Opportunities for Mathematics, Computer Science, & Statistics Students

Departmental Scholarships

These scholarships are specifically for students in the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics, and recipients are chosen by a committee consisting of members of the Department.

James L. and Gladys T. Alex Mathematics Scholarship Award

The scholarship recipient is a Mathematics major, chosen by a judging committee consisting of two faculty who are members of the Mathematics, Computer Science & Statistics Department Mathematics Program Committee and the Department Chair. The recipient is chosen based on his or her contributions to the Department and SUNY Oneonta, with a focus on academic accomplishments such as research, tutoring, and independent studies in the field of Mathematics, and recruitment of new Math majors. To apply, submit a one-page letter of application to the Department Chair by the second Friday in April.

James A. Fraley Scholarship Award

The scholarship recipient is a Statistics major, chosen by a judging committee consisting of two faculty who are members of the Mathematics, Computer Science & Statistics Department Mathematics Program Committee, the Department Chair, and one student majoring in Mathematics, Computer Science, or Statistics who is not a candidate. The award is made based on academic performance, participation in research, tutoring, independent study in the field of Statistics, recruitment of Statistics majors, and other contributions to the Department and SUNY Oneonta. To apply, submit a one-page letter of application to the Department Chair by the fourth Monday in March.

William L. Ryder - John J. Michalak Computer Science Award

The scholarship recipient shall be chosen by a judging committee consisting of two faculty who are members of the Mathematics, Computer Science & Statistics Department Computer Science Program Committee, the Department Chair, and one student with a major in Mathematics, Computer Science or Statistics who is not a candidate for the award. The award is made based on academic performance, participation in research, tutoring, independent study in the field of Computer Science, recruitment of Computer Science majors, and other contributions to the Department and SUNY Oneonta. To apply, submit a one-page letter of application to the Department Chair by the first Friday in April.

SUNY Oneonta Scholarships

SUNY Oneonta offers a variety of scholarships.

The Steven Edelstein Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a sophomore or junior every year with a major in Mathematics, Psychology, or Economics, based on academic achievement.

Teaching Assistantships

Math 3995: Teaching Assistantship in Mathematics. 1 - 3 s.h.

Teaching assistants in mathematics will assist the mathematics faculty with correcting homework assignments, supervise the Mathematical Sciences laboratory, and provide tutorial help to students enrolled in the introductory (100 level) mathematics courses. Prerequisites: SoS and at least 9 s.h. in Math, Math GPA of at least 2.5 and permission of instructor.

STAT 3995: Teaching Assistantship in Statistics. 2 - 3 s.h.

Assisting the statistics faculty with the preparation of class material and Computer Lab assignments, correcting homework assignments, providing statistical consulting, supervising the Computer Lab, and providing tutorial help to students enrolled in the introductory statistics courses. Prerequisites: At least 9 s.h. in Stat and permission of instructor.

CSCI 3995: Teaching Assistantship in Computer Science. 1 - 3 s.h.

Teaching assistants in CS will perform lab monitor duties (provide an introduction to the network and operating system) to students. Additionally, CS assistants will be able to provide an informed tutorial in a specific language (C or Pascal, for example). They will provide one on one tutoring and also hand out, oversee and provide assistance in lab worksheets or projects. (There is a series of 9 lab worksheets reviewing course concepts, and there are 8 - 10 hand-in programs.) Assistants will keep track of who has completed lab worksheets. Student assistants will review labs and student progress with an instructor. Prerequisite: CSCI 114 or 116, CSCI 201, and permission of instructor.

Research Awards

The SUNY Oneonta Committee on Research awards grants to students for creative and research activities.

Student Research and Creative Activity Showcase

Every spring, the university's Student Research, and Creative Activity provides students with an opportunity to present their research and creative work to the SUNY Oneonta community.