music

In addition to being accepted into SUNY Oneonta, prospective BA in Music students are required to audition for the Music program. After receiving notification of acceptance into SUNY Oneonta, please follow the procedure below.

  1. Contact the Music Department at (607) 436-3415 or to indicate your interest in auditioning and to schedule an in-person or virtual informational meeting with a member of the Audition Committee.
  2. You may also schedule a virtual or in-person meeting or lesson with a faculty member who teaches in your instrument area, an in-person tour of the Music Department facilities (or request a virtual tour), or sit in on Music Department classes.
  3. Submit YouTube or Vimeo video links to your performances of the required repertoire/techniques (see General Audition Requirements below) to

The Audition Committee will review auditions materials on a rolling basis, on the 1st of November, December, February, March, April, and May. Notice of application status will be sent via email by the 21st of each month listed above.

In some cases, the Committee may recommend that you be admitted on probationary terms. In this case, you will be required to take lessons during your first semester to work on any areas that need improvement and submit a second audition for the program.

General Audition Requirements for the BA in Music

All auditions videos must include:

  1. Performance of two contrasting selections
  2. Major scales and arpeggios, and fundamentals, rudiments, or vocalizations specific to your instrument
  3. Identification of your name, instrument or voice type, repertoire and technical materials to be presented at the start of your video (via text or verbal announcement)

Under the present circumstances, we will accept recordings of vocal and instrumental works with or without accompaniment.

Prospective students are encouraged to consult private instructors and/or ensemble directors to select appropriate repertoire.