Voter Registration


All students attending NYS colleges can vote either in their old home of record or locally, but you must be registered to vote in that locale. To be eligible to register and vote, you must be:

  • A US citizen, and 18 years old by the date you intend to vote
  • Not claim the right to vote elsewhere

Where should you vote?

Most students register and vote where they grew up, but that choice is yours. While you may retain a close relationship with your home community, you also have a stake in your current home’s issues, such as public safety and transportation, housing and zoning restrictions, recreation opportunities, etc.

Wherever you live now, or used to live, you can check on your current voter registration status online. Also on that site, no matter where you claim as home in the U.S., you can find information on how to register and vote. New York State residents can register online, but only if you have a NYS Driver’s License or DMV-issued ID Card.

If you are already registered to vote in NYS, to change your registration – e.g. locality, party, etc. – you need to file a new registration form.

Voting by absentee ballot

If you can not vote in person, you need to apply for an absentee ballot. On the Vote411 homepage use the drop-down menu in the upper left to find the procedures for your state.

For Information on candidates and ballot Issues, see the Voter Guide section of Vote411, or your local county Board of Elections site.

Key Dates In NYS:

  • to vote in the April 28 Presidential Primary, you must be registered by April 3
  • to vote in the June 23 State Primary, you must register by May 29
    (In NYS, you must be an enrolled party member in order to participate in a party primary)
  • to vote in the November 3 General Election, the last day to register to vote is October 9.

Contact your local Board of Elections with any questions. View Oneonta Board of Elections, there you will find all details of registration deadlines; voting dates times and places; etc., and their email and telephone contacts.

Get Involved: Register to Vote

One of the most basic ways for citizens to participate in a democracy is voting. To register to vote in New York state, a person must be a U.S. citizen; be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which the person wants to vote; live at the same address at least 30 days before an election; not be in jail or on parole for a felony conviction; and not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

Voter registration forms are available on the campus of SUNY Oneonta in the President’s Office in the Netzer Administration Building, the Accessibility Resources in Milne Library, and University Police Office in the Emergency Services Building, Student Association Office in the Hunt Union, Circulation Desk at Milne Library and the CRJIE in Lee Hall.

It is extremely important that you register to vote and that you become informed about the electoral process.

Vote Registry, Request Ballots & Election Reminders
via TurboVote!

You must:

  • be a U.S. citizen;
  • be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you file this form (note: you must be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which you want to vote);
  • live at your present address at least 30 days before an election;
  • not be in jail or on parole for a felony conviction and;
  • not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

How and where to register to vote depends on whether you wish to register to vote in Oneonta or in the place that you currently consider your home address.

Contact information for the county board of elections roster.

Absentee Ballot Application

  • Download English or Spanish version of the New York State Voter Absentee Ballot Application.

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Oneonta Polling Place

If you live in the city of Oneonta or any residence hall on campus, you may vote at the Foothills Performing Arts Center at 24 Market Street. If you live in the town of Oneonta, you may go to Otsego County Board of Elections and look up your polling place.

For assistance, please call the Otsego County Board of Elections at 607-547-4247.

Your government officials are responsible for representing your views. You can express your views to your N.Y. State Senator, your N.Y. State Assembly Representative, your U.S. Congressman, and your U.S. Senators.

You can learn how to contact your federal government representatives through the Government Information Exchange directory. New York State also provides an Information Locator Service to keep you informed about state government.

The most important element of the entire democratic process is your participation.

For more information or assistance in voter registration contact Bill Harcleroad, via email, or by phone at 607-436-2550.