English Department Organizations and Publications

Activities of Interest to English Majors

Parnassus: The English Club

One of the oldest clubs at SUNY Oneonta, dating back over 100 years, Parnassus: The English Club continues to offer English majors and other students an opportunity to associate with classmates interested in literature and literary studies. In conjunction with the English department, Parnassus brings scholars, critics, and writers to campus for lectures and readings. Additionally, this Student Association-funded organization sponsors film festivals, writing awards, and bus trips to museums and plays.

Sigma Tau Delta

Sigma Tau Delta is the International English Honor Society. A member of the Association of College Honor Societies, it was founded in 1924 at Dakota Wesleyan University. Sigma Tau Delta's central purpose is to confer distinction upon students of the English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies. Sigma Tau Delta also recognizes the accomplishments of professional writers who have contributed to the fields of language and literature.

The State Times

The State Times is the official College newspaper. Story meetings are held Monday afternoons at 3 in the newspaper office (120 Hunt Union).

Art & Scope

Art & Scope magazine has been a tradition at SUNY Oneonta for several decades. Originally called Scope, the magazine lengthened its title in the mid-1970s after the Upjohn Company (makers of the mouthwash) informed College administrators that a twenty-year-old copyright law precluded the use of "scope"! Primarily an art and literary magazine, its editors seek submissions from Oneonta students, regardless of major, of diverse types of creative work--poetry, short fiction, essays, graphic art, and original photographs or photographs of original paintings or sculptures. This Student Association-funded publication is circulated on campus each semester and is overseen by faculty advisors from both the English and Art departments. A small, dedicated group of student volunteers fill various editorial positions. For English majors, editing for Art & Scope is a good opportunity to meet others interested in writing. A popular magazine on campus, it serves as a showcase for student writers and artists. Additionally, Art & Scope is the sponsor of the popular "Open Mic Night" - poetry readings and music - at the Cafe Union Square (Hunt Union).

Creative Writing Club

The Creative Writing Club holds weekly meetings that include unique writing prompts and time to share your work. The club strives to inspire writers and to make them feel comfortable sharing their work (although there is no pressure to do so). They have an array of genres people share including science fiction, young adult fiction, poetry, humor, fan fiction, and more! It is a supportive and judgment free zone. The Creative Writing Club is an excellent place for both English majors and other students to associate with classmates interested in writing and literature in general.

Poetry Slam Association

PSA provides a space for Oneonta's writers to hone their poetic craft for both writing & performance purposes. Workshops & discussions on professional poets' work are held during meetings. Students compete & qualify during the Fall to make the slam team.

Edit This!

Edit This! is a journal of student writing published periodically as part of the final project for the department's professional writing class "Introduction to Editing and Publishing" (LING 3015). It typically includes poetry, fiction, and academic essays on diverse topics.